Let Me Fly
Let Me Fly

Once, there lived a family in a metro city. In a small house, a girl and a boy lived with their parents. The girl's name was Siddhi and the boy's name was Kabir. The mother and father both were working and Siddhi and Kabir studied in the same school nearby to the house. This brother and sister loved to go to school but were never bright students they never got a good percentage. They never took their academics seriously, thus there school results were not really great.
Time passed and the brother and sister passed their 10th boards. The brother and sister scored a low percentage. Now the coming time when Kabir and Siddhi had to choose their career, Siddhi was creative and imaginative so she did course of designing through Polytechnique. During her course when she got free time during weekends she made herself a try on other different courses like flower arrangement, beauty and healing courses. The healing courses were of rekhi and pranic. While her brother did a diploma in engineering unwillingly because of coming under the pressure of his parents and also because of peer pressure. He did a diploma by hook or by crook. Soon he was not happy or satisfied with what he was doing in his life as he wanted to be independent, earn more than his parents and most importantly hear his heart and make a career in which he is happy. He also followed his heart and with a small amount of money he started a small business of internet and cable . He was then independent and earned well, soon he got well settled in his life and he started feeling happy in his work.
Looking at his achievements his parents started feeling very happy about him.
At the same time, his sister being creative was also fond of r
eading. One day she read in a magazine that Amitabh Bachchan was going through a very strong downfall and with help of Vaastu and Fengshui he overcomes his bad days and gained his name and fame in his life, after reading this story Siddhi was now curious to know about Vaastu and Fengshui. This curiosity led her towards Vaastu and Fengshui. Later she gained name and fame and became a famous Vaastu consultant.
As Siddhi sits beside me today narrating her and her brother's childhood story, she also shared that as children they would go through academic pressure, their parents were unhappy, their neighbours would gossip about them, friends made fun of them.
Today she says that victory is ours, how much emotional issues they went through their childhood today they stand tall in the crowd. This all happened because they followed their hearts. She says that she started to listen to her heart, Atma, soul, after following the rules of Gita but before reading Gita she was always under pressure and so she was emotionally weak.
This story really touched my heart as she narrating her self experience. This made me realized that it is very important to be emotionally strong and follow your heart always. Success, growth, name, fame, money always comes to a person automatically who is happy and emotionally strong. This positive attitude makes us good decision-maker in life.
Dear, readers this story shares or leaves a message for all children and parents that ''LET YOUR CHILD DO WHAT HE OR SHE WANTS TO ''
Moto of Siddhi from this story is that ''GRATITUDE IS ATTITUDE''.