Anuradha Chaganti

Children Stories Drama Fantasy


Anuradha Chaganti

Children Stories Drama Fantasy

A Day In My Life

A Day In My Life

11 mins

Preview: Earth has got everything for a man's need. Judicious usage of our resources would ensure balance in the ecosystem. Every region/religion has set norms according to their scriptures. If everyone follows rules and gives personal space to others, there would be harmonious lifestyle led by everyone. Human bonding should be strengthened with immediate effect.

It was the late-night of 31st December 2019. All our family members and friends along with their families had a wonderful New Year party. While partying we discussed the Dream of Late Sri Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam. How he described in his book in depth the weakness and the strength of India and offered a vision of how India can emerge to be among the world's first four economic powers by 2020, which would be a few moments later from now. His Vision is dedicated to a young girl whom Kalam met and asked her "What was your dream?" for which the young girl replied, "I want to live in a developed India." He regards his nation as a knowledge superpower and developed nation. He has set up a target for all the youth in India on how to make India developed by 2020. I felt I was embedded with the ideas of this great personality. He was a person, who according to me was a true well-wisher of the nation. As a great fan of the inspiring soul, I carried his quotes and thoughts out of the party atmosphere and into my bed.

Even before the tender rays of the Sun gently touched me, I woke up like a spring released from compression with a broad smile to greet the new day. The time was 4:30 am. I am in my graduation and preparing for Chartered Accountancy examinations. I have cleared my pre-requisites comfortably. I am also working under a CA as an apprentice. I chose the stream due to my attitude towards the profession. I thoroughly bow to my parents who have respected my decision to venture my path. Neither of them forced me to trend their path. In my college, I was given inputs on the study and work requirements of various professions by the career counseling department. We were given the freedom to choose our goal by our parents.

I prepared for my classes for an hour as usual. At the break of dawn, I found all my family and the neighbours were wishing each other to start a fresh day. Every family in the locality was a joint family. The youngsters touched the feet of the elders and took blessings, as they considered the elders to be the messengers of the God to show them the right path. We had warm water with a squeeze of lemon to drink. This lemonade on empty stomach cleanses the body. We had a fresh up session. There were hygienic washrooms. The one who used it took care to ensure the next to use would leave the room in the most hygienic and pleasant manner. The next phase is the morning walk. When we begin walking, the citizen’s chip within us activates and lets us know the pace and period of walking according to our body conditions. All the community joined together. Most of us had a brisk walk. Those who had issues walking followed at their own pace.

My father is a Minister sans security guards. This is the condition in every state. A minister would discharge duties as an official in an office. He had recently injured his leg. He came along in a wheel chair to get fresh breath of air. He felt comfortable turning his wheel, instead of any of us lending a helping hand. While walking, we had occasional pauses with deep breathe-in exercises. Wow! What a beautiful day it was… the birds chirped, the trees swung in tune with the birds, the tiny animals ran across our path as if they were competing with us. They demanded and received pat and affection showered on them. All along, we wished and smiled at those whom we came across. Walking was followed by yogasanas. We got into asanas which were meant for our body suitability. My uncle, who is trained in yoga, is one of the persons who monitored us. After we came back home we had a good bath with warm water from solar geysers. The solar panel heated water from rain water harvest plant. The solar panels and recycled water/rain water harvest have replaced electricity and water body sources to a large extent. I recall there were electricity power cuts and scarcity of water supply in earlier years.

After bath, we pray to God together, during which we sincerely thank him for that entire he gave us. Our customs and traditions need to be preserved by passing on to the next generations. If youngsters are participating in prayer and festive celebrations, they get acquaintance. We have a healthy breakfast of steamed idly, fruits and milk. The breakfast is supplied by community. The whole Nation is feed at the same time. This programme ensures no one starves. Hunger is the main reason for most of the crimes. Once this aspect is checked, the rate of crime goes down. The chip in us records it

I bicycled to my college as it was pretty far. My chip counted my attendance. Those who stay far away from their reporting place or under noncooperative health conditions have the facility of transport run by solar power. Thanking God for bestowing good health conditions, I bicycled on.

My classes got over by afternoon. We receive lunch in college. My chip made a note of my food intake. Each day we receive vegetarian balanced diet at the same time. My mother, who is a nutritionist, prepares food for community lunch. These meals are well planned. Those who skip or could not receive food are tracked and fed immediately. After my classes, I spent some time helping patients in a hospital. One patient had a head injury. She narrated to me; how a man pushed her down in a bid to snatch her gold chain. The chip in her, as well as the culprit, sent signals to the police. The man could not escape as his whereabouts were continuously sent. On catching, the man pleaded mercy saying it was his first mistake. But the data in his chip disclosed his details and spilled the beans. He was also diagnosed to be mentally unsound. He was sent to the recovery home. Later I plucked some weeds in the nearby park. I trimmed some ornamental plants. My chip updated itself on the activities I have undertaken. I went to my CA boss. He assigned some tasks which required loads of concentration. I meticulously sorted out smaller chunks. Completed each chunk and submitted. The chip counted my working hours and calculated my payment.

When I reached home, my brother’s son was waiting for me. I played cricket with him. I helped the kid prepare for his next day class. Today, my sister-in-law, who works with Indians on Mars, had a tele-conference with President of The USA, as the later wanted to send delegates from his country to undergo training from her. The American government too wanted to send their citizens on Mars to get on par with India. My brother has mastered the science of complete development of a prenatal baby. His team has ensured all the babies born are in excellent health conditions. Corrective measures if required are taken even before the baby is born.

During the evenings, all the family members got together. We discussed ‘How our day was’. We also opened up with challenges encountered

by us. Together we discussed possible solutions. There was some time spent for conversing with my sister who is married and is staying far away. Using the latest version of ‘In-touch’, we speak, see and touch. My sister, who is an artist, has gifted children in an orphanage her handmade gifts through In-touch on my Birthday. My family also interacts with my sister-in-law’s family for some time.

We received community dinner. The dinner is usually light. The chip records intake of dinner automatically. My grandfather developed uneasiness in his chest. The chip identified abnormality. It triggered beep in his doctor’s chip as well as the nearby ambulance. Even before we realized, an ambulance arrived to pick him. We shifted him into the ambulance which had medical facility. He was administered with first aid. When we reached the hospital, the doctor was ready with his plan of treatment, as the chip conveyed his accurate health condition. Due to timely action, my grandfather was out of danger.

I informed my family members about the girl I am interested in. She happens to reside in our neighbourhood and is undergoing training in manufacturing cloth from carbon-di-oxide. My parents were happy with my choice. As a mandatory custom, both our family’s citizen’s data in chips have to be exchanged and verified by the members of other family. The data has an option of good deeds in blue and unacceptable deeds in red. This helps in scrutinizing the data quickly at the same time providing all the data. Both the families had some negotiations on the data observed. Some compromises were made and some lines set. It was decided that we could get married in two years. My brother-in-law, who is an event manager, is eager to invite social workers to help in photography and fun and frolic activities. The community lunch should also be diverted to the wedding hall for that day. Finally in two years, I would be married like any other citizen without incurring any expenditure.

A clear A R H A T . . . from my mother woke me up. I was confused to see myself in bed whereas I have expected the entire family to be surrounding me with the excitement of my marriage plans. I blushed. I could not even recall how this girl, I was planning to marry, looked like. I slowly recalled my Dream. It was toooo good. I guess I was under the influence of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalamji while going to sleep, I have had my country as per his wish painted with my thoughts. What satisfaction!!! I lived A Day in My Life, the way I wanted it to be. I cross-checked did I imagine anything impossible? I felt all the events were not impossible. Now, is my move to make my dream come true.

Highlights of India of My Dream:

ü Family ties should be nourished

ü Respecting elders should be from within

ü Discussions and decision making should be part and parcel of family

ü Adjustments and compromises are a must for happy living

ü We need to have friendly relation with our neighbours

ü Good moments should be spent among loved ones

ü No one should go hungry

ü Balanced, nutritious, vegetarian food is right of all

ü Students should not be influenced while choosing a career

ü Each student should spend some time on their subjects

ü One’s profession should be restricted to influence only their job front

ü A day should begin with Morning walk, yogasanas and exercises

ü Sometime of our day must be allocated to contribute our services back to the society

ü Our young generation should take the reins to lead the country with the guidance of experienced elders

ü Innovations/new trends should reach out to benefit all

ü Renewable resources and Solar energy should be used

ü Water should be recycled

ü Citizen chip to carry data of each individual allowing access to all aspects, catering to safety and recording health conditions


What would be the impact of India of My Dream:

Ø Children would cherish growing with love and affection of their family members. A protected child grows their wings strong. The secured inner feeling helps the child to bloom happily. A happy child when they grow transform into responsible citizens.

Ø Everyone has the freedom to express as well as everyone adjusts to allow others to be free. Freedom is required to tap one’s latent talent. At the same time, one needs to learn to adjust to allow the talent in others to flourish. We find huge amount spent on weddings. The couples hardly get along together as they seldom have commitment, compromise and adjustment qualities. Marriage has also become too personal affair. Children select their partners and inform their parents. If parents have any objection, children separate from parents. When they develop misunderstandings in the marital relation, they separate from their spouses. If we need to walk long, we need company.

Ø Citizens learn to give to the society. Living in a society directly implies we need to give our physical and emotional support to it. We need to be sensitive to problems faced by others. Each person should spare their valuable time in extending their helping hand. We also need to use our resources judiciously. Reduce, reuse, recycle should be our motto. We need to give back even to our mother earth. We need to remember, earth survived without mankind for almost 4.5 billion years. Only after the so called Intelligent man started living on Her, she used up to the most horrifying residue. Non-renewable natural resources like coal, petroleum, water, minerals, rocks etc. should be consumed wisely.

Ø Students have liberty to choose their profession. Parental influence was a trend when in ancient times, children used to take up their father’s profession. In this era, children can obtain qualifications and pre-requisites to presue the profession of their interest. Parents should teach their child dignity of labour. Any profession should acquire the same dignity. All citizens would be treated equally. When there is passion in the work, creativity is at its best. If an invention results in relaxation, there should have been no civilization. Out of the box thinking and hands on projects are a must.

Ø All citizens would eat healthily. When we cook our food, we show our riches or poverty in the menu. This leads to alarming disparity in the nutritive value. There are thousands of people in our country who do not get one square meal per day. If the community takes up this responsibility, a balanced diet is ensured to all the citizens. A hungry citizen cannot lead the country, as each individual accounts to the growth of our motherland.

Ø Citizens would exercise regularly. In pursuit of acquiring qualifications, job requirements, family responsibilities etc, most of the citizens do not follow a healthy lifestyle. Even if they are born with all the organs in functional condition, these are not maintained for lifetime. If citizens take up healthy habits in the community, they are more sincere in their attempt. Pressure turns into pleasure.

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