Shianne De Kock

Romance Action Fantasy


Shianne De Kock

Romance Action Fantasy



1 min


Princess Amara has been treated differently her entire life. Her father, King Dolin has targeted and neglected her ever since he noticed the colour of her eyes. Marble grey.

In secret she is trained as a weapon and taught how to block off her emotions. Years of planning and patiently waiting are worth it as the time to strike back approaches. 

Her rightful place at the thrown is hers for the taking.

Will she rule over her own kingdom with grace or bitter hatred?

Chapter 1: Manon

Le Château. Nephtina, 1669.

"And so, the adventure begins." Princess Amara said as she trotted around her bed chamber with a rag doll. It was made from scraps of cloth the servants collected and stitched together as a gift on her 4th birthday. Her prized possession.


"Her name is Manon, which means 'wished for child'." The nursemaid explained.

"Missy am I your Manon?" Amara asked with a small smile. Her tears had instantly stopped at the sight of the doll that was now safely in her arms. Her hair was kept down to cover up the bruises placed around her neck.

"You are mon enfant (my child) ." Missy replied and gave the little girl a hug.

"I don't want to live with Daddy. He's ugly. Can you take me to your home in the village?"

"Désolée (sorry) I cannot."

"Oh okay," Amara pouted then added, "I thought Daddy said we weren't allowed to speak French."

"Please don't tell the King."

"Will you teach me?"

"Oui (yes) ." Missy replied with a sad smile.


"We have to save the princess!" Amara yelled and jumped onto the bed. Her mismatched doll flew into the air, which made the 8-year-old girl burst out laughing. Her bedroom door flew open and in a startled hurry Amara threw her doll under the bed.

"It's just me silly." Her 14-year-old sister remarked as she entered the room wearing a rose-pink silk gown decorated with white lace.

"Callista! You gave me a heart attack." Amara exclaimed and dramatically put her hand over her heart.

"Will you do my hair?" Callista asked as she gracefully sat down by the dressing table. The sunshine danced on her copper brown hair and her ice blue eyes were softer than usual. Callista was blessed with the Queens beauty and the Kings love.

"How come you get to look like a brown and white sibery wolfy dog, and I look like a squirrel?" Amara pined and jumped off the bed.

"Siberian husky and squirrels do not have gorgeous marble grey eyes and honey blonde hair," Callista replied and rolled her eyes. "You rather look like that painting of a cougar Father got last year."

"Is that a good thing?" Amara asked while brushing her sister's hair.

"Of course."

"Why can't you learn how to do your own hair?"

"Father says we have servants to do that."

"How come I know how to then?"

"I don't know, he's always treated you differently. But consider yourself lucky. You are an independent young woman."

"What does independent mean?"

"That you can be who you are, and you won't need other people to help you all the time."

"That sounds like the prince from the stories mommy used to read us."

"I wish she would still read to us."

"But Daddy said we aren't supposed to care about stories. Callie is that true?"

"A woman's role is to please her husband." Callista replied and straightened her posture.

"I wish I was a boy." Amara sighed and looked out the window. Nephtina (nef-tina) was a beautiful kingdom, surrounded by vast green fields full of sugar cane, sand white beaches and clear waters. The land was enclosed by a magnificent lagoon full of colourful reefs and a great variety of marine life. Behind Le Château (The castle) was a peaked mountain known as Montagne du Rempart (Rempart Mountain).

The King's wealth arose from his major sugar estate and traded to lands as far as Italy, Siberia, Germany and France. King Dolin was an avaricious ruler who often was perfidious towards his trading partners. His beliefs of male chauvinism lead to high levels of inequality. Women were inferior to men and deserved to be treated as less.

The role of a woman was to be wed, impregnated with male offspring, to be seen and not heard and well, fulfil the sexual desires of their husbands. A woman of title could not do any manual labour and would always, under no circumstances keep her virtue intact until her wedding night.

"There you go." Amara stated and picked up a hand mirror to show her sister the french braid now in her hair.

"Do you think he will like it?" Callista inquired while admiring her hair.


"No one...Father...Would Father like it?"

"Callie I'm your sister. I know when you're lying."

"What? I'm not lying... okay fine but promise to not tell anyone!"

"I promise on the life of Manon I will not tell a single soul. Now tell me!"

"I met a boy." Callista whispered.

"Who? Where? How old is he?" Amara questioned.

"He works with his father in the stables. His name is Simon and he's 15."

"Wait is he real?"


"Just checking." Amara shrugged then gasped, "Stables? Is he a peasant boy?"

"Yes." Callista replied and covered her face with her hands.

"But... but Daddy always says you are going to marry Prince Stefano. You know the boy who always speaks about food."

"He's all the way in Italy. I don't even know him."

"You better tell your Simon you going to be married in 3 months."

"I love Simon, well I think I do. I don't care if he doesn't have money. I'll even help him work in the stables if I have to."

"I'm sure that will be fine then. I can help you draw your wedding dress for the dress lady to make."

"I would like that." Callista replied as a servant knocked on the door.

"Princesses." Missy greeted and bowed down in respect. "The King has requested your presence in the court room."

"Thank you." Callie replied. She took one last glance in the mirror before she walked through the door.

Amara quickly brushed down her hair and straightened the dull white cotton dress she had on. Her appearance needed to be neat and presentable for the King. She tucked Manon in the hole of her mattress before darting off after her sister.

Le Château covered over 40 000 square feet surrounded by a 30 feet tall curtain wall. The castle itself was made of masonary stone covered in lime stone plaster. It was built for King Aillard, a french conqueror in the 15th centry. The King had lost most of his sailors to scurvy while at sea, including his wife, Nephtina. Which he declared the name of his kingdom apon arrival.

The native chief at the time agreed to fall under King Aillard rule after a drought suffocated the area. King Aillard shared his resources and agricultural knowledge with the tribe which helped them all survive the harsh conditions. He then announced the chief as his advisor and united them all as one kingdom.

Nephtina strived as each member of the kingdom were considered as equals. The King refused to trade with other kingdoms which limited his wealth. King Aillard believed that a closed economy would benefit his people. Nephtina's potential remained dormant under King Aillards rule.

"My beautiful daughter." King Dolin rejoiced after the herald announced Callista's arrival.

"Morning Daddy." She replied with a slight curtsey.

"Come give your old man a hug." Dolin smiled. Callista ran into her father's arms which allowed him to place a kiss upon her forehead.

"Miss Amara your majesty." The herald then announced. King Dolin pulled way from Callista and stood up.

"What do you want girl?" Dolin asked furious. His most hated possession stood before him in her inexpensive garments. Everything about her triggered him, from the colour of her hair, to her posture... but most of all those eyes. Grey. A colour never seen in neither his nor the Queens heritage. A constant reminder of his worst failure.

"Your majesty." Amara responded with a curtsey then continued, "Missy said that you requested to see Callie and I in the court room."

"I requested to see my daughter, not you."

"But...but... I am also your daughter." Amara cried out. King Dolin walked towards her and slapped the 8-year-old across the face. Amara held her upright position and remained silent, she was used to the pain by now. This angered Dolin even more.

"You do not speak back to me girl. I am your King and I deserve respect." Dolin spat and raised his hand to hit her again. Everyone in the court room remained silent and turned a blind eye. The servants knew that to speak out against the King resulted in their head.

"Dolin stop." Queen Claudia bravely yelled.

"Shut up woman."

"She is just a child, she will learn how to be obedient, please..."

"Perhaps she takes after her mother. Come here woman." Dolin ordered. The Queen slowly made her way towards her husband and fell to her knees.

"Go." Claudia whispered soft enough just for Amara to hear.

Amara turned around and sprinted out of the court room while tears ran down her cheeks. She headed in the direction of her safe spot. The castle seemed silent expect for the sound of her footsteps and her mothers screams.

Chapter 2: Weapon

Amara pushed open the window in the passage of the servants quarters near her room. She pulled herself onto the window pane and jumped into the shrub of golden duranta erecta below the window. It always gave her a few scratches but it was also the quickest way to leave the castle unnoticed. 

Her safe spot was more of a hidden meadow. It was located at the foot of the mountain and hidden from view. It was far enough from the castle for Amara to feel safe but also close enough incase a far worse threat were to find her. 

The forest she ran through was full of beautiful pink shades of oleander shrubs. The toxic flowers cause a skin irritation when in contact. Amara had learnt this when she was around the age of 3.


Another argument had occurred with The King which forced the young princess to flee from the castle. She had somehow slipped away while the guards and servants were distracted. She was beginning to master her ability to run, when she ran straight into the forest and right into an oleander shrub. 

Sunset was approaching when Missy was caught trying to leave the castle. Luckily her brother had seen her before anyone else and pulled her aside. Armando was the captain of the Kings army and one of the most respected soldiers. Missy had pleaded and asked if she could go out to find the young princess before it got to dark. Her brother refused but instead promised to bring Amara home himself. He knew his way in and out of the castle and no one would dare question his whereabouts. 

It was dusk when he finally tracked her down. He had found the young princess fast asleep in a meadow. The moonlight danced across her skin that was now covered in an awful red rash. Armando was mesmerized by the sight before him. Amara appeared to be dreaming and she was smiling.

He had seen her now and again around the castle, but she was always so closed up and sad. This was the first time he saw her smile, she was at peace in the tall grass under the stars and away from her father. 

Armando drew out his dagger as he heard movement near the entrance back into the forest. Amara also heard it and shot awake to see him before her. Her grey eyes were full of fear but she remained silent. In that moment Armando realised she probably thought he was about to take her life and dropped his dagger. 

Amara had already accepted her life would end that night. In her innocent mind she was ready to give up her daily struggle. She still does not know it yet but she was prepared for death. 

"Princess Amara I'm not going to hurt you." He quickly stated and held up his palms. Then continued, "Missy is worried about you. I promised her I would take you back to the castle."

"No! I don't want to!" She replied and sat up. 

"Princess calm down." Armando ordered and could already feel his irritation rising. It was getting late. He was in need of a warm meal and a soft bed. Instead he had promised to bring back a child. 

"I said no!" Amara yelled and grabbed the dagger off of the ground. She then tried to take a swipe at him, but he stepped aside and the princess fell forward, face first. 

Armando pulled the princess to her feet and took the dagger out of her hand. Tears were running down her face when she looked up at him. 

"How about I take you back but promise to teach you how to use a weapon first before you leave forever? Then at least you can take care of yourself." He offered and wiped away her tears. Amara just simply nodded. 


The meadow was flooded with white daisies which fragranced the air with a mild earthy scent. Bees flew from flower to flower collecting pollen on their legs and sucking up the nectar. Their animating buzz always made Amara appreciate the power of nature. She strived to become a woman with similar characteristics.

To be continued ...

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