Dear Whatever

Dear Whatever

3 mins

Is it just me, or has the sun been acting not like itself anymore? It’s been cold lately, right? Maybe it is true what people have been assuming all along: everything changes.

Oh and before I grant you the malediction of hearing out my godforsaken story, know this: I’m not personifying you, you’re still the Whatever you want to be. The thing is, I have no interest in mailing this to any of the usual masked faces I’ve known my whole life, which leaves my tongue tied to targeting no one but you.

I don’t want to have to squeeze lemons in your eyes but it would be so unwise of you not to bear with me right now, so let’s just take it easy, Whatever, shall we? One more thing; If I were you, I’d bring a fork and an empty plate, just in case you got hungry. We’ve got a long night ahead of us. As for the food, let it be the least of your concerns. I’m always pleased to cut off a finger or two for those who offer me their ears. So I’ve been saying, it’s been cold lately, do you think today is the day I finally show the world some good?

I’ve been procrastinating it since I don’t care when. We have a problem, though. I can’t control the weather and even if setting the entire world on fire is an option, there’d be no way in seven heavens that someone or some ones somewhere would

n’t speculate my stainless clean intentions.

I know you’d be muttering “It’s effing winter” under your breath, but excuse me! Do I look biased to you? We can’t just assume it’s winter judging upon the fact that it’s raining. Only dear mother can do that. It’s her specialty; jumping to conclusions. But hey! Let’s agree on not labeling today in respect to stereotypes, okay? I think we’re doing today a huge favor and an act of kindness by doing so, not doing, you understand?

I’m not even sure where I’m going with this. You’re one hell of a poor Whatever to have to read this, or you know listen to this, or you know however it fits your identity. All I have ever wanted… want... is to be seen and appreciated for what I think fits me, for what I authentically am.

Only god knows what the sun wants now, but It could be a chance in a trillion that the sun likes it better when it’s not blazing hot and it could be a chance in two. Either way, we’d better damn respect it, if not like it. It’s the least goodness we can do. Besides, the universe is fair. Train a wolf today, the pack comes hunting you tomorrow. I was only kidding, have no worries. I hate that I myself judge people sometimes, I think I shall cut off the parts that judge first. Aren’t you starving already, Whatever?

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