Classes in Lockdown
Classes in Lockdown

I am using my phone till 7 pm
It's 11 pm
A deep sleep is turning around my both eyes,
Don't know what is happening between the
I am curious about the classes
Curious to talk with my classmates, teachers. teachers may be tired at that time.
They teach and takes attendance,
But the interest may be different to all.
When in college you know have to reach
at 9:30, but here's you may late some,
Will be allowed for internet defects.
But the habit of doing class is not as same as college days,
I was late for college, I was at home, spent two years in a hostel then came to the home and left the hostel.
After leaving hostel ,
The college time presence is different.
Because I used to wake up 7:00 and running to catch the train.
Class starts at 9:30 am in the first half, second half at 12:40 pm
So also bunking first half, wake up in 10-11 am and being ready
to Catch train.
But now lying in a corner of the bed Sometimes may be Difficult to wake up.
Laziest thing you may think is that turning
On the online class and being slept at the
Same time,
Wake up and give attendance when the teacher calls.
I think here's maybe the laziness of waking up from sleep cause of the quarantine habit.
You need to deal with WhatsApp and zoom
In those days . Projects are being done
With SlideShare, where in college time
I think my group has submitted papers
And ppt.
Here's project is being happened by the share screens of teachers.
Basically , the understanding of chapterswith teachers
Increases with projects , assignment with Google classroom.
Sorry, it's done, now..
Need to be ready for the viva,
It will start at 3:30 pm.
Roll numbers are being called,
I am in the next five that will start in the next five minutes.