Samson Franklyn

Abstract Drama Others


Samson Franklyn

Abstract Drama Others

Don't Fall Too Deep; Past The Light There's Darkness

Don't Fall Too Deep; Past The Light There's Darkness

2 mins

Some things or experiences in life turn you into an angry phoenix inside with all the world's paradoxes in one person. You feel any all the tone and firestarter with the world, it's notions, beliefs and attitude towards life. You feel as if even your own are set out to harm you. You trust no one. You girl your own anger by feeding it compromise and disturbance on purpose. It swallows it all, but it hates on the inside. But it swallows it all.

You feel as if you're exhausted and lost within. You feel drained of your will and feel your positivity go out the window. You feel angry at everything in front of you and afar. Nothing seems right to you. The only thing that makes s

ense is the fury and the intent to harm.

When you're in a place like this and you know what you really are, how do you feel your loved ones how much they mean to you? How do you tell them that you're sorry for everything you've said or done? How do you repent, when you're still making enemies? They all think you're wrong and heartless with no sense of love or care or both.

You wish for the easiest way out but lack the will to exist without memory or everything and everyone you loved. It's a gruesome place to live in, I tell you. Don't ever let yourself come here. You'll never wanna leave and you'll watch your entire world fall apart, one piece at a time.

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