



Equality What?

Equality What?

4 mins

FrKaran was of marriageable age. Since the entire Scenario of match making has undergone a tremendous change what with the nuclear families become like Cocoons with no extended families and their connections match making is now done differently or we can say the prospective themselves are seen searching matches and so we hear about matrimonial sites and their side effects. So, by now I seem to have given the hint to the up coming story. This is in fact a true incident.      Karan was getting ready . It was Monday and beginning of a New week. Karan's Mom called to him to have breakfast. She had even packed his lunch box. Karan at the table and his mom started her usual grumbling .

You might be wondering right? Karan's mom says Son I am so tired of doing these routine house hold work. I want you to get married so that your wife will take of these duties. Myself and your dad want you to get married and have kids as early as possible. We want to spend our life with your kids and relax Now no need to take these words seriously thought Karan . He even had a sheepy smile on his face and it was the idea that what would happen if Women liberation forum heard karan's mom's words about getting married to get a wife who would do household chores . His mother reminded that he had to meet Shilpa at a Restaurant that afternoon . Shilpa was none other than the girl with whom Karan had been chatting on online site with a marriage proposal in mind She too seemed interested in Karan and was eager to meet him in person to sort out things and proceed further. Karan got ready and with a lot of enthusiasm started off to his Work place He applied for half a day leave and left to meet Shilpa at a decent Restaurant. He was not a Spend thrift you see. Neither a miser.

But, was quite calculative as to what he earns and what he could spend. He reached the Restaurant and called Shilpa's number. She responded and guided him to the table where she was seated. Karan was thrilled to meet Shilpa . She was well dressed and beautiful too. After exchanging pleasantries both started a normal conversation about their hobbies, interests values, families etc. Of course not in the same order. Shilpa spoke about equal rights and Woman liberation. Karan also spoke about these topics in Supporting manner. Karan felt that Shilpa was impressed by his opinions. She then questioned him about the sharing of household work since both would be working full time in their respective offices. Karan expressed his opinion that both would share the household work equally and whenever possible he would even attend to cooking and cleaning as well. Shilpa seemed pleased with Karan's suggestions. Meanwhile they both ordered some snacks and coffee While waiting for the food to be served both of them were busy checking their phones as it is the norm now a days.

Shilpa's phone rings and she excuses herself to attend the call . So courteous to Karan What was that Karan almost jumped from his seat. It was Shilpa yelling out loud to somebody who was on the other side of the phone. Karan hears Shilpa addressing someone as Nehal and saying how can he ask you to share the house expenses, it is your hard earned salary, he is the man of the house your husband after all it is his duty to fend for the family, bear all expenses and keep you comfortable. This is what a groom promises his bride during the marriage ceremony . He has to abide by these rules Keep him informed that it is the time of Woman empowerment.

You need not tolerate any nonsense. The law is providing us with so many benefits to protect ourselves from any kind of demand even if it is from your husband and even if relates to your own home and it's requirements So don't budge keep your ground,  he will have to agree to whatever you say. We are equal to men in all respects. Be cool and confident ok. Bye . Shilpa hung the phone and turned towards the seat where Karan was seated only to see him walking out of the Restaurant quickly. Needless to say Shilpa was fuming at his uninformed exit and was trying to figure out as to what happened. Hope you all understood what made Karan run out of that place? It was an eye opener to him about Shilpa and her thoughts about equality etc.

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