Abstract Classics Inspirational



Abstract Classics Inspirational

Guru Nanak and two villages

Guru Nanak and two villages

1 min

During one of his udasis (travelling on foot for the purpose of preaching), Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Bhai Mardana Ji reached one village. The people of the village were corrupt, dishonest, rude and didnot respect their guests. While leaving that village, Guru Nanak Dev Ji raised his hands and blessed the villagers saying “Vasde Raho” (may you keep dwelling and prosper).

The next day, they reached one more village. The people of this village were honest, spiritual, generous, received their guests wholeheartedly and did seva in pure heart. While leaving the village, Guru Nanak Dev Ji raise

d his hand and blessed the villagers saying “Ujad Jao” (may you get displaced and wander).

Shocked by this, Bhai Mardana Ji asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji as to why he did so. To this, the Guru explained “When the people with good values and clean consciences will get displaced, wherever they will go they will spread peace and harmony and good virtues. On the other hand, if the people with bad qualities disperse, they will spread corruption and vices everywhere because that is all they have. The world needs more of good, not bad.That is why good people should spread and bad people must confine."

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