Love 'Eleutheromania'
Love 'Eleutheromania'

Some places have their own faces. Whenever we keep our steps there, it reminds us of someone special who has never gone blank from our mind. It's their smile that keeps us cozy in between a bunch of unknown faces. It's their memories that never leave us lonely & it's the moments we spent together which innocently warm our hearts. The most beautiful feelings are hidden in between the true promises & the honest determination of keeping them alive. I too have them!
The last time when it gave butterflies in my stomach was his hands strongly pressed against mine while we were in a cab, felt like in a cage full of freedom. We crossed miles after miles looking at each other for a round of intense gaze. We saw so many things dipped in our hearts. Revealed strange mysteries together. Travelling is always the best recreation for me but this was something unique. Traveling through each other's hearts & touching the eternal beauty weren't possible if it wouldn't be a "Love 'Eleutheromania' ". This word was discovered when I was writing a travelogue a couple of months ago. Today I can intensely feel the 'Eleutheromania' in every inch of my life. I feel it for him, & want him to feel it back.
He said, "I love you."
A pair of shimmery eyes & a ring of warm breathe!
A short smile & a long pause!
That's it. I was more than fascinated.
Some words unheard & unsaid yet prominent through a long silence.
Leaving me speechless is always his tactics. I call him magician nowadays for my brain rewinds all his words, promises, gazes, coziness & of course his sightlessness!
One month crossed when the last time he left a soft good-bye kiss on my lips. I found it profound, just like old wine,
gets better with age. It was something I can live for, something that can drench my soul in no time & something I was always in search of.
I didn't utter a word when he was in a gap then, a wall of window's thick glass, standing outside the cab, & bidding me goodbye. I too shook my hands & watched him slowly lagging behind & got vanished in a few seconds. My journey seemed to have a strange vacuum now. I couldn't long for him anymore as he had to go.
Strangely I'm in his city today, but not getting him by my side. He was one of the best 'Trouvailles" I've discovered through the journey of my life. I feel both blessed & lucky.
All I know he has successfully been able to put his face with my memory of this city. When we travel to a place & forget to have the best thing or eat the best food which is considered to be the significant thing about the place, it always leaves an empty feeling inside us & honestly, he has unknowingly secured that position for me.
I surmise the whole situation as homesickness for someone I badly want to be with. It's an irresistible urge to make a journey to someone's heart & create a permanent abode.
I am on a voyage called love; let it be a part of the puzzled forest, an endless sea, a mountain full of risky pinnacles, or whatever inevitable, my kind of adventure won't be fulfilled if I don't succeed in hitting the destiny named "him".
'Love' is an unending journey, encircled by the longest journey 'Life', & 'Eleutheromaniac' like me finds celestial happiness traveling in love like a nomad.
Our areas are small, not the world;
Just like our limited thoughts aren't enough in front of unending possibilities.