Fault In Our Upbringing
Fault In Our Upbringing

Since yesterday morning, there is a flood of posts on my wall about the hathras rape victim, Manisha Valmiki. It is shameful and hurtful to even read about it. I just can't bear the fact of how women had been and are being treated in this society.
Failed judiciary? Failed government? Not proper punishment? Is this the answer to these crimes? It can be asymptomatic relief to every crime. But these cases are clearly a case of a failed upbringing. This is clearly a case of deep-rooted patriarchy. We can turn this debate towards the prevailing caste system in our society but it isn't.
If she was a Brahmin, Kshatriya, Muslim, a 3-year-old, a 75-year-old, she must have been raped because it isn't about the victim at all. It's about the upbringing of men in our society.
Yes to every mother and father, who definitely haven't taught their sons to respect every individual who passes their way. My parents, your parents, their parents have forgotten to tell their sons that No woman is their property at any cost. A woman roaming naked on the road, or a woman going at 2 a.m. in the night, or a girl 3 months old or 80 years old or a woman wearing burkha, or a woman living in your home, is not your property in any case. You can't even touch another human being without their permission.
The government makes laws for humans. What is human without humanity? A Satan and there can't be rules or laws for satans.
Obviously, laws should be strict to set an example for future but in the end, it is a case of failed parenting and clearly a case of a failed society.