Shakira Nandini



Shakira Nandini


Love, Soul, and the Journey to Bangkok

Love, Soul, and the Journey to Bangkok

3 mins

The mornings in Porto are always vibrant, but that day felt different. The serene waves of the Douro River and the crisp breeze stirred an unusual restlessness in me. My heart was being pulled toward an unknown desire, as if an unseen moment or unspoken love was calling me.

My bags were packed: a small suitcase, a book, and countless questions in my heart. Looking out of my apartment window, I whispered to myself, "Shakra, this day is yours. This journey will introduce you to the facets of your soul you've never known before."

At the airport, the bustling crowd, their varied destinations, and the radiance on their faces amplified my joy. As the plane took off and Porto's hills disappeared, an unusual calmness washed over me. Beneath the blue sky, I realized this journey was the beginning of exploring my inner world.

Bangkok, a city brimming with love, chaos, and countless stories, embraced my spirit like an old friend. The first day was spent along the Chao Phraya River, where the waves and reflections of lights evoked strange emotions in me. But the true wonder awaited me the next day at the Chatuchak Market.

Amid the market’s hustle, where every object seemed to narrate a story, I met Andrea. He was an Italian man whose deep eyes and masculine charm captivated my soul. He smiled and said, "This shawl would look beautiful on you."

We started talking, and it felt like we weren’t just travelers but two old souls reuniting. That night, he invited me for a walk through the city's alleys, and thus began our story.


the stillness of the night, the silence of the hotel room witnessed the intensity between us. The city lights peeked through the curtains, but for us, time had paused. Andrea came closer, gently cupping my face in his hands. His touch ignited a fire within me, a desire free from any boundaries.

We experienced each other with such intensity that all worldly rules and limits seemed to fade away. That night, we were not just two bodies but two souls merging into one. That moment, that night, became a chapter in my life that I would never forget.

We traveled to Ayutthaya, where ancient temples and silence reminded us of the impermanence of time. Andrea said, "Life is a story of moments, Shakra. Live them as if they'll never end."

The time to part arrived, and my heart felt heavy. In the farewell moment, Andrea whispered in my ear, "Shakra, you are the most beautiful chapter of my life." With tears in my eyes, I said goodbye, but he remained alive in my heart forever.

As I sat on the plane, a peculiar smile adorned my lips. A new feeling blossomed within me, a seed from Andrea's touch, destined to grow into a beautiful flower within me one day. This seed was not just a symbol of love but also a promise of new life.

Returning to Porto, I preserved the memories of Andrea and Bangkok deep in my heart. That city and those moments would always be with me, and one day, the seed within me would give birth to a beautiful story.

"Love is a journey that completes us, no matter where the paths may lead."

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