Heaven Or Hell
Heaven Or Hell

"I don't think anyone would remember the first day at Kindergarten. Well, what I remember is my tiny hands holding my dad's pinky fingers and me munching chocolates on a rainy day. I was the youngest and the most pampered child in the' Baby family'. Yes, I am proud to call myself Marcilin Baby." The woman in heaven told her woman dead soul friend, seated next to her on the dining table. They were planning to start a school and name it as " HEAVENS GATE."
The little Annabell studying in Kindergarten had died today and she was welcomed in the floral garden of heaven with a nursery rhyme. Marcilin was a teacher and she loved children. She was asked to give a speech on stage by the KING OF GODS and appionted as Head teacher for that school.
" I think my teacher played with us on the first day of school. Like me, many were missing their home, especially parents. The Kindergarten teacher made us comfortable with the nursery rhymes and action songs.
" How can I forget the recess time? I always carried muffins, Jimjamss or some bakery biscuits. Its cost was just 25 paise a biscuit those days. Once my cousin had stolen a biscuit, I was so scared and thought if I die, I will rot in hell. But God was kind.
" She smiled looking at God." The KING GOD sitting on the chariot smiled.
" Why do you snatch young kids from their par
ents?" Marcilin asked God.
"The DEMON GOD was tempting her mind to ask many questions so that she is pushed to hell but KING OF GOD loved her as she was one of the purest souls."
" I wanna start school here. I want to see them dance on Twinkle - Twinkle little star. Even I want to add happiness to my world. You asked me why children and babies? But you never asked me Why you? " GOD replied.
" I know my life was happy in the eyes of the world. My death had caused pain to my family and friends but I am fine God with your decision." Marcilin behaved like an obedient child.
" You were not happy on Earth and surrounded by evil people. Everything has a reason and I wanted you to be my Kindergarten teacher." God explained further
The Demon God had no other hope but vicious thoughts to corrupt the kids from Kindergarten itself indulging them in theft, abuse, and disobedience. " He was making his wicked plans but he now needed some right source of people to help him. He wished all wicked people come above but he knew wicked live long and good souls rule the Kingdom of God.
Disclaimer: A story dedicated to my late sister Marcilin and we always planned to do Heaven and Hell story. I also take inspiration from Paradise Lost of Milton while doing this story and please read it as a piece of fiction and not intending to hurt any faith or religion.