Five Months Of Love!
Five Months Of Love!

I came back to India after two years. After a tiring eighteen hours flight from Los Angeles to New Delhi, we (me, my mum and my dad), started our four hours journey to our ancestral village.
It was so nostalgic to even think that was going to the village, maybe after five years. I took the back seat in the car where I could sleep (not so comfortable but at least could sleep). Within minutes I was lost in the lazy world of sleep inside my cozy red quilt.
A sudden jerk woke me up from the depths of dreams.
"Welcome to village, beta (son)!" said my dad as he saw me waking up with a bad expression.
I was feeling so drowsy that I was barely looking out at the lush green fields occupied by paddy plants.
"Look outside. Don't miss any moment to capture this beauty!" he called.
I took off the quilt and lowered the glass of the car.
The month-old paddy plants were budging with the wind. The evening sun was red with orange hues. The birds were chirping and flying freely in the sky. The wild plants growing on the boundaries of the fields and trails. And of course, the bumps and jerks.
I realized that we were on the outskirts of the village. I took a deep breath and saw myself in the mirror. I dressed my hair and applied some perfume.
After many twists and turns, we finally reached our destination. I recognized that house. Two-storied, off-white colored due to years of exposure to weather, brick courtyard,
The car stopped.
I was hesitant in coming out but after gathering a lot of courage; I came out of the car along with my mum.
I looked around. Everything looked the same as it was when I saw last time but this time, a bit older. There were my father's uncles' houses, the doctor uncle' house and.............................a boy was standing on the terrace. I didn't recognize him. As I saw him, he turned and went away.
We rang the bell. My younger cousin opened the door. He wished me and mum and then touched our feet. Through the roofed porch, we entered the hall where everyone else was waiting for us.
My grandmother (Prakasho Devi), my aunts (Neha and Rani), my uncle (Sunil) and their children; Prince, Nirav, and Karna. Though my youngest uncle, Sameer was missing, maybe because last time he and his wife Rani had an ugly with my parents due to some stupid issue as they do not want us to visit the village. The reason is obvious, my parents left the village within a year when I was born, and my uncle Sunil usually stay out the house
of the house for his work, so, he and only he knew the maths of our ancestral fields and property. He was unpopular for being a liar and a fraud and after the fight he had with my parents, my respect towards him was somewhat decreased.
I wished everyone there and water was bought. As I was about to take a sip, a loud fragile voice called my name. It was my grandpa's. I let it immediately. My cousins also followed me.
He used to spend most of his time in a room which opened outside the house and the only way through which is related to the main house was a small window. It was because of the reason that once he was a renowned lawyer and hence still people used to visit him regularly for queries.
I entered the room where my father was sitting on one cot and my grandpa was lying on the other one, reading a newspaper. As he saw he is coming, he stood up, hugged me as tight as he could and asked me to sit next to him. I did so.
After having hours of talking about my education, job in America, marriage plans, etc., finally, he let us go to have supper.
I was so tired that I decided to have a bath to fresh myself.
Food was served; chapati, curd, and potato-cauliflower.
It was awkward for me to eat as everyone was staring at me and commenting on how I was eating. If didn't like the food as I was very slow in eating. If salt was too much for me. If I wanted to have something western. So, at last, I had to clear everyone's doubts. I cannot eat fast, and I love Indian food.
But it was just beginning. After having food, I brushed my teeth and before sleeping, I applied some moisturizer on my face and hands and oil on my hair. They were amused to see the amount to work or as they called 'makeup' I did before going to bed.
Initially, I problem falling asleep. I was just turning from one side to another. It was partially due to jet lag and partially because our four cousins were sharing a bed and I had not shared my bed with anyone before. But somehow, I managed to fall asleep.
The next morning, I got up early or better say got up from bed early as I was not able to have a sound sleep. So, I took a bath, had a cup of strong black coffee and went jogging.
As I was walking in the streets, the fresh cold air was hitting me. It never happened in America. I took off my headphones and started to enjoy the hits of the wind. I kept on walking.........and walking..................and walking..............until I reached the outskirts of the village where there was field.
I thought I was the only one who woke up so early but there were many more. The farmers were working in their fields. As I guessed they were adjusting the handmade streams for watering the crops. I was impressed by their hard work and hence I couldn't resist. I saw the same guy whom I saw last evening on the terrace. So, I headed towards him.
He saw me coming. I saw that he saw me and as soon as I waved him..................I fell off the trail in the mud.
It sounds safe because mud cannot hurt. True. But the husk, stones, branches, etc. in the mud hurt a lot.
"Are you okay?" he asked me, lending me his hand to get up.
I nodded and said, “Thank you!"
He laughed. Laughed hysterically. Weird. His laughter annoyed me to another level.
"What the hell you thought you were doing?" he asked.
"I wanted to see what you were doing and try it," I replied.
"Well you can see but I'm not sure it would be able to do it!" he told me giving an evil smile.
"Or maybe prediction"
"Alright, then we'll see!"
I followed him.
He pointed to a sack and asked me to relocate it, so that water can flow to the other field.
I thought it would be easy. Yeah, it was easy but only in my thought.
I tried to lift it. Failed.
Then I tried to lift it with more strength. Failed.
I again tried with every muscle in my core and it lifted a few millimeters and as I was about to reach cloud nine, I fell again.
I fell again in that mud.
He again laughed. Laughed hysterically. But this time, it didn't annoy me. I smiled and then I too laughed insanely.
"You are such a..................." he said and then relocated the sack in one try.
I was shocked and gave him a smile in the same shocked expression.
"Let's clean ourselves at the tube well," he said.
I followed him to the tube well.
We cleaned ourselves.
"Aayush," I said.
"What?" he asked.
"My name is Aayush and your’ s?"
“. Raj!"
"So, you're a farmer?" I asked.
"Yeah, and you?"
"I'm a Biochemist."
"What does it mean?"
"Ah!...............I do research on chemicals and living cells."
"Sounds cool."
"It indeed is and so do farming."
"It only sounds cool but in reality, it is very hard!"
"I f
elt it a few moments ago."
"Okay, see you later!" he said and turned.
"Okay." I also tuned but I realized that I didn't know the way back home.
I ran after him and knocked on his back.
"Excuse me, I'm lost. I don't know the way back home..............................Can you please drop me?" I said while gasping.
"Come on!" he said giving me his glowing smile.
He dropped me to my home and then left for his.
There were hustle and bustle in the home.
My aunts and my mum were busy in the kitchen, my dad and Sunil uncle were decorating the walls and my grandma was in the mandir (shrine).
I went to my grandma and asked her the reason for the ongoing preparations.
"Today is Janmashtami, dear," she replied.
"Can I also help?"
"You can help in decorating the swing."
After helping grandma, we had our breakfast and then she took me to the neighborhood to invite them to the celebration.
She also went to Raj's home. I was smiling and was trying as hard as I could to not laugh while he was there.
People started gathering at our home as soon as sunset.
My father's uncle's sister, Radhika who was getting married after Diwali also joined us.
The celebration started with bhajans and ended with arti. Then the prasad of dhaniya Panjiri and Khoya barfi made by my grandma was distributed. It was one of the most memorable nights of my life. Not just the auspiciousness but also the feeling of having a whole under a roof was so special.
The next day, I again went to Raj's field to learn about the crops he was growing.
One day, grandma came to me and asked me to get some soil as Ganesh Utsav was coming and hence, she wanted me to make an idol of Lord Ganesha because she knew that I'm good in sculpturing.
I only knew Raj in the village and hence, I asked him if he can give me some soil, to which he agreed readily.
I made an idol of Lord Ganesha with four arms, sitting on Mushak. He had a snake wrapped around his stomach and he was wearing orange-colored dhoti.
We worshipped him for eleven days and then the idol was drowned in a pit that was filled with water.
I started to spend more time with Raj. Sometimes I would approach him to learn more about agriculture, village lifestyle, etc. and sometimes he would approach me to know about life in America, learn about the science behind daily stuff.
He was about my height but obviously had a tanned skin tone. His muscles were more developed than me because I developed mine in the gym and he developed his muscled in the fields.
One day, we went to have a picnic in the field which was my plan. We climbed up the mango tree and there we had our lunch. Everything was going well until it started raining.
So, we went to a small room or better say a shed or a cottage in the middle of the field. It was surrounded by a mulberry tree on one side and tube well on the other.
It was more rustic inside than what it looked outside.
The rain started to fall stronger and lightning also started.
"Raj," I said.
I touched his cheeks and held then with my hands. He grabbed me from my back and tilted his face. He came closer. So, did I. I looked down at his lips. Then his eyes. And then............................. we kissed. Her hands were rubbing my back and my hands were grabbing his hair.
He brushed my lips with his tongue. I felt surreal.
We smiled and this time I was blushing. He looked into my eyes and then kissed again.
Our eyes said only one thing, 'I love you!"
"It's.............." I said.
He closed my mouth with his hand.
"I love you!" he said in my ears.
I do not have words that I felt at that moment.
I felt the same thing that one would feel if someone confesses his love to him but at the same time, I knew that it was not a usual love.
We went back home and behaved as nothing happened.
Yeah, nothing happened...............nothing..............nothing..............
It was not so difficult to bury that as the festive season was going on. It was the festive season I ever had. We celebrated Navratri, Dussehra, Diwali, Govardhan pooja etc. together.
We did not touch each other after that kiss but we remained friends...............close friends.
The festive season flew away, and Radhika's wedding rituals started. It also meant that my time to leave the country was also close.
Haldi..............Mehendi............Baan (Haryanvi ritual) and then finally the wedding.
After the Phera while everyone was busy with the Vidai ceremony, Raj came to me and took me to the room on the first floor of my home.
He hugged me and said, “I don't know what I would do without you. We cannot run from the truth anymore!"
"What do you mean?"
"Aayush, will you marry me?"
I was dazed. His eyes were screaming my name. His eyes were full of water of love and inquisitiveness to know my answer.
I nodded.
My eyes were also full of tears.
He put an imaginary ring on my finger and then we kissed.
We were kissing when someone opened the door.
He was my uncle Sameer accompanied by Sunil uncle.
We were frozen.
Vidhai ceremony was finished peacefully but after that everyone was gathered.
"See, send your child to America! He has destroyed our family's name. Have you forgot your culture?" Sameer uncle screamed.
"Didn't expect it from you?" uncle Sunil said.
"He is old enough to make his own decisions!" my father said.
"Decision? What decisions? He is a shame to our family!" Sameer uncle said.
"A bigger shame than you?" My father replied.
"You've lost your senses. It’s all your fault, you've given birth to si............" Sameer Uncle said but before he could complete, my father interrupted and said, “Don’t you dare say a single word!"
"Why? Truth is always difficult to swallow!" Sameer uncle said.
My father slapped Sameer uncle and went to pack our luggage.
I followed him to the room.
"Dad, I wanted to......................."
"Don't say anything. I don't want to make a scene here. We'll talk about it later. As a father, it's my duty to take your side but it doesn't mean that I've forgiven you!" he told me.
He closed the bag and as he was leaving the room; he stopped by me, looked into my eyes and slapped me.
We left the house.
Again, a boy was standing on the terrace but this time I knew who he was. I was looking at me but as soon as I saw him, he turned and went down.
I sat inside the car. The car started.
This time also, I wasn't looking at the lush green fields occupied by paddy, not because of drowsiness but because of the storm running in my mind.
I've left the village, but I don't know what will happen to Raj. How people will treat him?
I would've loved if my father had said something, but he said nothing, not during the journey and not even after the journey. His silence was killing me inside.
I just hope Raj stays okay.
The paddy plants were budging with the wind as they were doing when we came to the village.
'Your five months of love have ended!' I told myself and smiled.
I lowered the glass.
The beautiful evening red sun with orange hues was bidding us adieu.