Manisha Mukherjee

Abstract Drama


Manisha Mukherjee

Abstract Drama

Memories Of A Teacher

Memories Of A Teacher

2 mins

28th Februray'19, the day when I came to know about myself, my capabilities and my qualities. Before that l had never ever feel that kind of happiness as well as forloness. It was the day when I leave my first job as an English professor from CMD College, Bilaspur. I had joined that institution on ad-hoc basis like many other professors. In my working period I saw farewell of 2 senior professors and 5-6 ad-hoc professors. The way they get silent farewell makes me feel surprised. Why no students are there to whom the professors gave their heart and soul?But then I came to know that this is quite normal in colleges. Still then I continued my work there, giving my 100 percent to my students because at that time for me my students are my whole world. I like to discuss with them regarding subject matters. I like to spend my maximum time with them. We all together had a great time there. Now the day came when I have to leave the college. Unexpectedly or I can say it as surprisingly, I got a surprised farewell from my students along with my senior colleagues.

I was amazed to see my students brought cake, gifts i.e, a diary chocolate and a beautiful bouquet of red roses along with a card of best teacher. It's the time when I was in heaven, I salary (7000 only) that I received everything month from that institution is not sufficient to survive in Bilaspur, still I continued there only because I love to spend my maximum hour of teaching with my students. And on that day of my farewel I came to know that money or salary is not at all important before the respect, love and affection that I had received from my students and colleagues. And now I am in another institution named Career Point World School, but still I continue the same way of my teaching with the tiny tots of CPWS that is totally based on my love, affection towards my kids and sincerity towards my profession. The only reason of my sincerity, honesty towards my profession is the motivation that I received from my earlier work. The ultimate truth of a teacher's life is the love, affection, respect that a teacher received from her student is above all.

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