
Reasons are long-listed if we bring up this topic on our tea table. Humanity, in short a human being with all the senses to claim himself or herself as a human being. Benevolence, kindness, decency and intellectuality are intensely connected with humanity. But in today's world, we are slowly lynching these qualities in us and ending our ways up into inhumane acts. Some stories that aren't stories but our own experience, our own incidents which thrilled our hearts out and our own feelings long suppressed as they never got the proper justice to be heard of. Here are such examples, those which freak us out sometimes, force the urge in us to condemn against them and stop them, and then loses its way as with the fading day, our mundaneness fades our determination.
"We have one sky, one endless shelter to blossom our lives, expand our insights, we need to breathe longer and free ourselves. Breathe like you never have. A long breathe!", said the meditation trainer, sitting calmly in padmasana, closing her eyes like there was no tomorrow.
Shayari stared at her for a long time now, somehow failing to accumulate the tricks behind her long concentration. It was her first day in the class.
"Please take care of her. I'm very worried for her health." expressed Mrs. Sen, who looked terribly worried and agitated taking her daughter. Sayari was noticing every nook and corners of the office room of the meditation centre. It was garnished with white background, giving a pleasing vibe with the pictures of different asanas hung on the wall and a handful tips of staying healthy.
"Don't worry Mrs. Sen, I shall take proper care of her. As you exclaimed all her incidents, it's my duty now."said Anahita Sharma, the slim and sleek lady with her neat and clean look looked very much assuring while answering back. She had a strong positive vibe in her smile which we can't overlook. She was a trained psychological counsellor too. Besides, she emphasizes on meditation to cure human minds from inside and this resulted in building up this center.
They were then leaving while Anahita looked Shayari with an intense look as if she was analysing her mental state with her x-ray eyes. Shayari couldn't resist keeping a deep eye-contact too.
"Now we will again come to the previous position, close our eyes, and take a long breathe to reinstall the positivity in us. " instructed Anahita.
Shayari got a little bit of shock with Anahita's instruction for she was dipped in their first meet. Now, she managed to join the assembly and closed her eyes.
Somehow, she couldn't concentrate as slowly dark thoughts gobbled her up. Uncomforting, appalling and extremely harassing she felt! She felt hands on her, black iron hands slowly choking her breathe.
She jumped up and shouted, and everyone there woke up from the long meditation and got shocked. Shayari was uncontrollably vulnerable at time; her red eyes, flushed face in perspiration, trembling hands proved how much she was feared up. She fainted soon. Anahita ran to her, promptly hugged her tightly to stop the shock she got. In a room fully air-conditioned, Shayari perspired like hell, and Anahita felt that.
There was a chaos among other meditators as they had never seen anyone like this.
Anahita took her to the restroom, sprinkled water on her face and gave her a glass of water, and asked everything as soon as she got her senses back. There were a lot of stories hidden and Mrs. Sen just simply cut them off when she came for the first time with Shayari.
Today's Shayari was no way closer to the Shayari she used to be before. A very much extrovert, fun loving and jolly girl she was. She loved her school, she played, she grew up, she did fun with her friends just like the way others do. She had every reason to be happy then, and she too didn't miss to cherish her part.
What happened next was the devastating part of her life and it wiped out all her happiness. She always desired to be a singer and wanted to pursue Arts for her next studies as well. She was in 11th standard when she had her first big encounter with her parents. Being a student of highly sophisticated international school in the town, she would take up Arts stream was an extremely unacceptable thing for her parents. Moreover, pursuing singing, perhaps was the most disgusting thing for Mr. Sen and Mrs. Sen.
They forced on her, she still didn't surrender before their unnecessary ego. To ensure she takes up science and goes on their scripted path of joining a medical college, they slapped her, beaten her up and even make her miserably closed up in her room for almost 2 weeks.
It is unarguable how torchering was those 14 days, Anahita proceeded further to listen what happened in the next with her moist eyes.
Shayari broke up in front of her, she told from the beginning to the end, she told keeping eyes on her and didn't miss even a little detail.
She said how her world collapsed before her and she saw her dreams shattered on the floor. She stayed numb for days, and her parents didn't care until she would make it to their choice. They were too stoned to pay heed.
In between, she thought of hanging herself up so that she could finish her life. She couldn't after a lot of trials and shrieked at the top of her voice to bring her frustration out. Nobody gave a damn care. She could hear the neighbours' coming to her house and how her parents brought them back to normalise the situation.
Atlast she found a way out to finish her life. She promptly picked up a blade from the desk of her study table and out of a rage, she cut the veins of her hands.
She felt a strange ecstasy as if she was going to be free forever after this.
Her eyes slowly going to the lap of unconsciousness when she could sense a rush of the people around her with her subconsciousness, a chaos of somewhat 12-13 people. Everything was hazing and she fainted promptly.
When she woke up, she was in the hospital with her parents agitatedly rubbing their hands or biting their nails beside her bed. What surprised her was their teary eyes. After that, she was in a severe depression and her parents went here and there for the next 8months ; from the best psychologists to the temples, they tried everything for her wellness and atlast they reached Anahita's meditation center.
Shayari took a pause, sighed heavily.
She cried and stammered, "That's it Miss Anahita! That's my story. This was my fault that I only wanted to be a singer."
Anahita didn't know what to say as she was utterly shocked to get to know a lot about her. An 18 year old girl had went a long way in her life in only 8months. She didn't know how to give her consolation her or to consolidate her and assure a better future, but all she could do was holding her hands tightly and give her a quick sisterly comfort. And she did that.
Both of them cried. Anahita declared an off that day and people existed from the center.
The two then went out for a walk, they shared conversation and laughed. She efforted her cent percent to comfort Shayari.
Anahita assured her that she would do counselling her parents and convince them so that Shayari could live her life on her own choice.
Suddenly Shayari looked up at the sky, stretched her hands, and smelling the air she closed her eyes, " We only have one sky, one sky to shelter our lives, expand our insights, " she took a pause, ".....and expand the spheres of HUMANITY."
"You missed it di. Didn't you?", she smiled and turned her face to Anahita.
Stunned Anahita patted her shoulder, smiled and nodded "Hmm".
Humanity was in the air too, they just realised!
2) HIYA :
A toddler of 7 years, a very charming, cute and little girl is Hiya. Her shiny beautiful eyes captivate everyone around her, people call her their sunshine as she enters running in between a serious conversation to break it up with her innocent gestures. When she bites her soft tender fingers, she looks more adorable. Everyone loves her milky soft cheeks and amazing sweetness. She is a queen among her family and neighbours.
"Papa, I don't find my doll anywhere, have you seen it? I think one of you have hidden it from me, I want it back now! Please give it back, you wicked fellows!", as she ended her rant up, everyone there laughed out clapping seeing her innocence.
Rapidly taking her up to the arms, Dhruv (her father) said, " I won't give it back to you until you put a pair of sweet kisses on the cheek."
Hiya kissed that hurriedly in an ecstasy of getting her doll back. "Now give it back!", she forwards her tiny hand to her father.
Hiya's Mom, Mayuri sneakingly came from behind with the pink dressed doll she loved the most.
" Surpriseeeee…", she shouted out from behind and Hiya turned up and got so much happy to see her doll.
She took that up soon and escaped from the arms of her father and ran back to her room.
"Such a mischievous kid. Hahaha!", her father said and sat down to the couch.
Arun, a man of 28 years, Dhruv's cousin brother, noticed everything of the incident with an immense look. Suddenly he broke the roll of laughter and asked, " She looks…..umm she looks desirably cute Dhruv. Such a lucky man you are. A beautiful wife with a cute daughter!"
Dhruv answered, "Yes man, am blessed with my family."
Arun's wife Sharmila watched her husband's restlessness. Probably she knew. She could sense the fear that what would happen next should never happen.
Arun couldn't sleep well after that day. Hiya's adorable innocence covered up his mind. He thought of her all the time. He couldn't resist the urge to kiss her little body, rub her like hell and what not. Sharmila was disturbed with his absent minded behaviour, and sudden frustration. He started behaving rough. They fought over small issues and started sleeping separately. Arun couldn't forget one day when he masturbated at night thinking Hiya's innocence. It was getting tougher everyday until he could satisfy his hunger. Few days passed, and Arun showed up to Dhurv's house with a cellophane-wrapped present in his hand.
He rang the bell and Mayuri opened the door. She was dressed up as if she was about to go out. He smiled and somehow peeking through the door.
Hiya came up running suddenly with her favourite pink doll and asked her mother, " Who has come, mummy?"
This made Arun's blood hot and Mayuri was just answering to Hiya when Arun started, "Hey little princess, see what I have brought out for you."
He took out the gift and handed over to her saying, " Open the wrap princess."
Hiya looked surprised and asked, "What's in it uncle?"
Mayuri was in rush, she told Arun to stay with Hiya as she was going to buy groceries and make himself comfortable with a cup of tea.
Arun replied, "Don't worry bhabhi. You go. I am taking good 'care' of Hiya". His intentions were transparent this time. Dhruv was in his office. Nobody was at home.
Mayuri smiled and went out.
Arun took Hiya's hands and headed towards her room, " Let's go princess and wrap up the packet."
Hiya went with him, suddenly he closed the door.
He took up Hiya to his lap and unwrapped the packet. Hiya was terribly happy. Arun said to her, "Princess, you will look so beautiful in this. The best princess in the world" and put a kiss on her cheek which Hiya didn't feel good and kept herself away a little. He was looking for a chance to act towards his intentions. Suddenly he snatched the doll from her hand and said, "Have you ever put off the pink dress, and tried to see beneath it?"
Hiya nodded as she found it not good.
Arun kept on saying, "Let me make you wear this. And I shall give you some tips. Some secret tips!"
Arun was pointing out some dirty gestures in front of Hiya and she started panicking.
He looked wickedly, forced her to wear the pink dress he bought for her, and started touching her here and there, even in her genitalia forcefully.
"Please leave me uncle!!! It hurts. Mummy where are you? Uncle is touching me badly. It hurts, mummy! Pleaseeee, save meee!", Hiya screamed her life out, nobody gave a damn.
" Just once princess, you will love this game. I tell you, you will get good gifts if we continue this."Arun was slowly justifying his acts and his eyes were more wicked than before.
Heinously he was browning his deeds.
Haiya was getting unconscious in pain. She kept murmuring "Please..please...please!" and slowly her voice lowered than before. And she fainted. Her dress was
Flushed with blood. She laid unconscious.
Arun was now gasping after he withdrew his penis from her. He gasped because he acted out all his devilish desires and now had no space to cope up next.
He dressed himself up, where Hiya continued to bleed devastatingly in her unconsciousness. He fled away like this, leaving her deserted!
The pink doll, somehow squeezed in between their collison, laid like more abstract now.
Age, dress, colour, consent - none of them mattered. Which mattered were Arun's uncontrollable hunger and Hiya's lubricating innocence. He didn't look at her age, neither her sweetness. All his contemptible desire fell on to snatch her childishness. Her innocence was now lynched. Humanity cried collapsing on a corner!
Now humanity protests against gifts and needs nothing to be eye-washed, brain-washed and at last RAPED!
He looked artistic more than nerdy, chose malai chai over sophisticated cold coffee, guitar and books over netflix and typical adda over group studies. Yes, this is Tamajit. One of the bohemian souls we have met.
Tamajit woke up all of a sudden after a strong pat hit him hard. He saw with his half closed eyes the terrible face of Mr. Ghosh.
He understood all of it, he knew he was in danger as it was already 9 a.m. in the morning and he still was lethargically lying on the bed.
Mr. Ghosh with his gouged eyes and red face asked him after looking twice to his wrist watch," Day by day, your arrogance and irresponsibility is terrifying me. Have you any idea what is the time now? We have given birth of an idiot! ".
He continued, " Malati, tell your boy to have his breakfast and go to the bank ! I am running for my office. "
Mr. Ghosh exited from an astonished Tamojit's room with his red face and irritated mood murmuring, "It seems like God has sent all the idiots in my family."
He had a high dose of musical session yesterday night and returned late. This caused him to sleep for a bit late today and resulted into such massacre. Tamajit regretted. He didn't love to converse with his arrogant father. His ego, his taunts and his humiliation made him frustrated with his life.
No sooner Tamajit got up from the bed, leading himself to the basin and got fresh.
He shouted for his mom, Malati, "Maa! Serve my chai. I'm getting late for college."
Getting no reply for the next minute, he again shouted,"Maa, can't you hear me?"
A busy Malati was gasping to cope up with her household and cooking work, reverted back for the second shout, " Babai, I'm busy here cooking. Take your chai from the kitchen. It's kept for two hours."
Tamajit got angry, he felt nobody showed a spoonful of care to him. He bathed, got ready with his favourite white linen t-shirt, touched his guitar passionately and left
the home as soon as possible.
Malati asked him so many times to take his breakfast whereas she found that he had already left after entering his room.
Roads of Kolkata are really congested, all day hustle and bustle keeps occupying the wide roads. He started walking through the lanes of his area, cherishing the charm of everyday life. Though he first fixed his way to college, then got down from the crowded bus and started walking by the roads.
He saw a lady selling mangoes in the summer, a dog was feeding her new-born puppies and the pond behind the area seemed quite like a peaceful spot in this entire world when he sat down on the cemented bench beside the pond.
Suddenly he felt a different urge to sing, he smoothly touched his fingers to the string of his guitar, with some lines uttering of Tagore's most renowned song "Ami tomar o songe bedhechi amaro pran, surero badhone….". He was slowly stepping into a completely different world, where he found the apple of his eye, the one who he had loved for so many years unconditionally, the one for whom he had crossed all the bars only to see him happy, the one who had occupied all the spaces in his heart and that one who had disconnected all the relationship with him just for a mishap. A mishap that came like a stormy nightmare and diminished all his hope to survive anymore.
Yes, he was immensely missing his love of life, none other than Sukanta ...Sukanta Roy.
He found himself flushed in tears soon when the memories flashed back in front of his face. The world has always been an undeciphered obstructions to their love.
The memory lanes beckoned him to the days when Sukanta used to listen to his songs without any complaints. Their eyes fixed while he used to drown himself in the lyrics of his favourite tracks. Sukanta was a handsome guy, captivating eyes, narrow eye-brows, taut body and appealing beard; in a word he had a complete package of masculinity. Moreover, he was a big Tahore fan. From his novels, stories, poems to his songs, Sukanta had a great interest and almost dwelled reading and listening to them.
Tamajit recalled how they met for the first time in a library in their college. They were from different department whereas Tamajit was from English and Sukanta from Physics. Their exchanged books settled them down for a friendship and friendship led to a regular meet and lastly resulted into their relationship.
But all they feared was the society keeping a tough surveillance on them . They have faced so many questions, so many triggered warnings, so many laughters from the girls in their college who passed remark on their cupped hands, "You guys are so girly! Never believed that such muscled body has interest on manliness. Why don't one of you get your sex changed? After all It would give you better pleasure ! Hahahaha..".
Sukanta was an everangry man and he could have smashed their mouths but never did such. He never crossed his limits rather replying solidly, " At Least we love each other more than anything unlike you guys change their monthly boyfriend regularly!" His reply slapped on their face forcing them stay muted.
Tamajit felt proud of himself so much, it was a paradisiacal feeling for him to stay in a relationship with him. He never felt such ecstasy in anything, never experience an extreme euphoria of loving and moreover, he never found someone so majestic in his entire life.
Distorted comments might disturb them when they first uploaded their relationship status "Tamajit Ghosh is now in a relationship with Sukanta Roy!", hatred might have enwrapped them but the way they tackled all the negativities give Tamajit hope for lifetime. They faced so many things together, they cherished their company in their own way.
Everything was going smooth like a river flow, suddenly a storm tore everything up and he saw his world fell apart in a blink and couldn't do anything!
It was when just 9 months ago,on a rainy day, Sukanta came to Tamajit's house when his parents were out for his uncle's house. Rumbling rain-drops paired up with a roaring thunder, clearly were indicating something wrong soon to be happened. Tamajit didn't feel well, he felt uncomfortable as if he was continuously getting a wrong vibes, a sign of trepidation predicting something soon to be finished.
With Sukanta knocking on his door, his thoughts were interrupted and he soon opened the door. He didn't expect Sukanta on that day. He soon entered his house with his broad smile.
He reached his room getting up from the stairs. Tamajit followed him.
Tamajit asked, " You here? Now? What are you doing today in such a rainy evening?"
Sukanta promptly said putting off his shirt and undressing his muscled body in front of him, " Any problem? Seemed like you aren't happy for me to come here? Umm?" and smirked turning on his side,gasping.
Tamajit hesitated for what his stupid questions, replied back, " No, I actually didn't mean it." He paused and all he could visualize Sukanta's sizzling undressed body. He looked just like an angel. He couldn't resist himself looking him drinking water for his bottle and the water drops slightly permeated his making himself more appealing to him.
Suddenly Sukanta caught Tamajit scrutinizing his body.
Tamajit removed his eyes rapidly and his trembling hands resulted into his quivering body when he saw Sukanta slowly appearing towards him.
It was a peculiarly pleasant feeling. Now, Sukanta was just an inch away from him. He breath could be felt so closely. Tamajit didn't move and was numb for a second.
Slowly Sukanta kept his hands on his cheeks and enveloped his lips with a kiss.
Time paused, moments stopped, it was only Tamajit and Sukanta wrapped with each other cherishing their first kiss. Tranquilizing it was, an exuberant current went through Tamajit's spine, he was lost, totally lost in a dream world!
All of a sudden, Mr. Ghosh opened the door calling, " Babai, whose shoes are out there?" and everything shattered.
He shouted seeing his son in an intimate position, and more enraged seeing him with a guy. He couldn't resist himself and slapped Sukanta.
Ever astonished Tamajit was horrified
with all of these.
Malati was surprised to see such.
She covered her face in such a massacre.
Sukanta was now extremely unhappy with a sudden slap.
He addressed Mr. Ghosh as uncle and told in a clam voice, " Listen uncle, I can explain everything to you. Please allow me 2 minutes."
Mr. Ghosh shouted, " You bloody ruscle! Get out of my house right nowww! Get out and never show your face again!"
Soon he tried to beat frightened Tamajit whereas Malati inhibited him from doing so.
Now, Sukanta was angry and told him, " Listen uncle, it wasn't our fault. We love each other and all we did was nothing wrong. Maybe, fucking society will never understand our bond for each other. The love we feel for each other, the attractions we have are truly unmatchable. Please, don't misunderstand us. We can make you people surmise our feelings. Please give us a chance. I'm promising…"
Mr. Ghosh interrupted and promptly roared, " I said get out of my house right nowww! I guess you aren't deaf!"
Sukanta kept quiet and looked on Tamajit's eyes. Tamajit quickly turned his head down.
Extremely disappointed Sukanta clapped loudly in front of Malati, Mr.Ghosh and Tamajit, and said to Tamajit standing on his room's door, " I thought you were a fighter in love. Thank you for proving me wrong. Thank you for proving a failed bastard. Have a good life Love!"
He exited like a storm!
Blank, dark, grey!
Tamajit woke up jumping on the bench, he was fully sweated and found himself sleeping on the bench.
He was messed up when he heard the sound of a rally , " We want justice ! We want justice!".
A gang of ladies were crossing the main road for a demand of justice against a case of molestation.
He walked towards that and his drowsy body found itself tough to cross. He unintentionally got collapsed with a middle aged woman, who was a part of the rally.
Tamajit was asking for a sorry when she raised her voice and alleged him, " For the attention seekers like you, our generation is facing the worst phase of it. Our girls are afraid to get out of their house. Don't try to pretend blind when you are not. Please get your mentality straight. You…"
Frustrated Tamajit angrily replied, " Enough is enough."
The lady kept arguing while the rally kept progressing.
He left soon.
Her words taunted him more, as he knew he was no more a part of the equality.
This patriarchal society, his misogyny father, resistricts here and there, taunts from the criticising eyes and everything has turned his life into a trash, a trash of lost reminiscence, a trash of lost memories and a trash of stereotypes and mental dogmas!
He laughed in the sarcasm when he recalled that the lady unknowingly tagged him a 'eve-teaser' but he was too deprived from his love for this obnoxious toxic masculinity, he was a failed human being now, surviving with the thoughts of his short-lived moments spent with Sukanta!
Slowly his thoughts were deepening, going back to the questions unanswered, he felt a lump in his throat thinking, what would happen if his father accepted both of them happily, what would happen if the society never tried to seperate them and let them to their heart's content and what would happen if he protested that day?
Would Sukanta stay with him just like they were together?
Maybe the infuriating lanes of society are never to be unveiled to the paths of justice!
He staggered intentionally in front of favourite tea stall, sat down collapsing, said,"Life is always unfair Raju uncle. Always. Humanity is too far to be seen anywhere. Nothing can happen to this society. Nothing", and took a deep sigh to pause his conversation.
Raju uncle, busy pouring a hot cup of malai chai, said while handing him over chai, "It always have been, my boy! Otherwise I would've not been buying chais over here. My children would get a proper education. But still where is hope, there is a chance. Remember that."
He smiled looking at Tamajit. The word "hope" created a strange repercussions in him.
Some drops directly fell drenching his face partly, he touched and looked up. The sky was filled with dark clouds, soon it was going to be poured all its pain.
He took his guitar with him and again started walking.
Raindrops fell rapidly. The background went blur, too blur to be comprehensible. the sound were somewhat peaceful to him. Kolkata was beautiful with the afternoon rain and pointed gleaming lights.
The rain was too known to be indelible, he looked up again and prayed, " Have a good life Sukanta, stay happy wherever you are!"
Humanity is too tough to be accepted in this society, it forces to prove love has gender, love has bar, love has limitations and love too has age. Nobody talks about the venoms society creates and never resurrects it back. Humanity is polluted today, dusted with the rusts of our mind. Humanity ...a subject of long argue!
It's a story of how humanity eradicates all our inner vices to stand up together and how it has its way of showing up a tight slap to those who efforts bifurcating into pieces.
Akansha Sharma, a modern girl of an elite family from Mumbai, is a believer of all the modernities. She hails from a class which prominently supports division between people. She is prone to social media platforms where she is very popular, shows up her fashion and expensive accessories she has. She is also very much active among her peers. Her figure clearly shows how regularly she hits gym and she looks drop dead gorgeous. Akansha doesn't like people with plump and curvy body, dark skin, extremely skinniness, skin problems, no dressing sense and lack fluency in english. She does everything to pull down people who don't match her level. Men are found behind her all the time, bewitched and elated. But most of them face rejection. She supports discrimination and she proudly thinks she flaunts it. Yet she makes a pretence that she condemns against any kind of bullying, mockery and body-shaming. And, exactly does that in her college with the freshers. Studies
There comes Anjali's life. Exactly opposite to Akansha. It's like north pole and south pole. Anjali Mishra is a reserved girl, with her studies and hails from a middle class family. Her father works as a auto-driver and mother as house-wife. In Spite of her background, she acquires very good moral qualities in her and excels in study always. She doesn't believe in hoax like the world of social media. She has it in her blood to protest against the wrong. She never cares of her look. Though she is a little bit dark with her skin for which her mother worries of her marriage as she already have heard enough, " Umm looks good, still has a dark skin colour" from the discriminators and always have fought back against it. She got a scholarship to join St. Xaviers' College in Mumbai to pursue Mass Communication and Journalism and make a career as an eminent journalist.
Rahul Kanodia, a frustrated commerce student, loves to eat food always, perfectly defines the word 'bookworm' is an only child of Sima Kanodia and Anurag Kanodia. He hails from a higher middle class family where both of his parents are into corporate job. He spends time in books, and his belly loves all the pizzas, burgers, parathas, chicken curry, desserts and everything as only it normalizes his sadness over his ever-increasing body. He is very much reserved among girls as he lacks confidence to show up with his torso. He has good pair of guy friends but he never dares to confide in front of girls as anytime he could get humiliated and laughed at for his unsmart look. He has a large collection of biographical books of famous personalities and he reads them to gather courage. His specs are loosely attached with his eyes giving him a nerdy finish.
Three of them were standing still until and unless luck gave them a favour to cross each other's ways.
Akansha with her peers once encountered with Anjali.
Anjali was on her way back to the library with a book in her hand when Akansha was with her friends busy bitching about other people. They collided in the corridor and Akansha scanned her like a scanner.
Suddenly she laughed out saying, " Look what type of stupid people have come to our college. So funny!"
Soon a roll of laughter spread as her group started mocking Anjali.
Anjali was busy picking her book up and soon protested, "Excuse me. Can you please explain to me the reason of this sudden fun?"
Akansha again watched her with pity , and said, " Please try to get a good soap or apply some fairness cream on your skin, probably on the whole body. You look just like a clown. My god!"
Roll of laughters repeated after her mockery!
Anjali was furious, wanted to slap everyone of them but controlled herself, she replied back with a louder voice, "I have a heart which any of you don't. Moreover, I reside in the home called humanity which you have never shown in your life. Discrimination leads you nowhere but hell. Life has its own way to show you, girl!"
As Anjali exited with her head held high and loud smile, they frowned at her and Akansha left abusing her as a 'bitch'.
There comes the second scenario where every man out there desires to make Akansha their women, Rahul wasn't far behind or an exception. He had a crush on her from the first day he entered into the college. Slowly he started following her everywhere in the college, from her classroom to canteen, from campus to her classroom, from the rehearsal room to the parking area, everywhere. This crush transversed into likings, resulting into love. He was deeply in love which Akansha was completely unaware about. Somehow, he never gained the courage to confess in before her as Akansha gave him barely two or three looks in the entire college days. Akansha belonged to a rich family, and as well she hung out with rich male friends. She dated them and never cared to maintain a long lasting relationship. Her choices changed and it's that what feared out Rahul.
Once they had a cultural function in college when Akansha, being a great classical dancer led a team under her authenticity. Rahul watched her rehearsing hard with her team and made up his mind to finally propose to her on the final day.
The day comes, Akansha looked graceful that day and she looked as confident as the way Rahul looked palpitated.
He was cheering up her from the crowd and after the successful completion of the function, he managed to get her alone outside of the stage.
Finally these two meet up face to face and after a lot of 'uhhh', 'umm', 'yes' and stammering, Rahul finally handed over a letter to her.
Akansha was mundane as if what she would answer was pre-planned. She started reading the letter which had all his feelings engraved in it. When she articulated the last lines, " In the era of text messages and whatsapp, I chose to propose you by a letter. I love you, Miss Akansha Sharma. Love you with all my heart.
A silent lover, Rahul."
She suddenly started laughing while Rahul was extremely tensed to think of her reactions. He got surprised seeing Akansha laugh and badly wanted to know the reason.
Akansha promptly squeezed the letter and threw on his face, aggressively said, "Losers like you first should watch their faces on mirror. How dare you to propose to me with such a vagabond look? Have you ever checked my dating list or the class I belong? I guess no! Please never dare to show your face, and fat ass in front of me. Get lost !"
Rahul stood shattered, somehow his heart collapsed and he didn't know what to say. He could hear some laughter around him as Akansha outrageously passed by. He felt as if his soul was gouged out.
He left eating for some days, cried for almost a week, broke anything he could get anything in front of him and felt deserted. His parents were utterly disturbed with his behaviour. How their child became such vulnerable was out of their knowledge.
Slowly he recovered after several counselling sessions and became more reserved than before. He went to college, attended class, went to library and came back home. This became like a cycle and when he was out of his house, he used to sit on the bench in a nearby park.
Everything was going parallel. Anjali also excelled in her studies and likked up with few media productions during her course. A year had passed by in a flicker of eyes, when one fine morning a storm came when every newspaper, every media channel only had one news headline, " MUMBAI GIRL HAS BEEN ATTACKED WITH ACID, REJECTION WAS THE CAUSE." Nation fussed in anger.
Rahul picked up a newspaper and shocked to see it was a fellow student of his college. He ran back to college, where principal and other managing authorities were under queries in front of some spot reporters from few media channels, police gheraoed the college. Students made out a rally to protest against it.
Rahul somehow felt numb after hearing the name of the victim, he heard from one of his classmates that it was AKANSHA herself. She was the victim now.
Rallies had placards " We want justice against acid attack", "Stop selling acids, save women", "#JUSTICEFORAKANSHA" etc portrayed how much people were angry over the issues.
Not only the victim's college, several universities, but colleges and universities were also out for her favour.
Press channels were arranging debate, every minute updates were shown in channels and security was tightened up in some places.
Ministry level shook after seeing the outburst of protestors here and there. All of them wanted only one thing "justice".
Rahul spent few days in extremely heartbroken. He tried to reach out to her yet the insult was still fresh somewhere in his heart. After considering few things, he finally made up his mind to search out her address and made it to the hospital she was admitted
7 days had passed since Akansha's incident happened, her condition was still bad. He saw her parents sobs.
Rahul tried to speak to them. They burst out before him, " Beta, what happened to our only daughter? How can we recover now? Everything feels like a horrendous nightmare. Nothing seems to get fine now. Help us beta!" and they caught his hand like persuading children.
He couldn't bear their pain and tears. He got determined and with his moist eyes, he tightened up his jaw and promised, "I shall fight for Akansha for sure. I shall make sure she gets justice earliest. I won't let the culprits get out of this easily. I am taking an oath right now ", and strongly grasped their hands. Akansha's parents were somehow got their courage back.
He once request to see her where she was lying and her hand could be seen burnt badly and face was heavily bandaged.
She was in her senses and slowly stared at Rahul. She looked feeble. He couldn't see her like this and promptly got out of the room.
Here started Rahul's battle towards exposing the culprits. He collected newspapers, cut the portions of her news, did his best to contact few journalists, analyzed the news details and tried to link them up to find the real culprits.
Suddenly Anjali's name came in front of her as the head protestor from his college. He tried to collect his contact no and both of them planned to meet up in a coffee shop regarding this issue.
"Any progress regarding Akansha's case?", as Rahul took one sip, he asked with curiosity.
" Umm no, not yet. Trying my best to collect each and every little details of this. How dare those bastards to do such destruction to a girl!", angry Anjali said this flipping the pages of some papers.
"I too feel vulnerable. I want to kill those men.", Rahul exclaimed.
" Don't worry. We will find out for sure.", Anjali assured.
They both shared conversation where they both co-incidentally got to know about their first encounters with Akansha and how they faced mockery. Still, leaving their personal issues behind they soon got to the main issue and after a few days of attachment, they get good friends.
From the police stations, to the local government bodies, to the media channels, youth clubs and NGOs, they left nothing untried. Many of them showed up to help them find justice. Soon they created a group of many young people who too wanted an end to this severe massacre. They created a petition and sent it to the Central Social Welfare Minister, Mr. Goenka and Women and Child Development Minister, Mrs. Rai with a sign of 1 lakh people. Social media helped a lot in this.
Soon, Akansha was out of the hospital and sent back home where she created a big mess as she couldn't see her face and left eating. Her parents' called Rahul to manage her and he urged Anjali to go there as she hesitated for the first time.
At last, they forgot every past issues and went to meet her. Strangely, Anjali broke down seeing her. Akansha hugged her tightly and cried for an hour. There was a long pause in the room.
Akansha took the initiative and said, " I got the punishment finally. See, my whole face is burnt now. I understood your words Anjali, I realised it."
Rahul silently cried, and taking a deep sigh, Anjali in apologising tone, said, " I am extremely sorry for that. I didn't mean and never ever wanted something to happen like this, dear. I wanted you to respect every human being in spite of their body shape, colour, cast,creed, religion and moreover, with their flaws. That's it. I never wanted this to happen with any person out there even if they are my biggest enemy. I swear!"
Akansha caught up her hands, looked in the mirror and said, "It's okay dear. Acid might have corrosively wiped out the flesh and skin from my face, and wiped out the entire outer beauty but it couldn't snatch my inner power, my power of standing up against every odds. I'll fight back for sure. All I need is you people's help. Support me, my friends. I have heard how you guys are working day and night for me. I want you by my side forever. That's it. Promise me a friendship please."
Anjali was terribly happy and hugged her tightly. She cheered her up by saying, "That's it my girl! I want you to be like this forever. A real fighter."
And they started listening to every bit of the incident where they got to know that Akansha was getting harassed by a roadside romeo, Chan for few days and after going everywhere with her car, that romeo reached her and proposed to her. She slapped him and insulted him for being indecent. One fine day, when she was getting out of a party at night and her driver wasn't in the place, she stood up for few minutes. They took the advantage and browned their preplanned deed sprinkling a bottle of hot sulphuric acid to her face. She collapsed on the road with a several pain as if somehow has burnt her alive. Nobody came to her rescue.
While stating to them, Akansha trembled so Anjali told her to stop and take rest.
The three then became so close friends and Anjali and Rahul shielded her like nobody else could do. They protested every taunt she could get in roads, every odd looks she got. When she felt feeble, they boosted her up. They went every places out there and made her strong enough so that she could bring her story to the public.
They protested her and the culprits soon got behind the bars. Case reached the court, then high court and lastly supreme court and they made it possible to bring the sentence of those culprits' life imprisonment.
The set a new benchmark together. News channels headline being like, "A SPARKLE OF TRIUMPH OVER THE CASE OF AKANSHA- ACID ATTACK, REMARKABLE! SALUTABLE!"
Yes, the three made it. Akansha was very much happy that day. Her parents thanked Rahul and Anjali more than a thousand times.
Akansha felt an inner attraction towards Rahul and confessed about it. She apologized again to criticise his love as he was the only man stood against her over everyone. When her friends fled, the guys she dated spat on her, he stood, and Anjali and Rahul made him realise her inner importance. The importance of her soul. Rahul accepted her this time, that too whole-heartedly.
All she had with her was her beautiful heart and humanity!
Humanity thrashed, lynched, yet proved a beautiful way
of respecting the flaws of a human being.
Acid attack is an unapologetically heinous crime. Still, it made Akansha know her real worth, her real persons and real identity. She learnt to become a human al last!
From Shayari's depression to Hiya's rape, from Tamajit's homosexuality to Akansha's acid attack, Anjali's dark skin and Rahul's fat shaming, we have crossed a long way of bitter stories in different cover. Everywhere humanity has been encountered lately. Sometimes, it got justice at the end fighting back against the appalling situations and sometimes, it left a question mark of its existence. We laughed over Shayari's realisation and Akansha's triumph and cried the same way knowing Hiya's horrendous child rape case and the non-acceptance of Tamajit's love. Every story teaches us new lessons. Lesson of humanity. The only need of the hour is humanity now.
Let's end the debate here if it is an immolating truth or an ever-growing counterfeit!
Let's take a new oath to be more human each day.
Let's illuminate the hope in every soul to choose the path of being humane in every possible way.
Let's home the whole HUMANITY in our hearts, in everyone's hearts, in this entire world's heart