Shubhangi Kotwal

Drama Classics


Shubhangi Kotwal

Drama Classics



9 mins

Mr. And Mrs. Gupta were missing their daughter, her presence was missed in their big bunglow kind of a house. Mostly all relatives had returned to their home after attending a big fat wedding of Riya Gupta, daughter of Mr. And Mrs Gupta. 

Riya was the only child of her parents. She was raised in an atmosphere where she had all the freedom to choose things, take her decisions. One thing her parents insisted is that not to get diverted from studies, as her paternal and maternal side and family friends were highly educated and from business class.

Riya did her post graduation from reputed college and also did MBA from foreign University along with that she was learning about business tacts from her Dad. 

One evening Riya and her parents had gone to a party where few other families from business class were invited, few were like family friends. All were enjoying a party celebration of inauguration of a new office for son of Malhotras. 

Riya 's father introduce her to son of Kapoor, Sunil who had returned from USA after completing his higher education and he was going to help his Dad in his business. Actually at first sight both Riya and Sunil fell in love.

Both the families, Gupta and Kapoor had meeting and immediately the wedding date was fixed. " Chat mangani pat byah " way they soon became bride and groom in presence of family, friends and relatives. 

Though Riya was going to stay in same city but very soon Sunil was going to take charge of their new branch office in Bangaluru. Initially everything was just fine for the couple and their respective families. Riya didn't join work after marriage, as they wanted to spend good time, travel abroad and plan for the family. 

Riya was very fond of children since her young age, and she decided that she should have two children because she had experienced loneliness as she didn't have siblings. 

Riya and Sunil just celebrated their 2nd wedding anniversary, and they were very happy. Both were deciding on starting a family. Riya was very hopeful. They decided to visit a gynaecologist for some discussion. Doctor did some normal checkup of Riya and found that she has a rare chance of pregnancy, but she assured to do her best.

Riya became very sensitive with such unexpected result of her test, it made her so introvert. She didn't prefer to go out with friends or attend business meetings with Sunil. Riya' s parents suggested that she come to stay with them in Delhi. Sunil was alone in bangluru so she decided to go back after staying15-20 days with her parents. Riya' s mother took her to best gynaecologist and also treatment was started. Doctor asked her to visit after few months to see if any improvement is there. 

Riya came back to bangluru and again gone into shell. Sunil too started spending more time in his office to avoid any unnecessary discussion and getting nervous about the subject. 

Riya's mother - in - law came to stay with them. some family friends suggested for adoption, or going abroad for treatment, both were still not ready for any alternative. Riya 's behaviour started changing, recently she was getting irritated and angry over small things. Sunil asked his mother to go back to Delhi to avoid any routine conflicts. 

Sometimes Riya used to behave so unusual and unexpected that Sunil was worried what if she turned to be psychic. He used to take her for outing in the evening. On one Saturday he took her to a school of orphanage. She did enjoy talking with them but after coming back home again she came to her same unusual behaviour.

A close friend of Sunil had come to bangluru for some business purpose and he visited Sunil at his house as Sunil invited him for dinner after talking to Riya about this. Everything was normal as usual but still Anvay Ahuja his friend could make out the difference in behaviour of Riya. Riya used to be very lively and talkative earlier but now she had become quiet.

 Sunil went to see him off at the airport so Anvay asked him about Riya and his relations. So Sunil told him about their issue, Sunil too had some minor problem which the test result had shown and so he too was taking some medicines as per doctor's advice, but to cope up with it was easier for Sunil because whole day he used to be busy in work but Riya was not interested in engaging herself in any office or social activities.

Anvay suggested about one adoption center and the formalities for that because his friend from Delhi had recently adopted a baby girl from there and that family was quite happy with their decision. 

Next day evening Riya and Sunil were having evening snacks and tea in the garden so Sunil told her about adoption of baby as suggested by Anvay. Riya was not very happy about adoption but still she shown interest in knowing formality. Riya felt this will take time, and she had something else going on in her mind.

Riya's infertility treatment and failures to conceive and her impatience was taking her towards psychological problems. She used to get very happy by seeing kids playing in garden when they used to go for morning walk but then when at home she used to get nervous. 

Sunil and Riya had to go again to Delhi to visit their parents coming month and more importantly to go to gynaecologist to see fresh test results. In between they had to attend wedding in Bengaluru. It was a wedding of famous industrialist ' s daughter.

Riya was quite excited that day, she was looking stunning today as she also wore a big smile on her face which was lost since many months. Sunil too was very happy to see this. They were greeted by the host, introduction and all got over, Sunil got busy in talking to other friends there.

Riya told Sunil that she will be back in few minutes so he again got busy with his friends. Riya came back then they had dinner, all got busy in watching ceremony and rituals of wedding. Riya silently went where some children were playing. She saw the same cute child that she had seen before some time and she smiled at him and child came to her and started complaining about his parents that they are not allowing him to eat cotton candy. 

Riya take child with her, get one cotton candy and tell him that we will go to my car and you can sit inside and eat the candy, child agree to that. After some time that child go to sleep due to cold breeze coming from window of a car. Riya immediately call Sunil and tell him that she has headache and she is in car so come back soon. Riya hide that child with her shawl so Sunil don't notice. He start the car and reach home. While getting down that child start crying so he just was stunned but anyways they go inside and Riya tell him everything.

Sunil said i will have to inform about this to host, parents of child must be searching for him, and they may go and give complaint but Riya was not ready to understand. She was just kissing that child, telling him not to cry, have some chocolates and fruits but he was asking about his parents.

Riya had warned Sunil and not to make any call, situation was not under his control. Sunil was feeling helpless as Riya was just pleading and telling him that just for today night let him be with us. She agreed to return the child next day. Riya somehow get success in convincing the child to stay with them and go to sleep and she assured that he will be with his parents next day.

Riya was making the child sleep, by singing ' Lori ', she was rubbing her fingers delicately on his forehead and hair.Sunil take his mobile and keep in pocket which Riya don't notice. Sunil tell her that he will be right back as he has to go to washroom. 

Sunil get a call from host as they all had seen from CCTV camera footage, Sunil says, ' thank God you called me and you know it and he explain the host and parents of child about the situation and tell them to come to their house but Riya should not know about it. I will keep the door open, you come and spend a night in guest room which is in right corner and morning their son will be with them, parents get convinced.

Riya had gone to sleep and the child also, Sunil see a relaxed face of Riya which was after so many months. Sunil also go to sleep saying he has to get up early in the morning, before Riya and handle the situation.

Sunil wake up at 6:00 am and go to guest room where parents were in sleep as they too had gone through lots of tension last night. Sunil go to kitchen and make tea for all. Meantime Riya come to kitchen and tell him that i will keep the milk warm so if that child get up and start crying we can give him milk, she was sounding satisfied but at the same time embarrassing feeling she had on her face. Sunil take her close to him and tell her not to worry, his parents are resting in guest room. Sunil assure her that he will handle the situation well.

Riya and Sunil go to living room with tea tray. They see the couple coming from guest room, first thing they ask is they want to see their child, Amulya. All go towards bed room where Amulya was still in sleep but then he get up because of their whisper. Amulya's mother hug him tightly. All go to living room, have tea and cookies and Amulya too was hungry so Riya give him warm milk with chocolate. 

Things get sorted out nicely. Sunil and Riya apologize for such behaviour, but Amulya liked Riya aunty so he assure that he will come again with his parents and say bye to Riya aunty and Sunil uncle. 

Next week Riya and Sunil leave for Delhi, meet their parents and go to gynaecologist next day as per their appointment. Doctor do some check up of Riya and see Sunil's doctor's report. Doctor ask them to come in the evening again to discuss on total reports together including Riya's lab reports. 

When they reach to doctor, she tell them with smile on her face that she was surprised to see improvement in Riya's results because normally in such cases she had not seen such a lot of improvement in few months time. Sunil's reports were also normal. With curiosity doctor ask them if any unusual thing has happened for Riya during this treatment time, or recently. So Sunil explain about that child and that incidence and doctor tell them that this miracle has happened because of that child and his being with Riya for one night. It was like a natural therapy for her. Sometimes such things work as miracles and give results that even medicines can't. 

All were happy and hopeful for Riya. Sunil and Riya go back to Bengaluru. Sunil notice lots of difference in. Riya's behaviour too, slowly she was getting psychologically and emotionally normal like before.

And guess what, in two months time they hear a good news, Riya was pregnant and so so happy. They say thanks to Amulya for being a miracle creator in their life. 

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