The Scotch-Irish Viking

Abstract Inspirational Others


The Scotch-Irish Viking

Abstract Inspirational Others

A Trip Through A Forest

A Trip Through A Forest

13 mins

See without your eyes. Quiet your mind.

Breath in deep and leave this

Reality behind.

Picture yourself walking in the woods.

Not just an ordinary patch of trees,

But it's own biome.

It resonates with it's own energy

And life.

Intimidating at first, but only so,

Because there is so many different

Noises from all around you.

A butterfly flutters past you, barely

Touching your ear. You could hear

The soft fluttering of it's delicate

Yet gravity defying wings.

The trees are so tall, they block

Out the sun, creating shadows

And brilliant beams of light that

Pierce through every now and again,

As the gentle breeze causes the

Branches and leaves to sway with

The harmonic frequency of life.

Forest flowers of every color cover

The ground where the sun breaks

Through the massive umbrella of

Foliage and leaves.

The fucia, daisys, lilac, lillys,

And poppy seem to spread out

Their pedals, as if to wave hello

As you walk past.

Blackberry and wild raspberry grow

Along the natural paths that the

Animals and critters native to this

Area frequently use to move about

The forest.

The smell of the rich earth mixed

With the Deep Pine is intoxicating,

As you feel it calm your soul and

Bring you the sense of oneness

With the planet.

A bluejay stops its chatter and caw,

To tilt it's head a little, peering at

You as if to say... Fly.

Chickadees fly by in a little cluster,

On their way to the stream that

Gently and consistently flows through

This wonderful, magical place.

You start to walk in the direction of

The faint bubbling and churning of

The stream that is the life source

Of the forest.

The water is the clearest, cleanest

Water you have ever seen, as you

Kneel down and dip your hand

Into the water. The temperature

Is chilled just enough to cause

A little shiver down your body as

You take in the mineral rich taste

Of the most refreshing water you

Have ever had.

Just as you stand and turn, two

Fawns stare at you for a second,

Then bounce away as if they want

To play with you.

You make your way back to the

Main path, picking a few blackberries

On the way. Beautiful dark blackish, purplish berries that squirt their

Delicious juice in your mouth. The

Taste is strong in comparison to

The dull, faded, washed out taste

Of store bought berries.

Wiping the purple juices off from

Your fingers on a patch of lime

Green moss, growing on a massive

Pine tree, you see a giant mushroom.

Not just any ordinary mushroom,

But a magic mashroom.

Because of your interest in Botany,

You recognize it as an edible Liberty

Cap Psilocybin mushroom.

A Trip Through A Forest. Part 2

Or so...

It has come to pass, that a decision

Was made. To dabble into the

Psychedelic aspects of concience-

Ness. To bend reality with fantasy

And imagination.

You pick the mushroom, and take it

Back to the stream.

Washing it off, and making sure

It has no other fungi or rot on it,

You begin to ingest the huge

Mushroom with little nibbles,

Sampling the texture and taste.

It's taste is very earthy and rich,

Not to dry, and not to chewy.

It was like it was meant to be

Eaten. What kind of intention

Does this forest have?

Your mind starts to drift as you

Continue nibbling on the mushroom,

Contemplating it's purpose.


As deep thought start to be promoted

By the chemical reaction taking

Place in the mind, what is to transpire

Is that of profound revelation.

Your perception starts to change as

You look down at the contents of

Your hand, realizing you have nibbled

Over half of this giant mushroom.

You start to walk back into the trees

As the colors of the forest change

And become more vibrant.

Beams of light are rythmaticly

Darting in and out of sight with

Every step of your stride, as you

Continue into the thickening of the


Sound has become sharper, as

Every pitch and tone has become

An orchestra of life engulfing you,

Beckoning you to understand it's


Suddenly, words are heard. Human

Words... Faint, but clear.

You stop, and tilt your head, trying to

Locate the source of what you have


'Hey! Down here!'

You pinpoint the direction of the

Words spoken to see an ant,

At the end of a twig, it's little ant

Head tilted in a most curious way,

And looking directly at you.

You bend down to take a closer

Look, and realize, this is the source

Of the sound.

The ant asks, 'what are you doing'?

You say, I'm not really sure. I just

Wanted to go for a walk and gain

Some perspective.

The ant says, 'And what perspective

Is it you wish to gain?'

You say to the ant, 'Im not really sure,

I just know I need it'.

The ant replies, 'How can you gain

Something that has not been

Identified? You must know what it

Is to be achieved, before you can

Know what it is you seek.'

'The ant knows what must be achieved,

In order for the colony to exist. There-

Fore, we know we must work together

To achieve success'.

'The ant knows the cycle of life and

Prepares every season with hard

Work to keep the colony alive'.

'What have you done with your time?

Have you hunted and gathered to

Store up for the winter season?'

You exclaim to the ant, 'Our species

Works, but we rely on others to

Feed us and provide for us. We no

Longer hunt or gather.'

The ant says in bewilderment, '

A species that does not know how

To fend for itself, will perish!'

Without another word spoken, the

Ant scurries away.

You hesitate to stand for a second,

Not sure if what just happened was

Real, or just a hallucination.

Like a little ant could be so smart,

You scoff, as you slowly start walking


All of a sudden, a bluejay flies so

Close to you, you could have snatched

It out of the air.

You slightly duck your head as it flies

Around you, then lands on your shoulder.

You freeze, stunned by the brazen

Behavior of this bird.

You slowly turn your head to look

At the bird on your shoulder, that

Could very easily pluck at your eye.

'Shoo!' You say.

The bird says, 'You shoo, I live here.'

Stunned... You stare at the bird for

A minute, before it says...

'What is it you seek, human?'

You say, As I already told the ant...

Wait... What?'

The bird just looks at you.

'Did you just speak?' You ask the bird.

'Maybe... Maybe not. What is it you

Would like spoken?'

Perplexed, you say, 'I would like to

Know why Humans are here... You

Know? On this planet.'

The bird looks at you with it's little

Black pupils, blinks and says, 'The

Same reason we birds are here, silly!'

Then flies off, leaving you bewildered.

You start to wonder what was taking

Place here. Was this some kind of

Magic, or the result of eating that

Mushroom? Did that just really happen?

What did that bird mean, the same reason? Humans are by far way more

Superior than a bird.

You slowly walk toward a big log

That has been overgrown by the green

Grasses of the forest.

Weathered and soft was the wood.

A perfect place to sit and think about

What has transpired.

As you look around, amazed at the

Beauty of the scenery, you see a

Squirrel coming out of a hole in a

Large tree that is near you.

The squirrel has a nut in it's little

Hands, and as it stops to perch on a

Branch, it nibbles on the nut and says,

'Do you like my home? The tree

Prepared it for me, because it's roll

Is to provide for the inhabitants of

This earth. The tree looks after me,

It shelters me and provides safety from harm and weather. All I have to

Do is drop some of my food at it's base

So it can decompose into nutrients

For the tree, and I will always have a

Home. Do you have a symbient

Relationship with your home?'

Now you are just completed stunned.

You don't even know what to say to

These profound words, let alone your

Reality that a squirrel just spoke to you.

You think for a second, and then tell

The squirrel, 'Our homes are made from

Trees as well, but we have to kill the

Tree and use it's fiber to make the

Materials we need.'

The squirrel chatteres in a high pitched

Tone for a few seconds as if to be

Cussing you out, then says, 'Thats

Not symbient at all! That is horrible!

You have to destroy to exist, and you

Don't give back to the forest!

Your species is not natural! You are

Doomed! Then he scampers away,

Making high pitched clacking noises.

The forest goes quiet all of a sudden,

And you find yourself in fear for the

First time. The silence was sudden

And eerie, as if the squirrel told the

Forest that you are a threat.

Now you just want to leave. This

Has become to unreal. Talking

Philosophical animals. The critique

Of a squirrel. Advise from an ant?

You just want normal again. You

Want your human reality, not this

Strange place where you feel out

Of place and like a stranger.

As your mind is completely under

The influence of Psilocybin, you

Swear there are hundreds of eyes

On you. Plotting against you.

Determining if it should come

Remove you from this natural place

Of beauty and serenity.

A loud russeling noize comes from

Behind you, and as you turn to look,

A big brown bear appears out of

The shrubbery and stands on it's

Hind legs. It must be eight feet tall,

And 600 pounds!!

You think, don't run! Oh, crap, what

Do I do. Oh crap, Oh crap, Oh crap...

'Why are you so afraid?', The Bear

Calmly asks.

Your mind stops panicking as you

Gather the words to say, 'Because

You are bigger than me and I thought

You were going to kill me'.

The bear says, 'So because I am

Bigger than you, I have the right to

Kill you?'

You say, 'Well, yeah. That's how

Nature works, right?'

The bear shakes her big bear head,

And with a sadness in his tone, replies,

No, that is incorrect. You see human,

I only kill when I absolutely have to.

To defend myself, my cubs and my

Immediate territory so I don't run out

Of food I need to survive and grow my

Cubs. I do not kill for the thrill of killing.

If I can have peace, I will choose to

Walk away'.

'The only reason we have to eat

Alternative meats is because Humans

Have destroyed our vegetation, and

Have polluted our streams where we

Get our main source of protein...

Fish. Otherwise we would be happy

With what the earth provides.'

The bear comes over, and sits her

Big bear butt down with a plop.

Looks up at you and says, Why are

Humans so needy? Does not the

Earth provide for every species on

The planet? Yet, the Humans provides

Only for themselves.'

'How can a Human claim wisdom,

If it knows not action, reaction...

Cause and affect?'

You are still amazed at this massive

Beast that now sits beside you,

Contemplating life's most complex

Curiosities with you.

You say to the bear, 'I don't think

We were supposed to be like this.

I don't know if we can change it.'

The bear stands up again,

Stretches her big bear body, yawns,

And says, 'Time for a nap'.

As she slowly but steadily walks

Away, she says, You know why bears

Will overlook the sting of the bee for

A little honey?'

You say, 'No'.

The bear says, 'Our skin is thick

Enough to walk away, even after

Being stung. Is yours?'

She dissapears into the brush,

Leaving you sitting there in shock

By all the things that have been said.

You realize, you have been in the

Forest for quite some time now, and

The sun is starting to descend. The

Temperature changes slightly, as

Goose pimples appear on your

Arms. You rub them and realize, you

Have no idea how deep into the forest

You have gone. You do not recognize

The way out.

A little panic sets in, as you gaze

Around, trying to get some familiarity

Of the surroundings.

You see the way you came after

Talking with the squirrel, and start

In that direction.

The sounds of the forest seem to

Be mocking you. Laughing at your

Loss of direction. Laughing at

The silly human that didn't mark

Their way as they were coming into

A new strange place. The shadows

Are intimidating as you slowly walk,

In and out of beams of light,

Magnifying particles in front of

Your eyes.

You have no idea which direction

To go. Disoriented, you sit on a stump

And look around. Taking some jerky

From your pocket, and tearing off a

Piece, you look at the packaging.

The ink. The plastic. The unnatural

Feel of this man made product in

Comparison to what you feel around

You. How did Humans become so

Unnatural? Weren't we supposed to

Be the care takers of the earth?

You feel grief and sadness as well

As desperation due to your lack of

Direction. To just get up and start

Walking could mean going deeper

Into the forest. You might not get

Out until morning.

You think for a second. Jeez, You

Don't even have a way to start a fire.

It's not like you will freeze to death,

But nevertheless, it's gonna get cold.

You stand up and perk your ears

Up, trying to get just the slightest

Sound of the stream, or anything

Else that could help you find your

Way out.

You start walking, remembering

The moss on the tree.

You know moss grows on the north

Side of the tree trunk, so you start

Looking for moss, to give you some

Sence of direction, just as a fox

Appears from the trees, and

Confidently strolls right up to you.

You stop, and look down at the fox.

It looks up at you with wiley, sparkling

Eyes and what appears to be a big

Grin for a mouth.

The fox says, 'Lose something?'

'Yes', you answer, I have lost my


The fox's grin doesn't seem to

Change, as he says, 'I never get

Lost, do you know why?'

You sigh and say, 'No.'

The fox says, 'because I mark my

Territory. I and other animals use our

Urine for many things. One of those,

Is to not get lost. That's why the fox

Is wiley.'

'Do you know the way out of this

Forest fox', You ask.

'Of course, but why would I help you

When your kind has been so unkind

To my kind? Is their a price on your

Pelt as well?'

'Well, No,' you say, but not all Humans

Are the same. I don't kill fox!'

'No,' the fox echoed? But you do kill.

Why do you wear the skin of a cow

On your feet?'

'Its called leather, and we have been

Using it forever. We have no choice,

We would have froze to death, we

Need it for clothing.'

The fox shakes his head, and slowly

Turns to walk away. After a few feet,

He stops and says, 'Are you coming?'

You say, 'Sure, but why are you helping


The fox answers, 'Because it's the

Right thing to do. I cannot be the

Great wily fox with no honor.'

It doesn't take long, maybe half

Hour before you are at the edge of

The forest, where you entered.

The sun has gone down now, and

The dusk is illuminated by a rising

Super moon, brighter than any moon

You can remember.

The fox says, 'Here you are! Safe and

Sound Human.'

'Thank you very much fox', You say

With great relief in your voice.

'Your welcome. Don't forget us!' he

Says as he darts off into the trees.

Suddenly, alone... Out under the moon

And the stars, with nothing in between

Gave a feeling of connection.

Like, the Trip Through A Forest was

A life lesson. Everything that was said

Was profound in Humility, Nature,

Honesty and Wisdom.

Feeling quite relieved now, and

Realizing that your experience is over,

You start toward your vehicle.

Immediately seeing what an unnatural

Thing it is, not symbient with the planet,

Destructive to the atmosphere which

Is vital for all life...

You decide to walk home.


What will it take for Humankind to

Be one with the planet again?

Is there hope for change?

Can we change the course of this

Ultimately destructive path?

To embrace preservation and


To make things out of natural

Products that the earth provides,

That can go back into the earth

Without harming it?

To find alternative protein sources

That don't include the butchering of

Another species so we can exist?

To want only what we need to live,

Instead of creating a false reality

Fed by unbridled lust and covetous-


To fall back into the natural order

Of day and night. Summer and

Winter. Light and darkness.

To be the balance keepers of all

That is for us to know, and use

Fairness with each other, instead

Of constant exploitation of each

Others goods.

I do not support drug use, or

Encourage anyone to try Psilocybin.

If you do, do not do it alone. Have someone with you that can remind

You of reality and keep you calm

If things get intense. This is for your

Own good. Again, I do not recommend

Doing hallucinagens.

This was for the purpose of

Presenting an idea of what the

Animals in our world think of us,

And to encourage the idea of

Becoming more symbient with our


This story is to encourage deeper

Critical thinking, and enlighten those

That are still seeking the answer to

Who we are, and why we are here.

We are here, because Life is a

Beautiful gift, unfortunately being

Squandered and exploited.

We are the image of The Creator

Of time and space, and that has no

Face, except Awesome it is within

Us, as it is everywhere at once and at

The same time, guiding matter through

Frequencies not understood by the

Human mind. It is the life essence,

Forever opposing darkness and death.

It can be seen in the first breath of a

Baby as it enters this world. It can be

Felt in the wind, whether it be angry or

Soothing. Destructive or cooling.

It is in everything, everywhere, and

It is all according to a precise design

That has been corrupted by Pride.

We are here to earn our way back to

What we once were.


Blessings brothers and sisters.

May Our Hearts Change For The

Sake Of All That We Know.

The End...   If We Don't.

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