Life In Moment

Life In Moment

1 min

Quick question is, if you were to be removed from earth right now, is there anything you would regret, any wishes you have, anything to make amends or anything to say to people who love you?

If answer is yes, ask yourself why are you holding it back then?

Look, no one has promised you tomorrow neither forever. Try to be alive in a given moment.

Past few months, I had been getting a few bad news about people being no more from among my colleagues.

So I made a pact with myself. Whenever I get some bad news I try to live more for that day. Anything that pops in my mind, I do it.

I have been growing and changing myself trying to leave no regret or 'what if' behind or doing the things which I love most or telling people what they mean to me.

I highly advise you to do the same. At least give it a try. I promise your life will be more happier, calmer, and peaceful than ever.

Live right now!

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