Pooja Hingorani Ramchandani



Pooja Hingorani Ramchandani


Lockdown & Me!

Lockdown & Me!

1 min

Lockdown 2.0

Day:- 14

Sometimes you go with a lot of mood swings in was that day of my precious life...but still I made it a point to enjoy my own company... photography had anything yellow and pattern theme learned the art of beautiful photo editing out of a normal one...just for everybody's information am using an app called photo seed nowadays and it is a really good app to beautify a picture...Vihaan, as usual, has become a master of YouTube follower...he makes things watching youtube and keeps it a secret from me till he finishes and I just love the final outcome of his art....the The masterpiece which he has made today...I will share it after 2 days....and that's all for today...

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