BIG (Believe In God)
BIG (Believe In God)

In the wee hours of the morning, my husband's phone started ringing. He woke up quietly and picked it up. His was a balanced personality compared to mine. I switched on the lights via the fingerprint. Yes, I forgot to tell you that I am the wife of the greatest PMs our country had ever had. Sorry to deviate from the topic. Coming back, I saw my husband's cheeks and ears turning red!!!. I could sense that it was something serious. As I knew that my husband would not reveal anything to me in such situations, I just offered him a glass of water, which he drank sip by sip and called his driver to be ready. As usual, he offered his prayers to the almighty and left the house without even taking notice of me who had gone to leave him till the doors. That's okay, I have come to terms with it. No issues. I went back to bed to catch up with my leftover sleep.
The knock at the door woke me up. It was the cook who was calling me for breakfast. I told her that I would be there in some time and finished my daily chores and went down to have my breakfast. Well, the table was laid out with fruit salad, vegetable salad, sweets, biscuits, and whatnot. I just took a bread sandwich and switched on the TV as it was my habit to get to know the updates about our country. There was nothing special about it, the same old opposite party quarrels, border fights, and other non-sense stuff, which I paid no heed to.
While switching the channels, I got to see the PM, of course, my husband, well, now, it's been 9 years since he has been the PM, and it was quite normal for me to see him on TV every day and every now and then. With a grin on my face, I felt proud about him, being so efficient and energetic throughout his tenure, irrespective of caste, creed, time, day and night, he dedicated his life to the service of our country. There he was on the news, giving some talk on the equality between men and women, which he followed at home too. He had always encouraged me to do whatever I could, it's just that I just shied away from the limelight as I am an introvert. Maybe, the only worry that I have even now is that I could not have a baby of my own, to which my husband would always say jokingly, the entire nation is ours, what else do we want!!! to which I always used to laugh. But, there was a silver lining called Snowy who came to our house since he was a 1-day-old who kept me company throughout the day and sometimes he used to sleep in our room too! I think that was what had kept me going till now.
As the day passed by, I was waiting for our PM sir to come over and join me for dinner, which we both used to look forward to wherein he would discuss with me the day's happenings and vice versa. Sometimes, he used to take my advice too!, but I never used to take from him. It was already late, I thought I should call him and tried calling him, which of course left a message stating that he was busy and that he would call me back in sometime. I could not sit quietly there as this was the first time that it was so late, and none of my calls were answered. I got a call "PM husband calling." I lifted the call, and before I could even say hello, he said that he would not be able to make it for dinner and that he would be late because of some important work and cut the call. I became sad for a while what important work than having dinner...I reconciled myself and finished my dinner and went to bed with a Sherlock Holmes in my hand. Snowy too slept on his bed......
I could hear my husband talk on the phone for some time and saw him going out of the room, I just got up and by the time I could call him, he had just vanished. As I was feeling very drowsy, I went back to bed again to catch up with my sleep. In the morning, he woke me up with a cup of coffee, which I always used to love to have with him around because he was the best coffee maker in the world!!!. I just took a sip or two and asked him as to where he had vanished in the night, to which he replied that he had come in the morning itself, which I could not believe because I remembered him talking on the phone and moving around. Then, I thought maybe, it was the aftereffect of reading Sherlock Holmes so late in the night.
He hurried himself up skipping his breakfast stating that he again had an important meeting to attend to. I just sat on the sofa thinking about Mr. PM, playing husband's as well as PM's role perfectly well, maybe I should let go of him because as he said that there was an important meeting more important than having breakfast with me.
Unaware of all this, Mr. PM drove off in his Lamborghini to attend the meeting looking as fresh as a lime even though he could sleep only for 5 hours a day, unlike me who used to sleep like, say, more than 8 hours, but still looked tired and dumb faced like a ridge gourd. I had a small vegetable garden in the backyard, which I always used to tend to. I went there with a bowl in my hand to pick some vegetables. Snowy came running along with me and started sniffing the entire garden. He started barking at the corner of the garden to which I told our gardener to look into as I had to attend, an important, call, jokes apart, from my friend.
I hurriedly switched on the TV as my friend had given me the shocking news. I could hear Mr. PM talk on almost all the channels, about the pandemic cholera outbreak in the city and chances of spreading across not only the nation but the entire world. He was pleading to the public not to venture out and to stay at home for an uncertain period of time. He also declared that the nation would go on a curfew as a precautionary measure to control this pandemic disease. After hearing this I was at dis-ease as to the consequences of the disease. I picked up the phone to call him, but on seeing him live on TV, he kept the phone back. After the PM's address was over, there were videos and ads on the safety measures to be followed and how all the flights were canceled to and fro our nation. Slowly, the newsreader also read out that land transportation will be closed even across the states and that only necessary commodities will be provided to the public to their doorsteps on alternative days like milk, vegetables, toiletries, etc. People were prohibited from attending marriages or any other function where only 10 could gather. What caught me was that people had to wear masks when they were outside their houses as chances of airborne viruses might cause this pandemic spread faster, but I noticed that my husband, the PM was not at all bothered about all this and he was always with the public, unprotected, bothered only about the nation's well-being. He even would have forgotten that he had a wife and that he had a house too!.
There was no mood to eat, but Snowy was hungry, I just fed him and took him out for a walk in the garden to which the security objected, which I had to oblige and just gave Snowy a ball to play with. I just dozed off on the couch as I did not have my lunch. I heard my maid calling out for me with a cup of tea, which I was in need of very badly. I just took a few biscuits in hand and gave Snowy some. I was just going through the Whatsapp messages, in all the groups, the main topic of discussion was cholera....., I tried to call PM, but in vain, as I was very much worried about him being in public for such a long period of time, that too without wearing a mask. I sent a message instead to which there was no reply too. Feeling a bit sad, I just got up to freshen myself, which indeed was refreshing. I did my usual evening routine of offering prayers to God, and today's prayer was a little more longer, asking for my husband's well-being, which I believed God will definitely take care of since my prayers were always heard by God until now.
Hoping for the best, I had dinner because I knew that it would be very late for Mr. PM to reach home. Snowy was licking my feet and pulling my dress, I just caressed him, to which he kept quiet. Then came the Lamborghini inside the gate followed by the police vehicle giving out the siren sound, an indication of Mr. PM coming home. I just rushed to the doo
r and hugged him tightly. He just patted my back and said everything would be alright in a few day's time. As he was hungry too, he had his dinner very quickly and went on a con call with his party members in his room, which I was not allowed to enter, of course, I understand, because as I told he has been the best PM our nation had ever seen in the last 10 years.
The sunlight hit me right in the eye telling me to wake up before it's too late. As usual, Mr. PM had left leaving behind a message for me to not wait for dinner and other stuff. The day went on fine. I was waiting for him on the couch, soon came the Lamborghini at 12 midnight. His concern towards me showed upon his face as he asked if I had, had dinner, to which I nodded my head. We both went to sleep, I was awakened by the ring tone of his mobile, and called out for him as I could see the name, it was the President. I thought it was urgent and I had to search for him the entire house. He was found to be nowhere. Then, I felt cold on my feet, I got scared to look down, I just kicked my feet off, felt relieved on hearing Snowy whining. In spite of getting hurt, he started pulling my dress. It was an indicator for me to understand that he wanted to take me somewhere, after all, reading Sherlock Holmes helps you know. I just went along with Snowy. He literally made me run with him until we reached a place which was right behind our vegetable garden, the day which I remembered Snowy started barking at. He started sniffing the wall, I just touched the wall and could feel that it was very light like a wooden door compared to the cement wall. I just pushed it with all my might, and gosh!, it opened without making any sound, thank God.
It came as a shock to me, but I wanted to explore the inside, so I just started to walk on my toes instructing Snowy shhh!! to be silent. The pathway was dimly lit. I could see each country's name and a map on which an X mark was drawn in red, and something was written, which I could not read properly from far, as I had left my spectacles back in the bedroom, the sooner I went near, I could read it as, Mission successful, which sent shivers down my spine. I could not believe my eyes, but seeing is believing right. Tears started to roll down without my notice. Snowy began to move with me too. All these days, I was thinking about Mr. PM, my husband, as the best PM in the world, but.... the dimly lit pathway was telling some other story. It was disheartening to see our country on the last with just a tick mark and beneath it was written in red, Coming soon!!! I could not get a guess as to what was coming soon! and why all other nations had an X mark in red. I could hear my husband talk in front of the laptop. He was smiling at the laptop and said that tonight the mission was going to be completed in our nation too and that he was very happy about it. I could believe neither my eyes nor my ears, what a devastating thing unheard of. Imagine the entire nation was backing up this person in full faith and belief that he was their only savior and look at what he was doing to our country. I wanted to scream at the top of my voice and tell the entire world about this fraud. My entire body was trembling with fear and anger as to why did I get married off to this person, who was a devil in disguise.
Trrring..... Mr. PMs' mobile rang, sending a shock wave across me. In a hurry, I had carried his mobile. I started to run back throwing the mobile on the floor. Now, the entire pathway was lit with bright fluorescent light, unaware of all this I ran as fast as I could so that I could go out and disclose Mr. PM's new identity to the entire world. I could find the wall everywhere, I could not locate the door from which I entered in. I sobbed and cried out loudly "you fraud," "let me out" Snowy, went to my husband, wagging its tail. I cried out for Snowy to come back, but it did not.
Hold on....came his gutsy voice. He slowly approached me and tried to pick me up, to which I resisted very badly and tried to escape from him by biting him hard on his right hand. He groaned in pain, but all in vain. I could not escape from his iron hands. He tried to console me for a while, but he was unable to since I was determined by his ghostly act. I just wanted to run away from him.
He just told me one thing that when he married me, we both had taken the seven vows and we believed in all the seven vows and that was what had kept the marriage going. He told me that we both had failed miserably when it came to the 5th vow because we were unable to give the world the noblest of children, but then we both had taken the vow that our nation itself was our children and that we will never worry about that in the future. Mr. PM told me to just turn back and have a look at the pathway once before going out, saying that he just opened the door out for me. By this time, I was convinced that I would reveal everything about this so-called PM to the entire world, but since he was my husband too, I had to oblige and so I turned back to have a look at the pathway, which was well lit. I could see from far that there was something beneath the photograph and map of each country, which I was unable to see when I entered in the dark. Curiosity made me march ahead and when I stopped at the first country, it was China, beneath which was written as Air Pollution, 50% controlled; followed by Europe, Africa, America, Australia, etc, lastly our country, wherein it was written in bold, Pollution getting under control. I could not believe it, it was as though all happening in my dreams. Mr. PM, held my hand and took me to his laptop and showed how the entire world leaders came together to save Mother Earth from all sorts of pollution and global warming, which was beyond control, and how the fear of this disease cholera, made people stay put at home for an unspecified period of time, which in fact, brought all the family members together under one roof, which was amiss during this fast pacing world.
Mr. PM, my husband told me that they had created this disease myth cholera so that the pollution would be controlled to a certain extent as it was crossing the boundary line of normalcy; he said that he could see an overwhelming response from the people's side that they were spending quality time with their families enjoying each other's company, taking care of their kids, parents, grandparents, and neighbors too. Not only this, but Mr. PM also told me as to how the world could see the clear sky with chirping birds and dolphins coming back to beaches, and that this forced the world leaders to continue this fag for one more month so that it would benefit both mother earth and also the children of mother earth. He said that the entire world's medical fraternity and Government officials joined hands in this unbelievable task, which in fact, had benefitted the entire world. Snowy wagged his tail indicating that he acted too...!!
Now, I was a little convinced, but at the same time, how could I belittle my husband, in front of whom I felt ashamed of myself. I just could not control my tears and hugged him, to which he responded by caressing my head. I was crying profusely, he somehow managed to bring me back to normal. I had so many doubts, the most important one was how could people get infected and got admitted into the hospitals and doctors who repeatedly were\telling that they were running out of the medicine and other stuff to which Mr. PMs reply was directly from William Shakespeare's Play "All the world's a stage, men and women are merely the actors" Indeed, what brilliant acting by the medical fraternity, government officials, and pupil leaders; I am sure they all deserve this year's Oscar Awards........!!! yes, of course, lead by my husband, that is your PM!!!
You made us realize that east or west, our homes are the best,
Let's take some rest at home, and not call any guest,
Enjoy staying at home, and do not let yourself roam,
Let's pass this life-saving test by being in our nest,
This is my humble request
God Bless......