Awanish Surya

Fantasy Inspirational Others


Awanish Surya

Fantasy Inspirational Others

Life Mistakes

Life Mistakes

1 min

We all do some mistakes in our life and few mistakes can destroy your life. But God gives us one or more opportunity to recorrect our mistakes. I have also done some mistakes in my life, which I couldn't do. I couldn't recognize that time that I am doing wrong or mistakes. Today I realize after many years, whatever mistakes I have done in my life. So, now I am trying to get back on track and recorrect my mistakes. I wrote my first book in 2014, 2nd in 2018, and 3rd is coming soon in 2024 or 2025. It has been gap of 4 and 6 years between two books. Now, I have decided to write a book regularly and focus on my writing career.

The motive of sharing this story with you is to aware you for doing such mistakes in your life. Do regularly whatever you are doing. Don't waste time in doing anything without goal. Focus on your dreams and the path which can go to your dreams.

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