Lost Bella

Lost Bella

4 mins

Mila's unsteady feet and limp body came out of her car. She looked up at the high stairs of Big Moo's bar. She was already drunk but one beer with Sid won't be a bad idea, she smiled and staggered towards the bar. She took five minutes to cover the ten feet distance between footpath and bar stairs.

When she entered the almost deserted bar the bar band was playing a solo by November Man. She tried hard to recognize the singer but the chap was unfamiliar.

"Hey Deepa......where is Sid......?" —asked she to the busy bar tender.

"Mila.... no....not again......just sit down and name your poison...." —said Deepa wiping a wine glass.

"Bring me an Old Tucker's shot......and tell me where is Sid? —said Mila.

"Here is your poison.... now sip it and enjoy November Man's solo." —said Deepa getting busy in her desk work.

You ain't with me again for you snatched my soul from me.

November Man's song echoed in the air.

"Hey Deepa did this bum replaced Sid?" —asked Mila.

"Finish your drink and ask Naval the band manager." —replied Deepa hiding his face in the big logbook.

"Deepa....I cannot forget the warmth of Sid's presence at this blasted place......he often sings a song for me.... where is he today?" —asked Mila.

"Useless question......do you need more poison?" —said Deepa without looking at her.

"Yes, one big shot...." —said Mila.

"Wanna die here.... don’t you see you are already drunk." —said Deepa looking at her empty glass.

"Yup I wanna die.......life without Sid is just like hell.... fill the glass you bitc......" —said Mila fishing her cigarette box in her beg.

"Be sober.... if you wanna die what can I do." —said Deepa pouring a big shot in her glass.

Mila lit a cigarette and blew smoke out of her nostrils and said— "Tell Sid I'm here........."

"How is Mr Dutta?" —asked Deepa instead of answering her question.

"Dutta is a bard, he always sings songs to praise my beauty." —replied Mila and said further- "Don't you dare divert the subject just go and call Sid, I just want to see his sad face, wasn't he sad when we saw him last time?"

"Yes, you slapped hard him on that day by choosing Mr. Dutta over him." —replied Deepa looking at her.

"So, what.......? It doesn't mean that I should stop meeting him?" —asked Mila with a little anger.

"He was in love with you and wanted to marry you." —said Deepa.

"What did he have to offer me for the whole life." —asked Mila.

"He had something which always forced you to come here........." —said Deepa mockingly.

November Man solo was long over but the drummer was still playing the drums.

"Has he gone forever......?" —asked Mila with her fluttering lips.

"This is the closing time if you want more poison let me know otherwise just pay your bill and go." —said Deepa closing her logbook.

"He was the love which I never wanted to lose, but he had nothing but love and I wanted more......." —said Mila with tearful eyes.

"You found everything with Mr. Dutta.......?" —asked Deepa handling the bill to Mila.

"Yes; you can see I have enough money, luxury cars, expensive liquors, freedom to do anything......" —said Mila giving money to Deepa.

The bell boy came and started switching off the lights of the already dimly lit bar.

"If you found everything then be happy and enjoy life. Let's go Mila......." —said Deepa picking up her beg.

"When was the last time you saw him.......?" —asked Mila struggling to go out of the bar.

"He is my brother but he left everything and disappear........" —replied Deepa giving Mila hand to move straight out of the bar.

"Disappear......yes people disappear to not to return......" —said Mila holding Deepa's hand tightly.

Now they were out of the bar, icy cold winds were blowing their hair.

"Deepa; weren't college days better......no worries......no wait........no sudden disappearances....... " —said Mila entering her car.

"Bye Mila......." —said Deepa.

"Wasn't it me because of whom Sid suffered and gave up......and disappeared?" —asked Mila.

"No idea but only if you would have given him a little more time things had been better......" —said Deepa before turning towards the bar to do the remaining paperwork.

Suddenly Deepa's mobile screen flashed and Mila's text message appeared on the screen.

Deepa it was a wonderful evening with you and Sid, let's spend more evenings together; I'll come tomorrow.

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