# My Project Guide
# My Project Guide

#Thank you so much, ma'am
I am a 26-year-old girl who went to pursue a Master's degree in one of the renowned universities in India which is Panjab University. I started the course in 2017 during which I had bad experiences in a government university as things were extremely slow but then the time was there all the students were supposed to give their preferences. All the students who were before me in the rank got the best teachers and us three students who were in the bottom line and left with choices that no one wanted to take. Moving on with this I decided to take Dr. Anupreet Kaur as my mentor. Then the day came the list of allotted mentors was on the notice board. Everyone saw it and continued with the 2nd semester's final exam but somehow I couldn't focus on the studies so, I decided to talk to her. She talked to me about my work interest as she said if I'll make you do the work of my choice maybe you'll complete it on time but you will not be able to understand and answer things. This thing touched my heart and I thought maybe other teachers are better and experienced but for me, she is the best.
Time flew and then we entered university as final year master's student. Everyone got engaged with their work and even some were getting results as well but it took me 7-8 months to get the desired results. During this time period, I lost interest in work but it was she who made me stand again and again till I finally started getting the appropriate results. The semester got over and then was the last semester in which we all knew that we will have to take extension in order to complete the work. While working one day at night when I was about to sleep I got a call from my brother but he couldn't speak much. He just said he will call me in 10-15 minutes but in that gap, my father called me and said don't pan
ic, listen calmly, I started to get shivers and then he broke the sad news to me that your maternal grandmother passed away. I was in shock. I didn't know what to do and how to understand this statement because this was such a thing that I could have never believed as I had talked to her just 3-4 days back in which I told her my result of 3rd semester and she was happy because soon I was going to be a post-graduate and she was planning to come to the place to bring me back after the degree but the truth was the truth. I came back home the next morning and had just messaged my mentor about the incident. She gave me the courage to handle the situation and then once again I was back in the university. I was lost somewhere in my maternal grandmother's thought because she loved me very much and I was attached to her. During this worst phase of my life, my mentor stood by me. She gave me strength, motivation, and enthusiasm. It took me around 5-6 months to complete my work along with my thesis. During this course, I presented my work at different conferences which were appreciated by many faculties and scientists. My project viva took place in January 2020 in which an external teacher came from IIT Delhi. She appreciated my work and encouraged me to pursue a doctorate course. The work that I completed during the project is under publication. And all this was possible because my mentor believed in me and she kept on motivating me when I used to get disheartened.
Ma'am, you are truly my hero. Nothing would have been possible without your support, guidance, affection, care, and love. Just wanna say thank you for everything you did for me and everything you still are doing for me. By each passing day, I feel the bond between me and you is getting stronger and stronger.
#Thank you so much ma'am for having faith in me.