Subhadeep Bandyopadhyay



Subhadeep Bandyopadhyay


A day in the life of Madhav Mishra

A day in the life of Madhav Mishra

7 mins


Present day

Character Sketch:

Madhav Mishra

Age:25 years

Weight:68 Kgs

Nationality: Indian

Complexion: Brown

No pre-existing condition

Frequently complains of fear physchosis (Faints occasionally)

Works in Glocal Tech support as CSR

Friendly,cheerful and extrovert.

Dr. Aashim Dubey reached the City hospital in no time. There he met psychologist and neuro-consultant Dr. Bhaskar Banerjee who was waiting for him. Dr. Aashim was handed a sheet of paper with the details above. He had never seen Bhaskar tensed before. For the last 35 years, they were busy in their own life and profession and fortunately or unfortunately their paths never crossed. Although good friends from their college days, they were so aloof that the only source of contact was the social media platform Watchglass where they had updated their contact whereabouts. The medical profession gives very less time to interact but now the same profession brought two friends closer,a small SMS stating " You are needed" and here was Aashim in front of Bhaskar, traversing thousands of kilometers with the boon of modern-day technology. His flight landed in Kolkata airport at the wee hours of the morning and now the two friends were having the first sip of black coffee after a gap of almost 4 decades.

"What do you want me to infer from this", Dr Aashim asked.

"Keep your voice low and enjoy your coffee for now. I know you are tired from the exhaustive journey you took just to help me. I could think of no-one to call except you. The subject is lying in the adjacent room. He was admitted last night when he became violent for the first time in his life. He complained of a recurrent dream and yelling he has to go near the "Wheel of wish". He is unmarried with only old parents in his house and it was quite obvious that his parents panicked which led to his friends and relatives to bring him here. He even tried to commit suicide."

"Any love angle here?",Aasim was mischievous with his smile"

"I don't know how you can be so casual when I am scratching my head just to reach the point of rescue?

I have observed peculiar things happening to people in the lockdown. I hope he doesn't drink or smoke ."

"Only occasionally", Bhaskar added. I have kept him on sedatives. You can rule out the love angle but I am more concerned about Wheel of wish. I don't find a mention of it in history or literature. This is perhaps my last case before retirement. Dear friend, please save me from disgrace."

"Boy, he may have read the novel by great Author Bibhu Datta Rout with the same name and may have got inspired in a negative way"

"And what about the recurrent dream?"

"Yes,this is a case of concern for sure. Let me see what I can do.This time Aashim had a reassuring and pleasant smile to comfort his friend."



BC 440

Age of Vaikuntha empire. King Avnighosha wanted to gift his wife a mode of transport that could run on ground and can be driven by horses. The wheel was still unknown in the empire. The king was whimsical at times, good-natured at another, and had declared if the driving force for the chariot can't be invented he would start killing his own people. He had named the driving force " The wheel of wish". He had met Astrologers, witches and wizards but everybody told him that his dream is ahead of time and neither he or his sons will come anywhere near the dream.

But only if he could meet a man, about 25 years, brown complexioned, with a height about half of the great boulder on an Aamavashya night, his magical kingdom could be saved.



AD 1656

Two mad scientists were at a conversation at their research lab named Tuten and Amon in a region in the present day east Mediterranean of a country called Annonim.

"What runs faster, the chariot, the horse, the thought or the wish?"

"The Wheel of Wish", I don't know why I said this but it came right from the heart. If we can find the wheel of wish,one day we wouldn't require the horses to drive the chariot but the chariot would fly in the air like a bird. Free and uninhibited.

"You are day dreaming my friend!. Your dream is ahead of time."

"Yes, everybody says so" 



(Warm hole is a gateway from the future to reach the present or past)

The Future AD 4947  

The microphone was on when this conversation was going on. The speakers were unaware that what the impact this conversation would have on their lives and on humanity. (Between two scientists again but from different generations)

" Should we go to the dinner organ

ized in our honour by the most famous personality of the 21 century Dr. Edward Lawing? "

" But why he wants to meet us when at his physical capacity neither move, talk or hear. He just responds through an artificial voice recovery system?"

"But the brain is very powerful. It can decipher the innermost thoughts of the heart ,predict the future and change the course of time"

Is the " warm hole open?"

"No, It will open with a small gateway in 149 days,56 hours,47 minutes, and 4 seconds". Sorry, I can't be more precise than this."

It will be too late and the dinner and the occasion will be over.

"By the way how much time we have to come back?"

"Only 4 earth seconds"

"This news is devastating"

"If the warm hole is not present now we can artificially create it just like we have artificial rain, to reach the party and stay a little longer there. But we will never have much time."

"Scientifically absurd and utter bullshit, I cannot invest the precious seconds of my life just to see his face and come back"

" How much we can stretch 4 earth seconds?"

" 140 times but with a condition. We have to find the wheel that can create the warm hole, almost 150 times bigger than what we have now"

" And where can we find the wheel?"

" I don't know but somehow I feel we will find it because it is a dying man's wish that we reach his party"



Present day

The conversation between Aashim and Bhaskar continues:

Aashim heads the conversation with a team of experts.

" Suppose there is a wheel and Madhav Mishra knows it can we take the support of hypnotism to take him back in time, so that we can understand the real cause for the trauma and this will add feathers to the ending careers of Dr. Bhaskar and me."

I have checked his B.P. sirs, and his pulse too and at his cardiac rate if the subject is put on hypnosis for more than 40 seconds he would collapse

But if we don't do anything now Bhaskar, Aashim took a breather he will end his life. These are early stages of Acute Psychotic Trauma .gradually he will be violent in search of the wheel of wish. He may become a menace to society. He may start killing people.

"And who will answer law, police and the media?", asked Bhaskar

" Don't worry. I have nothing to fear, Bhaskar found a tinge of enthusiasm in Aashim's face which died down in a whisker"

"Prepare the subject in 10 minutes and here we go in pursuit of the wheel of wish, Finish your coffee fast Aashim, Bhaskar couldn't contain his excitement!



BC 440

"A fortune that is not found in time

Is searched in deep tunnels of mind

For what heart speaks in whispers

Is what life shows in dreams!"

The king in endless pursuit finally found the man capable enough to give shape to his dream,"The wheel of wish"

On the day before the wheel of wish was about to be shown to the king, the chief architect Madhav Mohan,the present-day Madhav Mishra who worked day and night to give the dream of the king the shape of reality got a vision not to share his invention with the king for the king is a demonic one and if it falls in the hand of his team of sorcerers, they would disturb the very balance of time, the sacred sanctity of which has remained for ages.

And what shouldn't have happened? The king put Madhav Mohan in prison, blinded him, broke his knees, and just kept him alive to know where he had kept his priceless invention " The wheel of wish"




Where times met

And finally, the day when times met in eternity.

The past, present, and future through their hard effort and unending enthusiasm caught a glimpse of the wheel of wish to find the answer to the most potent question:

Why our civilization is utterly dependent on the wheel not only as a medium of transport but also to create fertile thoughts in the barren land and give an everlasting hope of survival to humanity!



1)The time was manipulated to help Madhav Mohan escape from prison

2)Madhav Mishra is fine now and he knows the cause of his fear and illness

3)The men of the future reached the party to give a cursory glance which got registered in the brain of Edward Lawling. His dying wish was fulfilled.

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