Chaity Paul



Chaity Paul


Future Is Uncertain Everywhere

Future Is Uncertain Everywhere

16 mins

At the very initial stage of social existence, human beings gather the idea that they would gain security through proper schooling, professional qualification, and job assignments. Noone is actually able to secure a future for himself. Future is uncertain in human life as uncertainties might cause devastations and turn life messy. People suffer from health issues, accidents, business closure, loss of a job, improper family relationships, or natural disasters.

Nothing in this wide world is stable and everything is transitory. Many fail to bear faith in such a simple assertion. To imagine that the future world would turn smooth after the execution of certain particular groups of tasks is nothing more than an illusion. Negativities in life reappear time and again.

Strength and growth emanate from continuous effort and struggle. Settling down on what someone has achieved needs to follow conscious efforts and activities thereafter. Acceptance of the fact that the future is uncertain in human life generates the notion that certainly might inhere unreality.

When one accepts that his future is uncertain he can either embrace it as it is or make efforts to stand up and fight back for making situations turn better for him. If he pushes back and continues to grow he will be more ready to tackle what life is throwing at him. Opportunities he creates within himself such a process will certainly reward him.

Conscious efforts in selves develop performance controls. Best efforts can fell best when success arrives. One can deal with uncertainties better by emphasizing entities that he can manage and control. Mindset control and positive outlook work properly rather than scattering the mind to several dimensions. Such attainments are particular to each individual and his mental attitudes belong to him only. Nation builders focussed on positive development instead of worries.

Noone exists without moments of instability. The Covid19 outbreak turns every aspect of human civilization uncertain and stressful. These days distinctly marks with negativity several aspects of existence as finances, education, physiological and psychological health.

Humans crave security. They seek to make their surroundings safe for them and control key situations that influence them. Fear and uncertainty cause stress, anxiousness, and turn them powerless and inactive. Difficult situations can drain rational selves emotionally and entrap them in a downward spiral of ifs and buts towards scenarios of subsequence.

People differ from one another in tolerating abilities. Some enjoy taking risks and enjoy walking along paths that seem unconventional. Others find random challenges distressing. When uncertainty and worries overwhelm one he needs to consider that he is never alone. There are other wanderers as well. He can deal with circumstances that are not under his control by alleviating anxiety levels. Hopeless and helpless minds need faith and confidence to face situations that known surroundings can predict.

Rational selves do not mostly acknowledge thar life is very usually filled with uncertainties that no one can avoid. Even if one is able to control several elements for which be has prepared himself he cannot really predict what would happen to him.

Coronavirus outbreak everywhere has revealed the fact that life changes fast and none can alter the course of transformations that inevitably occur. To cope up with uncertainties all worry and seek to predict the future. They employ worry as a tool to solve problems and consider the worst as the only outcome. Lengthy thoughts, agonies,option-seeking ultimately turn fruitless. Chronic worry never enables situational control. It takes one away from existing enjoyments, energy, sleeps at night. Mindfulness alone is a healthy means to deal with uncertainties. 

Rational selves need to focus on whatever he develops control over and challenge their needs to certainty. Tolerating uncertainty and embracing even the most bitter segment of it proves better. Rational selves are organisms of habit. When circumstances follow plans, schemes, and schedules they feel that they exist under their own control. Curveballs in life cause anxiety and stress. Expenses beyond means and expectations generate stress as it develops economic uncertainty. People with a higher level of intolerance to sudden and uncertain turns less resilient and more prone to moods and negativities. 

Coping up with uncertainties require…

Growing kindness to oneself beats up his intolerance for unpredictability when it measures lower than his friends. People might consider that it might take time for the stressful situation to resolve. Patient awaiting mindfulness help situations better. Reflecting on cases of past success and victories by conquering stressful events under equivalent circumstances that memory recovers turn efficient. Amidst several uncertainties taking risks, accepting challenges by the development of new skills provides for ease and calmness. Confidence really solves problematic cases. Individuals today need to avoid hankering on media news especially during bedtime. It turns people remarkably uncertain. Ruminating on negative events as worst-case situations are ever harmful. Imagining situations from outside might provide perspectives and fresh ideas. Engagement in self-care deviates stress through proper diet, rest, exercise, and sleep. Yoga and meditation grow people with sound mental and physical health.

The support from the ones people trust and have faith in often provides proper solutions under problematic situations. Care and support from professional psychologists help as well.

Uncertainty is a natural integral entity in rational selves that everyone feels throughout. It indicates that selves are alive and not that they lost themselves in dangers and failures that entangled them. They might act irrationally when negativities entangle them. Intelligent selves learn through life experiences by facing those. Selves with positive thinking trust that situations would turn better in course of time. Practicing how to deal properly with uncertainties ultimately becomes habitual as many others through patterns.


Humans need to realize that they are never able to control everything that encircles them. Escaping from realities with attitudes of panic hinders the power of the human body and mind to confront the challenges they face.

Emotions under suppression re-appear with negative forces beyond expectation. Casual sensing of inner and outer selves as anxiety, fear, self-doubt, restlessness surrounding particular humans is always helpful to navigate through subsequence.

Positive and stable attitudes towards at least certain entities that one can control prove fruitful. Obsession over what might or might not occur in the future might paralyze men of negativities with in-activities as he turns fearful. Fear and anxiety go hand in hand. Courage rewards life. 

Accepting uncertainty make humans realize how resilient they are. Trusting oneself keeps one comfortable even when obstacles tend to strip away his progress. Uncertainty is some actuality in human survival and existence that situations mark in and out. It is beyond human prediction.

At the peak of civilization rational humans schedule and scheme their subsequent scopes and actions. Many in most cases find that some unknown forces have turned their pre-plans upside down. Lack of future knowledge makes one grow stressed. Things as such refuse often follow plans one device. Worries cannot do something better than limiting creativity by narrowing the human scope of thinking.

Tunnel vision is common for people when people spend sleepless nights preparing for what would happen next. It is needless to worry about life in cases where humans bear no control over situations. Pre-discovery on what would happen in-fact might grow lives without lusture and excitement. When humans need to learn how to encounter uncertainties that they can never eliminate. Bold attitudes learn promptly that uncertainty is a habitual element in daily life.

Adventure and excitement abound, people when to put themselves open to several possibilities and infinite choices. Uncertainty is a rather strange and uncomfortable feeling that occurs in the mental arena when selves move beyond familiarity. It entails transformations without exceptions. Rational selves are aware of changes that uncertainty brings about and that they really miss the benefits of positivities. There might be some feeling of lack or loss.

When human beings cannot rely upon what appears familiar or habitual they might feel cut-off and out of control. Many queries on whether to make changes or stay back with existing knowledge and status. Doubtfulness develops discomfort, distress, and obviously anxiety. Crisis makes one decide whether to move on to the subsequent stages and consider its possibilities or retreat back to what is familiar. 

On completion of processes that involve alterations, one eventually gains understanding and insight into why changes occurred and where the uncertainty it brought was necessary. Having a sense of what to expect along the path of living, the emotions accompanying such changes are usual even if people feel uncomfortable or will they direct towards the path of rightness. When an individual finds out the reasons behind changes in surroundings they restore their sense of control.

Tips to existence amidst uncertainty include:

1)Uncertainty is an element of certainty

Uncertainty encircles each and every human living in varying extents. Remedy to those is in most cases time-consuming. Nobody knows what situation beyond expectations would be going to unfold. The concepts that depend upon them might totally change from time to time.No situational comfort is lifelong. The notion that every single entity would be at times subject to change copes up better with realities. Fear is something that has not yet happened is nothing developmental. Flexibile preparations for possibilities grows resilience.

2)Even in the midst of uncertainty transits several segments of life counts on to stay stable and reliable. Particular individuals need to identify within their several aspects of living entities that they can control themselves. It builds up a totality life structure framework. Habitual and familiar matters ground in one from within and provides for a shield when life is at risk. There is no sense in sitting inactive with terrific notion of future.Possibilities and hopefulness sort put incidents in reality.

3)The notion of manifold possibilities

Specific changes bring about specific outcomes along with opportunities. Migrating to a particular residential area involves a new setup in the surroundings including community build-up. Ambitious human selves need to suspend expectations realistically beyond should matters. Dissatisfaction regarding expectations leads to frustration and disappointment. Allowing possibilities prevents people from sticking to narrow attachments of life by exploring selves with capabilities. 

4)Thoughts that feed human body need attention.

Thoughts belong to the entity that human societies categorize or emblem as rather simple ins and outs within selves. Practically it is natural to every natural mind and in the process, no-one considers its goodness or badness.

Other people's emotions and reactions impact and hue individual's how tos.Some embrace change and uncertainties as challenges towards opportunities while others seek to avoid those as catastrophic.All need to learn the art of toning difficulties down realistically.Worries on outcome beyond imagination disrupt balance of mental states and abilities.Working on absolute zero as pre-conception before realities appear bear fruit.Ceaseless anxiety and fear imagines the worst and never allows ease and balance.

5)Courage trends does not support life under control of fear.Humans need to control fear. Actualities find the term fear usually loading.It expresses emotions that carry huge weight and overburden the thinking and feeling of rational minds.Uncomfortabability in body and mind develops in cases that pre-occupy fear.Persons who have allowed rule of fear turns paralytic and inactive.Fear can hinder human capabilities of trying,changing and achieving those enrich experiences.It never enables enjoying life to the fullest possible extent.Safety and security develops their own modes to find places in human lives that are rather free from unnecessary fear of unknown and uncertainty. 

When one awaits for surroundings to quiet down and settle; meditation, creative projects, and self-care schemes support effectiveness. Uncertainty in gambling or mysterious stories might seem appealing. Communities worldwide in coronavirus pandemic find it difficult to manage uncertainties in several aspects of human existence. People worry about securing safety but no-one knows when the crisis would terminate. Medical personnel finds jt difficult to consider cases that beyond knowledge, vast and scary.

Uncertainty is a major cause of stress.It interrupts human ability to plan and scheme for adjusting situations.Normally himans base their decisions on past experiences.Often new requirements cannot rely on past that informs decision making.Selves turn anxious as they cannot learn and gather suggestions in such cases to anticipate on.

Stress motivates humans either to fight or flight response.It impacts in physical changes as hormone surges and increment in heart rate.Chronic stress might develop cardio-vascular diseases and memory loss.Ceaseless awareness and preparation for future entities and elements as uncertain and potentially evil is far beyond encouragement. 

Intolerance of uncertainty or negative beliefs that people carry about generate inevitably unhealthy emotional and behavioral patterns. Psychologists associate depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder(OCD)with low tolerance of anxiety. People with higher tolerance levels never indulge in fixating about what they cannot themselves control.

When events events do not relate to expectations mind management technique of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy(CBT)prove supportive.Psychologists apply it to build-up and enhance tolerance levels.It reduces stress and anxiety on its course.

Mindfulness reduce suffering that uncertainty cause.Going through each specific of five human senses and focusing on three immediate under immediate consideration reduce stress.It grounds one on the present moment and its surrounding certainties.

To counteract the alteration of food and sleeping patterns that stress due to uncertainty cause scheduling of essential daily activities helps. Scheming several elements in daily life structures physiological and psychological controls that people mostly lack otherwise. Unwillingness to experience an element of contradiction might lead to additional suffering. Constant internet searches or news media hunting might not turn fruitful to gather information that reduces stress.

It seems healthier to accept uncertainties when incidents and situations change largely. Twists and turns beyond expectation might not seem positive and demand ideally realistic consideration on self-control. In scarry situations acceptance values better than denial. Noone encourages uncertainty that all experience to a certain degree as an integral life-segment. It is never a matter of liking and disliking.

Acceptance grounds one in the presence and generates means to confront it. Denials indulge him in emotional outbursts.Existing realities reveal that humans find no other alternatives but to accept the very bitter pandemic realities including restrictions in movements and social distancing.

Humans hate the unknown as they bear the ideas that it might turn dangerous and fearful. Inexact they survived and evolved as they could plan and scheme their future.Socialization norms impart the ethical ideas as should or should not when human infants grow.Only favourable circumstances  allow assembling necessary resources that plans and implement those to achieve goals subsequently.Often situations typically resist positivities and turn and run counter-active.

Some people gather negative feelings exceedingly and seek to avoid what is inevitable.In the midst of pandemic uncertainty vast majority of people has turned fearful.Fear and anxiety co-extend each other as fear heightens anxiety levels.Prolong anxiety manifests itself in depression.It co-acts with frustration to characterise loss of interest,hope and happiness ultimately. 

When people start considering that difficulty period is everlasting and endless others need to advise them on reframing of mind.Thoughts on unprecedance and everlasting sorrows can gain control from within internal senses only.Coping mechanisms directs to engagement towards activities of creation and goal-orientations.Sense of achievements prove fruitful in winning over difficulties and the outcome soothes people.One can ascertain then that his feelings follow norms.

It is a constancy in life that it would involve change in some form or other.Efforts to control future mostly turns fruitless.All one can do is to trust in whatever happens,adapt to and make best utilization of those.Expectations bring about disappointments.One can guide the subsequence but he is totally unable to control the outcome.Negative feelings grow narrow mental selves.

When one visualizes the best outcome it becomes too tough for him to live upto.Instead of expectations on what future might provide focusing on creativities to deal with future achieves balance.

The most critical aspect of uncertainty is that none can put it under control.Anticipations of it worsens mind abilities.Planning for possibilities and never for expectations is the suggestion from psychology scholars.People really bother when they become victims of the feelings of obstruction that uncertainty entails.Indulging in fear might develop a series of reactionary thoughts.Speculations lead to inner perceptivities.When rationality turns unable to predict future developing positive feelings about possibilities becomes the only positive solution to deal with it.

When one gains confidence about his adjusting and adapting skills he assures that he can manage his future difficulties.There exist positivities within negatives.Defensive pessimism speaks of considering the worst that makes one to plan how he would handle his future.It ultimately lessens anxiety and turns uncertainty less scary.

Stress-reduction techniques deals preemptively with uncertainties that tells upon physical health as well.Overtime it affects blood-pressure,blood-sugar,muscular tensions,cholesterol levels,breathing rate and several other organic functionalities.Meditation and mindfulness grows inner control to deal with surroundings.Overlooking small entities that one can control with ease is never acceptable to obsessions beyond control.

When one gets busy in judging what has not appeared yet he finds difficulty in moving on with the already existing realities. Fear entraps him in a cycle about potential discomforts on future.Minfulness enables people to invent what is rightful and proper in the exact existence.When they do not hanker on future anticipations they can find enough hours for writing,reading,relaxing and connecting to people. 

Even in a life that predicts and controls better notions on future is an illusion. Nothing is stationary. Uncertainty keeps one up at night obsessing over means to protect himself from wrongful hours.Following moments might not seem easy but might satisfy one beyond imagination.When moments appear rational selves need to respond to those,learn from those and move to the subsequent.Focusing on possibilities that might generate and never fear certainly makes one feel better.

Psychological researches proved beyond doubt that certain strategies reduce worry and anxiety amidst uncertainty.Government shutdowns to help critical situations, massive political instability, climate changes feed worry worldwide.People feel uneasy as they cannot predict growing uncertainty.Individuals with sound mental abilities also gather anxiety amidst frustration and hopelessness.

People dislike uncertainty as they fear that negative events will turn real some day or other. Lack of awareness roots negativities. Human minds actually trick selves into thinking the worst. They are poor in what psychologists term affective forecasting. When uncertainties fence minds preconceive evil effects only. Humans again overestimate situations in tune with their emotional selves. People forget that they need to turn resilient to actualities beyond their imagination. 

Impact-bias minds cannot actually account for other aspects besides particular. Future circumstances very much habitually attenuate impacts of negativities. Humans largely under-appreciate their tendencies to adapt to challenges that speak of better survival. People who adjust properly to both positive and negative changes return less to their pre-change satisfaction levels. Such hedonistic approaches adjust faster and better than anticipations and pre-conceptions.

It turns rather hard to conquer free-floating worry.Mind casually and usually navigates from one topic of concern to another.One can jot down thoughts, prioritize the essential, examine these, and eliminate redundancies.Cognitive Behaviour Therapy(CBT) speaks of thinking through the best,the worst and the realistic.Worries that produce nothing does not solve any life-problem in its course.Idea on whether a particular individual is able to solve his own problem by controlling his thoughts and activities speaks proper.One can deal with his financial crisis by opting for other sources of income and controlling expenditure.

Clear-cut definition of goals,generation of multiple techniques,choosing the best possible ones,repetition and implementation of the new accomplish better.Worry pre-occupies rational thinking.It is repetitive and goes on in a circular motion.CBT theory says that redirecting daily at least for twenty minutes from objects of worry keeps mind healthy by keeping anxiety away.

Human tacitly accepts uncertainties and un-predictabilities as bad traffic in driving and bad weather in walkouts. Integrally entities beyond certain help in visualizing the existence in usual before catastrophes appear. When imaginary uncertainty scales range high abnormally therapeutic cognitive treatments first judge whether the situations are essentially critical or individual thoughts turn it so. Attention to physiological senses is the suggestion.

CBT says that physical movements deviate constant brooding in the mind by ceasing anxiety levels. It restricts the ongoing ruminating loop that the mind suffers from. Diaphragmatic breathing and progressive muscle relaxation(PMR) helps.In the later process stomach moves while chest remains still and allows tensing and relaxing organic muscles beginning at toe up to head at top.

In uncertain cases and negative thoughts that those who accompany humans consider that they need to run away from situations. They seek to avoid and escape those. Modes they employ in their manners and behavior simply provide for temporary relief. Harsh situational realities appear with a vengeance and rob humans of vitality. What humans resist persists and when one finds the courage to face head-on life changes for the better. Acceptance and Commitment(ACT)therapy guides one on how to recognize and transform avoidance patterns towards serving a better life.

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