Priyanka Dagdi



Priyanka Dagdi


My First Love

My First Love

2 mins

My bike reaches the school main door, I feel the breezing air humming in my ears about starting of a new chapter in my life.....that is being a teacher. I was a born teacher I guess so, when I was 10 years old I used to write on a blackboard or we have a small tank on the terrace, I m really happy to teach myself in those teen days. And from that day onwards I decided to become a teacher. I always used to dream about teaching in a school like giving lecturing in class or punishing my students though I still a student at that time, these dreams give me hope about myself that I born to do something good. So guess what I am, a teacher, the first step of my turning life and I like this step. Really, I can hear the voice of students in assembly, the rhythm of the bell that rang in every 45 minutes of the period, the fragrance of classes, books, blackboards, playground I can't describe it, I just feel my soul in them. so now I just enter the class. I m happy and in a very cheerful mood because today is a day I always dream about and I m doing that feeling heaven for me. I look around in class beautiful souls wishes me goodmorninggggg masam..Ahh, it's just an awesome feeling. For a moment I pinch myself and loudly said am I dreaming or what! and student stands and says no mam you are living here...I laughed, that very moment I make good friends though they are my students my view is that first I have to be very close to them so that I understand them better and I m successfully doing that..and days went like this working with these souls .. once I awarded by the director of school as the best teacher award. I m blessed with this title I went to my home I told my mom, my brother, about it they feel so good about my success and I m doing every possible way to be a good loving teacher. And I m still doing that... 

This is my first love.

(Hey readers, I hope u like it please suggest to me I m ready to improve myself. 

Thank you)

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