Sidhartha Mishra

Drama Classics Inspirational


Sidhartha Mishra

Drama Classics Inspirational



2 mins

Binapani was a normal woman who got married and dreamt of a happy life. She got blessed with a baby which completed her life. Her child got raised with good values from the parents and family members. They named their son Sumant.

Binapani and her husband, Rajiv got Sumant good education and finally got him admitted into a medical college. Sumant soon passed with flying colors and became a renowned doctor in the city.

Soon he made his own nursing home. One day Binapani got a call from her childhood friend Sheetal that her husband got a cardiac arrest and is admitted to a big nursing home. She and her husband rushed to the nursing home, which was their son's. They met with Sheetal and consoled her. Binapani later met Sumant and told him about her friend and her husband. Sumant told her not to worry and he would take full care of them.

He himself did the operation. Sheetal's husband stayed in the nursing home for some more days. Then Sumant came to their cabin and said that her husband would be discharged soon. Sheetal was tensed that the bill would now go up in lakhs.

Soon a file was brought to their cabin by an attendant. In it was the discharge papers with something written in the bill. Sheetal read it and was overwhelmed with happiness and tears began to flow from her eyes. It was written 'Hello Sheetal aunty. You being the friend of my mom, are like my mother. Do not worry about the bill. Please go home happily with uncle Ji. Your this son would manage everything else!'

Sheetal later called her friend Binapani and told her about this. Binapani was very happy that her son treated her friend with so much kindness! The next day Sumant wished her mother 'Happy Mother's Day. Binapani said she is happy about the kindness shown by him yesterday to her friend. Sumant was also happy as his mother was happy.

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