Mahak Chopra



Mahak Chopra


Colourful India

Colourful India

3 mins

Isn't our country this way? the Indian map is just like 2 palms of our hand & the different citizens are just like different colour powders sprinkled on those palms. yes, India is the only country in the world where diverse people, cultures, languages, food, customs, traditions, dress etc. exists.

All Indians follow & respect their motherland a lot too. whether they're Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or Christians, Indian land is regarded high by them all. Hindus especially do "bhumi-pujan" when starting a new enterprise or while buying a new property. Sikhs, during their "gurpurab", organise gatherings of devotees who walk from the main gurudwara to city parts early in the morning singing different keertans called "prabhat pheris", & while walking they sprinkle flowers on the road. so, in short, all Indians value their land a lot.

In India, we see the schools are specific-language based where only students of that language or religion study eg. Hindi medium schools & there are also schools primarily based on the English language where students from all religions are welcomed. same is the case in offices, hospitals, police stations, etc. where people from all religions coexist & run the country. then these colleagues become friends & attend each other's festivals & family functions too. Suppose Mr.A is a Hindu & he's organising a Diwali pujan at his place, & mr.B is invited by him who's a Muslim friend at mr.A's office. Now, both these friends celebrate Diwali with all enthu & gusto. similarly, mr.B will call Mr.A at his place for celebrating eid.

India is the only country where we find snow-clad mountains on 1 corner & deserts on another, plateaus, coastal l

and, grasslands, islands all in 1 nation. So yes, such is the unity in diversity of people in India. we've got different neighbours to live with. Nowadays, we've intercaste marriages happening too. there are instances where the husband is Hindu & wife is christan & their kids learn to live in both ways & rituals. in India, you will find Hindu's pedas & ladoos, Muslim's sheer khurma, Bengali's rasogulla & Sandesh.

India is a colorful country in this world. in the same college, you will find a girl wearing Kurti &leggings & a girl wearing jeans & a T-shirt. India is a country where girls are considered as goddesses. there's a special festival celebrated by everyone-it's Navratri in Gujarat & Durga puja in Bengal. only in India, you can find a Marathi speaking & Tamil speaking boys working together with an army or police force.

Though we've totally different religions, yet our roots are the same- to practice brotherhood, to respect elders & always be humble in their feet, to take care of guests like they are God( Atithi Devo bhava!), to love our parents more than anyone else, to wake up early morning & pray to God, to donate the poor, to maintain cleanliness, etc, etc.

Our festival Holi is the symbol of our country. we're diverse yet we're together. we're those different color stains on 1 hand forever working & developing together.

Now under this lockdown too, we're scattered yet we're together facing the same situation yet we all have the hope of again meeting & building ourselves together. our doctors, nurses, cleaners, police, govt., delivery guys, etc will surely return all those "colours" back to our lives. Jai Hind!!!!

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