Adhithya Sakthivel

Thriller Others


Adhithya Sakthivel

Thriller Others



13 mins

NOTE: This story is based on real-incidents about the missing of MH 370 flight, which remained a mystery till date. It is a fictional representation of MH 370 and the mystery behind it.


MARCH 08, 2014:

12:42 AM:

The passengers inside the terminal were waiting for their respective flights. In between them, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah and co-pilot Fabiq Abdul Hamid intervened them by crashing the security systems. They are the pilots of MH 370.

MH 370 is an Malaysian aircraft. It had been waiting for the permission to take off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. It’s destination is China’s Beijing. This is the usual route of this flight. There were 227 passengers, 10 attendants and 2 pilots inside the flight. Totally, there were 239 people. The 53-year old man Zaharie Ahmad Shah was one of the most senior pilot. MH-370 is a 777-type of flight. The flight is having advanced technology. For this type of flight, Zaharie was the captain since 1998. Also, he have an experience of flying the flight for 16,000 hours. For the first officer Fariq Abdul Hamid(a 27-year old man), this is the training flight. Only after finishing the training, one could become a certified pilot.

The control tower grants permission for the MH-370 to take off. The flight travelled towards the South China Sea. The night sky was very clear and the weather too was fine. There was no problem during the journey. The time was around 01:08 AM. MH 370 was flying at the height of 35,000 meters. Around 20 minutes later, the flight was about to enter into Vietnam airspace from the Malaysian airspace. People from the Malaysian control tower contacts the captain of MH 370. Ho Chi Minh said: “Air traffic control. MAS370. Contact Ho Chi Minh. 120.9. Good night.”

“MH 370 CAPTAIN. Good night MAS370.” Till now, everything was going normal. However, these are the last words spoken by the pilots of MH 370. A minute later, MH 370 suddenly goes missing from Kuala Lumpur-Vietnam-Bangkok’s radar. In the modern world of aviation history, MH-370 goes missing along with 227 passengers in the mid of the sky from Vietnam Radar(entered through South China Sea). Aftermath, the attempt to contact them failed. To track the flight signal, there would be two transponders. During the sudden disappearance of MH 370, both the transponders should have malfunctioned. Or else, someone must have deactivated it. Since then, they tried to contact the flight for 18 minutes, when MH-370 gone missing from Vietnam Airspace. As there’s no response, they report this to Kuala Lumpur air controllers.

During this period of time, Aeronautical rescue have to inform this to the co-ordination center within one hour. However, there was no emergency operation even after four hours. They hoped that, the flight would land in Beijing.

The time was around 6:30 AM in Beijing. The flight should have landed around this time. In the airport board, a warning comes: “MH-370 flight delayed.” Only after sometimes, it’s reported officially that: “MH-370 is missing.” Upon seeing this news, the passenger’s family members and those, who were waiting in the Beijing airport started to cry in fear.

The most expensive search began in the history of Aviation. At first, the team searched in the radar of South China Sea, from where it was reportedly gone missing. This happened with the efforts of International government. From seven countries: 34 ships and 28 aircrafts were sent for searching the missing MH 370. The team was searching for the aircraft since morning. However, no traces of MH 370 were found.


12 MARCH 2014:

Four days later, a new data comes. The data said: “Even though the MH 370 have gone missing from the Civilian Radar, it can’t escape from the military radar.” Military Radar is very powerful radar. It won’t believe in the transponders, that’s present in the flight. Instead of that, military radar uses reflectance in order to find out the object and it’s position, further revealing the exact aerial targets. From the military data, everyone becomes shocked. MH-370 have deviated from the path of Beijing by taking a right turn and immediately took an U-turn towards left (after the flight goes missing from The Civilian Radar). It have again taken it’s journey towards Malaysia. From the Penang Island, it have taken a straight right, flying towards India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands. After that, there was no coverage of Military’s Radar. There were no reports about the aftermath.

After this news have come out, several people becomes shocked. Rumors are spread by people. They said: “The flight could have hit the Himalayas or Andaman sea or Bay of Bengal.” Hence, the International government and Malaysian government searched in those areas, from where they gets an important satellite evidence of MH-370. Like today’s modern airlines, MH-370 also had a terminal of satellite communication. It means, the connection would be established by MH-370 would give automatic information to the satellite for each and every hour. However, the flight’s location can’t be determined.

However, the investigators finds out the location(established) of MH-370 using the connections and signals, sent and received using the signal(the Satellite and flight for each and every hour), with which they calculate the distance and they finally finds out the location. It’s created as a seven different circle. Observing each and every circle to know the location, the investigators finds out that: “MH 370 flight have taken a left turn from Andaman and Nicobar Islands and flied towards Indian Ocean.” They call this as Satellite Handshake. The exact time, at which MH-370 have contacted is evident in the circle. At last, the connection was established at 8:19 AM when the flight was contacted during the 7th arc. The aftermath, there were no connections established. Now, the Investigators use the factors of speed, flight’s fuel and report that: “The flight might have been crashed in the remote place of Indian Ocean.” It could take more than seven days to search them through the ship. The place around 45,000 square kilometers had been searched by the team. However, the mission failed eventually. Since, none of MH-370’s part have been found.


APRIL 2014:

After one month, the search operation is stopped completely. Hoping that, the flight’s part would been drowned in the ocean through air crash, the team searched deep inside the ocean. This was the most expensive search operation held by Malaysian government.




The search operation had been conducted for years. Three years later, having spent 160 million dollars for this mission, the Malaysian government and Australian government eventually stops the search by stating: “We will stop this search. We have failed in this mission. We were unable to find out MH-370.” The only relaxing thing in this so many years of search is that: “On July 29 2015, a few people were cleaning the beach in the Reunion Island of Madagascar. During that time, they sees the part of a flight, lying across the shores. It’s a small part of a flight wing. Comparing with the details, dates, serial number and Internal markings, the Malaysian government found out that it was their missing MH-370 flight’s wing.” It’s confirmed by the government. When they compared the data with the flow of sea water, the officers of Malaysia confirmed that: “The current and flow of the sea water have been carried to Reunion from Indian Ocean, where it had been claimed to be missing.” Several pieces of MH-370 had been found out in various parts of South Africa. Examining the 18 pieces, only 3 pieces belongs to the MH-370’s.


After one year, an American Company named “Ocean Infinity” formed an agreement with the Malaysian Government. In the agreement, they said: “We will find out where the flight is. If we have found out the flight, you pay us the expenses incurred. If we failed in this mission, you don’t need to give us the incurred expenses.” Using their advanced technology, the company had done a widespread search for MH-370. Unfortunately, “The Ocean Infinity” also failed to find out MH-370. Aftermath of this, the efforts to find out MH-370 are eventually dropped by the government. However, the Central Investigation Agency of USA decides to investigate, why the flight have to travel across several world nations and crash in the Indian Ocean finally.

The world nations have doubts and raised various questions: “Why should the flight suddenly deviate from it’s path and travel across several places? Why should it go to the Indian Ocean? Did anyone hijack the flight inside?” To know the answers, officer Joseph Williams seek the permission of the CIA, to which they accepts, after consulting the government, regarding the same.



At first, John and his team investigates and checked the background of passengers. At the same point of time, they additionally checked out the background of pilots. During such investigations, there were various reports and theories submitted by John Williams after five years in 2022. His senior officer opened the report and reads it.


Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah is the solo reason behind the disappearance of MH-370. This is a murder suicide. He have deliberately deactivated the flight transponder after crossing the Malaysian Airspace. Following this, he have suddenly turned to the left side. This type of turning can be made through manual mode only. If something had happened to the pilot and if it was in auto-pilot mode, an auto-pilot can’t move the flight through manual mode. Henceforth, this flight had been turned over by the pilots. Captain have deliberately flied to the borders of Thailand and Malaysia. Since, it could escape from two radars. Zaharie have crashed the flight in a remote area. Upon noting his Facebook account, I came to know that he was involved a lot in politics. Apart from this, Zaharie was a strong supporter of the then Malaysian Opposition Party leader. The same opposition party leader was arrested on March 7th before the flight went missing. So, to showcase his opposition, Zaharie have hijacked the flight. I know that this theory won’t be supported sir. But, I have collected evidences to prove my point. We searched Captain Zaharie’s house. When searching the house, we shockingly found out a Flight simulator. We investigated the records of the flight simulator and all of us were extremely shocked. Zaharie have took an intensive training to crash the flight in the Indian Ocean for several times. But, I seriously don’t know why should he go for Indian Ocean? Why did he take this training by setting up Indian Ocean as his target? No small island is there to land in such a place. So, Zaharie have pre-planned the crash. However, the Malaysian government know the same day, the flight had gone missing.

After the MH-370 took off from the Airport of Kuala, it had gone into a holding pattern around 3:12 AM (Two and a half hours later). Holding pattern is done when the flight doesn’t get permission to land down. Hence, it would start to round at the same place. The same way, MH 370 was in the same holding pattern for 22 minutes. At this point of time, I guess there could be some discussions between Captain Zaharie Ahmed Shah and the Malaysian Government. Zaharie’s unwillingness with the government would be the major driving force in his decision to execute plan of flying towards the Indian Ocean. However, we didn’t get any proper evidence regarding this sir.


Sir. There were two passengers travelling in the same flight: Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad and Delavar Seyed Mohammadreza. We came to know that both of them have entered the flight using fake passports. But during the investigation, two of them have used fake passports in order to settle in European country. They have made a plan to go for Beijing and then to reach Europe. For their arrival to Europe, the respective guy’s mother had been waiting in Germany. We confirmed that through our source. Interpol agents too reported that, they are not terrorists. Henceforth, we opted to investigate about the possibilities of Technical failure.


If the pilot’s carpet had caught in fire, the transponders could have lost it’s functionary. Henceforth, they might have been cut from the Radar. So, the pilots could have made a decision to return for Malaysia. When returning, people could have fainted due to the lack of Oxygen supply. Flight alone would be flying in Auto-pilot mode. It could have been flying until the fuel gets exhausted. Finally, it could have been crashed in the sea. Joseph Williams and the CIA drops the case. Since, they were unable to solve this case. Apart from this, there were several conspiracy theories told. Among them: Aliens have attacked the flight, Russians have shot this flight, US Military was the one who shot this flight and there were lots and lots of conspiracy theories apart from Joseph’s investigation theories.




All this could be known only when the flight and it’s black box is found so that, the real reasons behind this could be learnt. Finally after eight years since the disappearance of MH-370 flight, it’s exact location had been found by Richard Godfrey alongside it’s path(from start to the destination). People wondered how could this be found when Aviation experts(who spent 200 million American dollars) too failed to find out this flight.

Richard Godfrey is an retired Aerospace Engineer. He have found out the exact location of MH 370 using Radio Wave technology, thus putting a full stop for this mystery. With this technology, he have created a program and found the exact location of this aircraft. Additionally, he have used Weak signal Propagation reporter(Whisper Technology) to find MH-370. To say in simple about this, “There are Hamm radio operators all over the world. They communicate each other for 24/7 hours somewhere around the world. At that point of time, there will be changes in the radio waves when a flight is crossing them. Using it, they could find out that the flight have reached this place.” With this information, Richard have created a software to find out the exact location-path of MH-370 along with the location, where it was crashed.

Richard said to the Malaysian government: “Previously the investigators have said using the Satellite assumptions about the flight’s location in the 7th arc. The flight have moved from a few distance away from 7th arc. The flight is there at a geographical location of 33.17 degree South and 95.30 degree east. If a search is conducted at the location, I prescribe, definitely we could manage to find out MH-370.” 

Malaysian government said: “Yes. We too heard about your research. Only when the Malaysian Airlines owner approve for this search, we could be able to execute this mission. When contacting him, he said he is busy in other works and said, let’s wait for additional info.” Hearing this kind of ridiculous reply, people and Richard became angry and upset. They asked: “What work does the government have instead of finding 239 passengers and the missing flight?” There is a reason for Malaysian government to delay the search. If the flight is found, then the world would come to know that, the pilot was responsible for this and the government have to compensate for the dead passengers in the flight which could be costing around lakhs and lakhs of dollars. For this particular reason, the government does their best to delay the search.

The reason for MH 370’s disappearance is Captain Zaharie. But, if the Malaysian government leaked this information to the world, it’s a huge embrace to their nation. As their own pilot have hijacked the flight and crashed in the ocean. The government consider this as a big humiliation and shame for their nation. This have been leaked to the public officially and the confidential files about MH 370 are getting leaked to the public. Yet, the flight has not been found in the location, said by Richard. As on June 2022, MH 370 is still more a mystery.  


In our daily life, we solve several problems as well as does several successful inventions. For that, we depend on Creativity. Some people claim creativity to be a gift, given by god. Some may say that, it could be there to a very few people. There’s no such things. Anyone can develop their creativity. It is very important. 

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