Immortal Love

Immortal Love

2 mins

She had written some letters, wrapped in her tears; I used to read them when I was alone.

That day, I was seated next to an old lady in the park, relieving my pain, reading her recent letter.

With an engraved alphabet on the first line- "Ashish"

I started reading it. She wrote "I am not with you but you are still in my memories, you don't deserve this but I still feel the agony of separation.

I do miss you 'Ashish' I love you. I miss those college days, our college campus, canteen, the very first day of college, bunking lectures, everything was like a fairy tale.

I still remember that day, when you proposed me, and I said a big "No', still, you did not give up. I was not sure at that time, I could not tell you, what I was going through. But I want to enjoy every day, as I had not many of them remaining in my life. Finally, I realized you are the one, but I can’t see my future with you.


Tears were running down my cheeks, I had not cried so much in recent time; an old lady witnessed my weeping face.


She asked me the reason, but I refused to give her detail.

Immediately I left from there and rushed to Nisha’s house, I saw people around her house, as I entered her house I saw her body wrapped in white cloth,

I could not hold myself and shouted "Nisha get up, getup, you can't do this to me. How could you be so mean, why did not you tell me, "no" you have to get up and answer me?

Her father holds me, Ashish, we cannot do anything, let her soul rest in peace.

I left for there; I don’t want to saw her getting buried in front of me.

Next day I was sitting in the park, the same old lady came and ask me.

How are you, my son? I said, with tears in my eyes, she left me forever...She died of cancer.

Old lady consoled me and said, “She is the rose of your life she will always blossom in your heart".

Look at me “I have been living with the same ordeal for the past 20 years”. Love is immortal my son, don’t stop loving her…. 

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