Ayushi Tiwari

Abstract Drama Tragedy


Ayushi Tiwari

Abstract Drama Tragedy

Maa, It's Raining

Maa, It's Raining

2 mins

She was standing on the balcony of her home, her mind racing in a million directions but the question that troubled her the most was – was it really her home? It had rained heavily all day and there wasn’t any sign of it stopping. She rubbed her hands down her arms and closed her eyes when she felt something on her cheek, swiping at it, she saw that a tear had escaped the confines of her lashes.

She took a deep breath, shuddering against the cold wind, her hands shook, perhaps she knew the answers to her questions and that’s what was scaring her. When she couldn’t control anymore, the demons took over and her body started convulsing with sobs and through the g

asps and red eyes, one word left her swollen lips as she screamed it into the harsh, unyielding weather-“WHY?”

“Why?” Wasn’t it the biggest question of her existence? Why was she like this? Why was this darkness inside her? Why did she lose her? Why wasn’t she normal? Why was she here? Why did anything exist? Why didn’t she want to live? Why oh Why did anything happen?

Whimpers kept flowing but were swallowed by the strict sound of thunder ringing around her. When she gained control, she wiped her face and tied to calm her heart. She put on a smile and went inside, giggling and straight to her mother. “Maa, its raining. Can you make me something tasty?"

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