The Diary Entry
The Diary Entry

Mrs. Rogerina entered Romilda’s room the next day to ask her what she had been upset about. As she entered the room, she noticed her diary was open and lying recklessly on the bed but there was no sign of Romilda in the room. she heard the sound of water, coming from the bathroom so she thought Romilda must be taking a shower. Curiosity got the best of her and she inched forward to see what Romilda writes in the diary that she has from everyone. She began reading the page on which Romilda had last written.
“Dear diary,
He came in my room again. He touched me again. He told me I was his 'special girl.’ He did the bad thing again. I wish I could tell someone but he keeps insisting that it is our secret. I want to put a stop to it now. I wish….”
Mrs. Rogerina’s eyes got too blurred to read further. The dried spots of smudged ink were proof of Romilda
’s truth. Suddenly, there came a strange thud from the bathroom. She rushed in only to find Romilda on the floor with her wrists slit . The poor 10 year old girl had been in their care for only a few months now. Her parents had passed away in a brutal accident. Mrs. Rogerina had been over the moon about having a little girl. Having no children of her own, she was exceptional happy to foster a young child. The paramedics were called and Romilda was taken.
Her eyes closed and her face frozen in anguish. The soft hands that held a pink teddy bear when she first arrived were pale, thin and lifeless. Mrs. Rogerina wanted to find the man who did this to her. So, she enlisted her husband’s help and confessed everything. She had hidden the diary from the police officers but, she showed it to him. The next morning, neither Mrs. Rogerina nor Romilda’s diary was ever seen again.