Letting Go (Chapter-43)
Letting Go (Chapter-43)

Serena rolled to a stop as the street light turned red, not wanting to drive through a yellow with the cop behind her. She pulled out her cell phone, glanced at the notifications of missed calls and messages, and dialed her parents. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, but her parents had called multiple times and she knew that ignoring them would make the situation worse. Her mom picked up after one ring.
“Honey? Serena? My God, why weren’t you answering your phone this morning?!”
“I’m sorry mom, I was--,” Serena pressed on the gas as the light changed, “getting coffee and-- my phone died. Sorry.”
She heard a sigh on the other end. “Jilliana called and asked if you were here. We were worried sick, Serena. Just worried sick. We called the station for Agent Keene and she wasn’t available, and for heaven's sake,” her mother paused to take a breath, “for heaven's sake, you should never be walking around with a dead phone.”
“I’m sorry, mom. So, so sorr--”
Serena stopped mid-sentence. Officer Peters had turned on his lights and siren, signaling her to pull over.
“Sorry mom, I’ve gotta go - I’ll call you right back, I promise.”
Serena hung up. He better not be pulling me over for talking on my cell phone, she thought as she pulled to the curb. She rolled her eyes when she saw him walk up to her window.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to talk on my phone. It was my mom, and she was freaking out and I needed to--”
“Agent Keene called,” Officer Peters interrupted, bending down toward her, “you’re spending tonight at your parent’s house. Keene will meet you there tomorrow morning before you leave for the funeral.”
“Oh, okay. Alright,” Serena put her key back into the ignition, “and you’re staying with me?”
Serena nodded. She rolled up the window as the officer walked back to his car, feeling annoyed that she’d have to be with her parents, but slightly hopeful that Agent Keene wanted to speak with her again. Maybe she’s changed her mind about involving me in the case, Serena thought, as she turned back onto the road.
Fifteen minutes into her drive, Serena heard her phone vibrate but didn’t look at it until she was parked in front of her childhood home on Stewart Street. It was a text from Jilliana.
Jilliana: I love u, sis.
Serena wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved or worried by Jilliana’s text. On one hand, Jilliana could have sent this text to let her know she’d forgiven her for that morning and the fight the night before. Alternatively, it was out of character for her sister to send a message like it, especially because they were planning on seeing each other at the funeral the next day. No, everything’s fine, Serena thought, you have to stop being so goddamn paranoid. But as Serena unbuckled her seatbelt, she found herself dialing Jilliana’s number.
“Serena, Serena!”
Serena jumped at the voice screaming from outside and dropped her phone to the passenger’s seat. Her mom was outside of her car, waving dramatically beside Officer Peters. Serena quickly picked up her phone and hung up. She’s fine- she’s just with Patrick. She put her phone in her purse and joined her mother outside. Everything’s fine.
The day with her parents was exactly w
hat she’d expected; hours upon hours of talking about the case, Michelle’s funeral, and of her mother making trips to Officer Peters’ police car with iced lemonade in hand, hoping he’d share information about the investigation.
“Still nothing,” her mom said after her final return from outside, “Either he really doesn’t know anything, or he’s keeping it from me just like everyone else. I’m your mother for God’s sake, and I probably know less about this than anyone.”
When her mother stormed into the kitchen to vent to her father, Serena fled to her bedroom. It was nearly 8 pm and she was exhausted from the day and the thoughts that had encumbered her throughout it. She dropped her purse to the floor and lay on her soft, pink sheets.
Her mind wandered as she glanced around her room, first at her bureau with books stacked on it, then at the small jewelry box and makeup sets on her vanity that her mom never cleaned off after she left for college. Serena rolled over and pulled a pink pillow to her chest. If Keene changed her mind… if she actually decides to use me to capture Edmond, she thought, closing her eyes, then it could all end. It could all be over. This thought was too incredible, too miraculous for her to imagine. She had grown so used to living in fear, that living any other way didn’t seem real.
Then Serena heard her phone vibrate again. She pushed herself from the bed and reached into her purse. Patrick was calling.
“Hey, Pat. What’s going on?”
“Hello, Serena.”
Serena felt her body go cold. It wasn’t Patrick on the phone.
“Who is this?”
“We have Jilliana and Patrick. They’re unharmed for now- and will remain this way only if you do exactly as I say.”
Serena’s knees gave way instantly. She broke her fall by grabbing her bedpost and easing herself down to the floor. She wanted to speak but was struggling to breathe. The man on the other end had a voice she did not recognize; it was low and sounded almost robotic as he continued.
“Tomorrow you will go to Michelle’s funeral. Following the burial, a man driving a black limousine will be waiting for you behind the restrooms on the North side of the Carberry Mausoleum. You will go there alone, and you will get into the limo. If you are not alone, or if any police follow the limo at any time, Jilliana and Patrick will be killed. Is this clear?”
This is a nightmare, Serena thought, this can’t be real. This can’t be happening.
“Is this clear, Serena?” The man’s voice was louder now.
She responded feebly, “behind the bathrooms… North of the what?”
“The Carberry. North of the Carberry Mausoleum. Don’t fuck that up.”
Serena searched for a pen in her purse and, finding one, wrote the location on her hand.
“Is this clear?”
Serena finished writing and dropped her chin to her chest, unable to keep her head lifted. “If I do what you say?”
“Then Jilliana and Patrick won’t be harmed.”
Serena was unsure why she paused then. Maybe she was hoping that an alternative would come, that somehow she’d be able to save Jilliana, Patrick, and herself. But she knew there wasn’t one. She only had one option.
“Okay,” she said, nodding slowly to herself, “Okay, I’ll be there.”
He hung up.