myself part - 1
myself part - 1

I am mini I was born in year 1980.
When I was kid my life was a lot easier But when I get bigger I face many problems and responsibilities .
As study and money problem . As every teen kid i think of being a doctor or a lawyer or being nothing.
I want to study but the only problem I have was money problem.
My parents are not billionare or millionaire.
They have just $30 its not enough for my education .
My mathematics was very well .
But I only know about addition and subtraction .
..... My mom was getting rude to me because everyday they have to spend money on me . We are on rent
So,if 3 are living on rent so
$30 every day . My father is a taxi driver and every day he gets $30.
Well now I was 20 so, now the time to get job.
I get a job I get much money but I don't like my job . I think it's stupid to job where you earn money but your job is not for you.
Next job I like it I love it I earn money but not that much what I get before a little less.
But the main point I like it .
To be continued .....