23 mins

Love story

Love partners are made by the blessing of god. It is said marriages are made in heaven. Indu tried to select her own love partner after a long time. She was in search of someone’s support, encouragement and loving and most caring words that she could be able to feel through network relation. First it was in disguise. She tried to be intimate with her boy friend slowly, slowly in disguise and confusing state. She tried to judge her boy friend secretly in disguise. Indu was not in love with jogendra or pradeep but she was trying to imitate the love, one infatuation to escape from the harsh reality of her life. She was trying to practice a love life, a love story to give impression of one woman’s freedom, emancipation from all bondage of responsibility and harsh duty of her life which she has been accustomed of her one type of boring way of life. She wanted a change, a great change in her life.

She was little bit philosophical in her life style. She thinks life is nothing but various changes of life style or various changes of relationship. She says, life should be the fusion of many relationships. Multi colours, a fusion of various test of the life’s that brings a great change in our lives. We must share our time in different ways of enjoying the time, circumstances and the relation. Sometimes we must love some outside environment like beach, garden, forest or the market crowed to enjoy togetherness in our family. We like to spend sometimes in party, cinema hall or with relatives in spending some valuable time. The change of life gives immense happiness in our lives.’

 Suddenly Indu discovered she has been living alone in her loneliness. She seems to be in her complete family totally incomplete and alone. She was feeling a great void or emptiness in her life. Her daughters were in their ways and in their own life style. They were staying busy with heavy challenge and competition of lives. Her husband was totally in blind faith or in attachment with his own ego and a selfishness of loving his own family; mother, brother, sisters and daughters. He had very little feeling or emotional attachment for his wife, then they both had started living their own individual pattern of lives with their individual ego. They were just living like a contract married life as if the contract will be ended so soon after a fixed time and they both will be freed from each other’s duty. They were in each other hold forcibly of maintaining a false married life where there never exists love, compassion, sharing, regard and love. They had on compulsion or obsession in the name of duty which they wanted to dedicate to their family not as a whole or a together effort but individually.

Indu’s husband Abhinash was considering indu as a very mature, intelligent woman who is supposed to handle all problems so easily. She is supposed to bring up her children without any strife or struggle. She has to maintain all. She must look after all household works as well as all financial problems or social adjustment. As if she has to compromise all, the worst feeling she had developed in her married relation that was, she could not be able to concentrate in her career due to her extreme family obligation. Her extra duty or concern for her family made her husband habituated with the habit of expecting just duty of her wife towards her family and children as a responsibility or dedication and nothing else, as if her role is to look after her family with pure devotion. It is her only duty to look after her family only and nothing else.

He was a very suspicious, very stubborn and excess demanding type of man. If he could not get his demand of his life then he tried to trouble indu in various ways like controlling financial matter and so many mutual relationship of his family relation like he cut off his father in law’s relationship. He troubled his children also if they supported their mother. He was so jealous of his own selfish desires that he started taking revenge on her daughter and wife for no specific reason; he just developed it as a habit of suspecting unnecessary suspicions, dominance or possessiveness on Indu to satisfy his selfish ego.

He was never concerned of indu’s health, mental support and her career, one independent image, her own image of becoming one established woman. He thought, Indu is associated with her husband’s name, profession and dignity. She must have to be happy with her family dignity. She should be satisfied and proud with this image or dignity of her life. As if it is her ultimate end or ambition of her life that, she will remain happy with her family’s success. The same orthodox ideology of the society, that expects only success of the family excluding the success of a wife or mother. As if success or achievement is a curse to indu’s life. Indu was really sick. She was fade up with her life when she was in search of a support of a true friend who can guide her properly, who can encourage her, that she got from her boy friend surprisingly. Indu tried to impress him while he was already in her love as he could know the mind of Indu previously. Indu was trying to trap him where as she was already in his trap. So it was one intellectual war one net war in disguise.

One contest which ultimately became true from false, disguise and acting. Indu was trying to impress him the invisible, disguise man, who was following her in every turn of her activity, the turmoil of her heart, the strife of her journey. She was finding him in her each action. First indu was motivated enough to do some works which would definitely motivate the other writers she felt. She wanted to create one awareness among the women writers specifically.

The endeavour was tough to motivate people, all online publications, e publication who used to write and publish books periodically in social net working pages or in websites. It was the main work to impress the writers and readers both in various pages; she had to create many pages for that purpose. She could realize that her lover, the man behind the pages and the screen will definitely guide her. Her suspect was correct; she could be able to convince her purpose of giving one image to the literary works or a form, women identity in the spiritual contest in making of one universal religion in one page.

She wanted to make lord Jagannath the base of one unity and integrity of all religions which she could easily make her man convinced the whole things what she wants. Other side the man in disguise was impressed by Indu’s work, her zeal of work, dedication and the consistency in her goal, he could realize the depth of her involvement in shaping the format of whole things in a continuous trial. He could know how effectively and intellectually she was trying to communicate with people, she was trying to convince the writers, the formation of one women position in net work writing as a writer or publisher both.

The man slowly, slowly developed one friendly relation with Indu which was converted to love relationship. Now he was in deep love with her. He was attracted by her good attitude, simplicity, sociable nature and above all her honesty. Indu was from the beginning true in her love relationship. That he could understand. She was not a false woman. It was now a game for both love partners. What Indu was feeling to get her work done by her love partner but, it was a reverse thing, actually the man was getting his work done rather by Indu. He was helping and motivating her.

The interesting secret was he could know the preplan, motive and pre action of Indu easily. That was the great misconception that, Indu had a wrong impression that she was faster and smarter than the invisible man but, in real, the man was faster than her. Because Indu could not guess so many things which would have taken without her knowledge , it was natural because networking is such a thing that, people who are actively linked to this profession they can easily access into all fields.  

 Indu---We imitate all vulgar actions, primitive languages, through more vulgar language we express ourselves. We enjoy that, the fulfilment of our desires and needs in a more sensual way. We become free in expressing our needs. See you taught me love is just the way we feel freely, it is the way to express ourselves freely. It is off course created from the sense of duty, sacrifice and dedication. The lovers care for each other emotional needs more then the sexual needs. You taught me life is to feel fully. It is the self expression or revelation of our independent desires and thoughts. Liberation of our self-esteem, one emancipation from all social obligations and restrictions. That is the real freedom of our selves. We are not restricted within ourselves rather we feel more confident and relaxed living in all social obligations and duties of our lifes because, we want to share our feelings and emotion with each other,

lokendra---I want to enter inside your path now, urgently I need you. I want to explore more, my feelings rotate inside your love path, my love releasing the intense need of our love, the demand of our life’s . The basic instinct of all vulgar and primitive way of expressing ourselves but, love and my emotion rotate deep, deep inside the path of your sensual love, a force, one sexual energy is to ejaculate all my tension inside your path. I cannot control myself. I feel restless. I want to be wet, cooled and pacified in your passion, your urge is so strong and intense that attract me like a magnetic force. I want to see you happy. I want to make you cooled and satisfied as if a burning passion, a fire, I can feel when we interact and communicate in the net. The waves, hundred of waves come up, I can feel, the waves drag me towards you, the waves drag me to swim in your love. One strong current in internet binds us in togetherness. One bondage never ending break, until we got each other.                                               

 Indu was angry in anger as if she was defeated by her helplessness, the man is challenging her weakness, her shyness. Where as, he has been behaving as a stranger to her not giving phone call throughout the year. Indu was waiting for one call but he never called her. She could understand that lokendra is taking extra precaution regarding his image and identity. She could understand his problems too.

Indu was searching for a son’s support as she had no son, only three daughters. She wanted a strong support of her son. When she observed this boy was in so much interest to be in love and sex with her. She could not obstruct her in entering her love path but, she was feeling him as a more matured person in comparison to his age. Anyway she had to do her work done with a strong support of a more vigorous and manly power. She was searching for a more influential, dominating and leadership quality of a man, who can activate her work easily with his dynamic personality and more networking power.

So, she realized this man is perfect for influencing and channelizing his networking site or social networking pages in getting her aim fulfilled easily, so she tried to impress him the way he wanted. She could get the signal of one urge or passion of doing a mutual work as they feel it, so, she was more encouraged and inspired by him, the invisible man whom he was suspecting as a more experienced and elderly person with abundant experiences in net.

Actually the motive of the net is for creation of one awareness among the readers and writers, one good interaction among them. It works for the purpose of educating the mass in literature and science. It provides more knowledge in computer, quiz, science and other literary fields, language fields ,so Indu wanted to get the most facility of e –publication and women writer’s development in literary and linguistic works, they can highlight their works more. The spiritual ground also they can bring one unity , integrity among all easily through networking . She found it more comfortable in manipulating the most influential people who directly relate networking websites in her work. So, she could guess that her lover would help her in channelizing her interest and energy in social and literary field as it is also a part of their motive and goal for the development of educational and literary work in the networking.

She never expected the relation of her work field would turn in to a love relation, her social work and awareness programmes would drag her in to a sexual and love networking site that she could not predict. It was her miscalculation of her life now. Anyway the turn had taken place a turmoil in her life, one tempest of love, a great shuffling, interchange which she could not balance with her real practical day today life. She could not be able to enjoy her love and sex life anymore she was more involved in net’s sexual and love life.

 Indu could predict and guess correctly more intellectually but, her own people were hiding so many things from her that she could not be able to guess. Now Indu was trapped in her own net, the net she put to catch the flying free bird in her love. Rather she was trapped in her own net. In net, people in technical line can easily operate the network connection, they can manipulate the password, IP address, and the service provider can give the link to so many servers from a single server, whatever connection people get, either bsnl, wireless or any modem through. Ultimately they are detected by influential secret way of following and getting the network information. It was not very difficult thing for the service providers. As her invisible man was a very influential person so, she could guess so. The consequences she could know. Now her lover tried to observe her personal family life because, he wanted to know where the gap is and lapse remains in her emotional and personal life. H

e wanted to know whether any conflict or obstruction exists in her progression or career. He was keen to know.

It was the routine and every day chat process which has been processed by the computer net as a part of their love conversation. The software of love as if downloaded in a same procedure, a corresponding course of sex chat in an intercourse. Both loved each other’s feeling, each other’s love in an magnetic force , a net wave communicating two bodies in one soul, one magical atmosphere electromagnetic field was created by them.

They were so interrelated in their thought, biological feeling and sentiment. One passion and urge to do something in mutual cooperation they wanted to create something spiritual, literary and creative pages together in net. The goal was their one for the development of the net education, the e-publication, the intellectual aspect to be expanded to its highest goal. All writers’ creative and intellectual people can easily manipulate the attention of the readers in a very accessible way. They could advertise their publication and books easily in net by reaching to the readers. Then they could advertise various activities.

Celebrities or non celebrities could create a lot of advertisements in this easy accessible way in net working sites. Indu was very positive in such process of communication. She had a hope that once women will get their identity through this social network. She herself tried a lot to achieve the same goal that, she had aspired. she tried to create an awareness among her readers in a more positive way, through so many concepts like get together, face book meet, spiritual gathering, revolutionary changes of e-publication through network and social media, the concepts she used in her work field then, she could get so many connections, websites which had been direct contact with the face book pages, so it was very easy for her to communicate with main promoters or creators in her pages also.

She could get the awareness, one type of her intention, and one public awareness in her goal, she was so much determined to fulfil her aim which was a main attraction for her to be more involved in net working sites. She could discover the same urge in her lover which encouraged her more to proceed in such social work. It was a more mystery but venture for her to know more about her lover. She could feel the same enthuse and passion in her lover mind as if it was a same goal to be achieved by both; they were more attracted towards each other in the meantime unknowingly though they were of totally opposite background. Their religion, culture and language all differ to each other but so easily they accepted each other.

 Indu loved Christianity where as lokendra loved jagannath, Hinduism so much. The main mystery was lokendra started creating beautiful jagannath pages, he had written so beautifully about lord. The inner meaning of Hindu religion, the significance of Jagannath culture, all he had narrated so nicely with a profound knowledge and wisdom which impressed Indu so much. After all lokendra had learnt Odiya language he used to talk in Odia, the native language of indu which made her immensely influenced by his deep knowledge about languages ,he had tremendous command over Hindi, Bengali ,Odia and many Indian languages as well as numerous other continental languages. That is why indu could suspect him as a person who must have involved in net work or Microsoft field otherwise no one cannot guide her this way,

No one can trace out so easily or predict all activities of Indu so easily. Now lokendra had started controlling indu’s activities so easily, he could manipulate the event the woks she was planning to do. He could evaluate her works, he could read her mind. He was in close contact with her family members and her friends. He could get all information through social net only. Here he did a big mistake, out of his curiosity he entered in to her personal life, he enquired details about her relationship with her family members, now he could know that, Indu was not contented with her sexual life, this weakness he could find out, that was both a curse and blessing of god to bring two bodies so close to each other. He tried to make indu sexually happy; his main desire was to make her happy in sexual life now as a love partner his first and foremost duty he felt. Indu was feeling so weak she could not protest him in her sexual life. He entered easily into her sexual life. Repeatedly he asked the same temptation, thrill in her body,

She could feel his extreme irresistible desire for Indu to make her happy. He was so sensitive and caring that, Indu could not resist him to capture her boldly in his control or urge. She was again and again desiring to fall in his lust and sexual desire for her only. Yes she was caring a lot of his desires also. She was trying a lot to impress him or tempt him in her sexual passion. But now she was more controlled by him.

The man in disguise was no more the invisible, suspicious or disguise man for indu. She could be able to communicate him directly through video chat; she could see him downloading the net facility of Skype and other Google video chat, now the real examination took place face to face. Indu had to give her real love exam, she was asked by her lover to love him in the net the way they could have loved in a real date. Now indu was in terrible confusion. What should she do? Whether she would expose her fully in front of her lover or she must tackle such awkward situation by just avoiding or escaping from his desire or clutches of strong hold. The man wanted her love exam. Lokendra converted to Hassibur now.

Hassibur—Just feel me, you can fill it as long as you have not searched your end.

Indu—what is my end can you say?

Hassibur—just to be mingled with your body. I want to go deep, deep inside. I want to explore your love path. I want to go inside.

Indu---- Do you think that is the end ? we just mingle in net sexual act, is it a complete goal of our love story? How long will you carry on such relation? How do you get the solution? One secretion ,one release of your all biological and emotional relaxation. Can you explain me?

Hassibur----At present, I do not feel anything except your embrace, your kisses , your touch, your passion. I want to see your path of love. I want to see your craziness in my love. I want to feel you completely. I feel the hot feeling of your body and breathless breathings. Your heart beatings beat so fast. I can hear it. I can smell your romantic fragrance. I can feel your soft feeling. I can see your beautiful body beneath your saree.

Hassibur—shall I enter in your path say? I am just waiting for your yes, affirmative words. Shall I? I want to swim in the river of love. The depth, I want to conquer. I want to swim in the river of love. I want to go deep, deep inside. Please take me , please take me in your hold.

Indu--- I don’t know what a magical power you activate on me . One magnetic force, attraction bind us. The wave, networking wave is so strong, so passionate that bind two souls in one net, one impulse to get each other in real. My whole system is charged with your sexual energy, your magical magnetic power dragging me towards you, I just feel pain in my body. I want to clasp you so tightly, one wave , one wave comes in the net, one attraction to hug you again and again. How can I protest you? You have already entered so deep in my love path. Now we stuck with each other we cannot be separated so easily. How can I resist you ?

Hassibur—No, you are irresistible Indu. It is not one wave. It is thousands waves come. I can see the cyclone, the tempest , the overflow of water , in your body. The river over flows, I am washed away in your love, in the waves I am washed away.  Don’t control your self. Just express yourself. Just be freed from all bondages, duty, tension and worries. Enjoy love , enjoy sex. You can discover heaven in the name of sex. Love is god. Love is heaven. Love is the name of divineness most spiritual. Feel it. You feel and fill me in your love. I will wait for you through out my life till the end of my life. I will be loving you till the end of my life.

He wanted to examine indu’s unfathomable faith in the man, the love which has been carried out by faith and trust only. The connection of two minds, it is the love of wireless waves and net. The real thrill, passion and true feelings, it is the urge to love each other. They wanted to satisfy each other needs that were the greatest faith in themselves. Indu was shivering in fear, one imaginary fear and anxiety to do sex in net. She never believed in such concept of sex love in net, which she feels really harmful, dangerous .

It can damage the image of someone easily if her partner stores all images or captures the images in video chat also. Still then she could feel the irresistible love of her lover, she could feel immense confidence in him which she could blindly surrender herself into his need. She could feel more safe, more faith, more secure in his arms which she had never been able to find in her own kith and kin. The faith she could have gathered in herself unknowingly that, she discovered that moment. For years and years she had not been so exposed freely in expressing herself, her desires or needs which she could so easily comfortably expressed to one man whom she has not seen in real. The main thing is Hassibur could influence Indu enough. He helped her in realizing the potential, talent within her. He was her real encourager and inspirer of her creativity who could help her in bringing out herself, her real identity as a writer in the social network pages. He tried his best in convincing Indu, the importance of her dedication and sacrifice is important for the society. 

How could she be so over confident and expressive she could not imagine. She was very much conscious of her self ego and image. She never demanded her right on other, her self-respect always resists her in expressing herself in front of her husband also, she was never so free in revealing herself to anybody of her family except her own mother. She could not imagine how she could be able to express her so freely in front of him. It was a miracle and mystery in her life, one supernatural or divine blessing behind the spiritual relation in between them she felt so.

Indu----I want to be loved by you. You know our interest in sexual love gives us immense pleasure of caring for each other needs, slowly, slowly it develops to one mental support when we mentally depend on each other.

Hassibur----Yes, that is called love, love starts from sex, physical contact, you know all our sensual expressions are just the childish interactions of loving each other by hugging, kissing and biting ,sometimes we enjoy all vulgar activities of our love actions once the passion is satisfied, the urge remains to feel each other. The sensual satisfaction in satisfying each other becomes the duty again, we care for each other needs more, like this we depend on each other more emotionally, mentally and less physically. Sexual relation is one way to get each other.

Indu---We imitate all vulgar actions, primitive languages, through more vulgar language we express ourselves. We enjoy that, the fulfillment of our desires and needs in a more sensual way. We become free in expressing our needs. See, you taught me love is just the way we feel freely, it is the way to express ourselves freely. It is off course created from the sense of duty, sacrifice and dedication. The lovers care for each other emotional needs more then the sexual needs. You taught me life is to feel fully. It is the self expression or revelation of our independent desires and thoughts. Liberation of our self-esteem, one emancipation from all social obligations and restrictions. That is the real freedom of our selves. We are not restricted within ourselves rather we feel more confident and relaxed living in all social obligations and duties of our lifes because, we want to share our feelings and emotion with each other,

Hassibur---I want to enter inside your path now, urgently I need you. I want to explore more, my feelings rotate inside your love path, my love releasing the intense need of our love, the demand of our life’s . The basic instinct of all vulgar and primitive way of expressing ourselves but, love and my emotion rotate deep, deep inside the path of your sensual love, a force, one sexual energy is to ejaculate all my tension inside your path. I cannot control myself. I feel restless. I want to be wet, cooled and pacified in your passion, your urge is so strong and intense that attract me like a magnetic force. I want to see you happy. I want to make you cooled and satisfied as if a burning passion, a fire, I can feel when we interact and communicate in the net. The waves, hundred of waves come up, I can feel, the waves drag me towards you, the waves drag me to swim in your love. One strong current in internet binds us in togetherness. One bondage never ending break, until we got each other.

Slowly she accepted his closeness, his demand or desire of his life on indu. It was a part of indu’s duty to give a form or meaning to such secret relationship, rather a real natural shape, a reality touch. Hassibur wanted to talk with her and he wanted a true friendly relation in the background of love and sex too but a secret relation just to avoid the anxieties, complications and interference of the society and family. He was accepting such secret relation for indu’s family background just to avoid all complications, interference, and unnecessary suspicions which may aggravate the love relation in to a vulgar immoral tragedy, because people never accept a love relation in a broad sense.

It was a journey but, a secret journey of their net relation in secret only. The search is one search for true relationship, love and friendship in a more generous and broader sense. Atlast, ultimately their search, the spiritual search, exploration of sex and love ended in a happy ending in net working or social networking site. 

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