Neelima Deshpande

Romance Tragedy Classics


Neelima Deshpande

Romance Tragedy Classics

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link...

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link...

4 mins

"When we take care of the weakest portion of anything, we can enjoy the strongest part automatically. Let's apply the same principle in marriage! What do you think is the weakest part of your married life ?"

Marriage coach was asking Savitha who approached her to take professional help in understanding and making her married life happy and better forever.

"Umm. . . well there are many, as per every person's opinion but understanding is one of them which plays a vital role in making it successful or disaster !"

Savitha replied as per her experience.

"True, then what do you think was the weakest link in your marriage? Same thing ?? Understanding between you two?? Or something else?"

Coach raised next question to ponder Savitha. . .

"A year ago I got married with Rohan from Nagpur. We spent almost 5 years together before marriage when we were working in the same firm. We invested that precious time to understand each other and convince our parents too that we are perfect match for each other. Initially my parents were not ready but later Appa and Amma were happy with my decision. They planned a grand wedding for us as per my in-laws' wish. So I don't think that understanding was an issue between us. . . I mean me and Rohan. "

Savitha shared her opinion.

"Ok, that's good! Then tell me why Rohan is not ready to take you to his home again? Why did you leave him and return to Chennai? Just think over it again and then reply. . . "

The coach was trying to get some more points from her so that actual cause could be identified.

" Rohan, and I were very happy till first year of our marriage. We both were working, so most of our time was spent outside and we were hardly able to spend time with his family. So it was easy for me to ignore many comments made by his mother and sister on my accent and colour. But later I found that it was done purposely and his father also joined them. It was kind of a competition between me and Rohan's sister they had created. In every task done by us they were doing comparison and making fun of me. Rohan changed his job so we were not able to spend time together. In lockdown, things got worst. While doing my job of an 'Operational analyst, I found it hard for me to balance my work effectively and ignore their comments. "

Savitha finally gave lot many points and evidence what she had gone through.


" Have you shared this with Rohan? What was his role in it? Was he supportive?"

Coach asked to conclude to some point. . . .

" No, actually not. He was a different person that whom I loved and married. He was not ready to listen against his family. One day in argument, with my mother in law, I raised my voice too. She was not expecting it from me. That argument went in a wrong direction leading her to raise her hand on me and  physically abusing me which was very insulting for me. I took it as an alarming bell. So I also exchanged harsh bitter words with her and left home in anger. But now I can't live without Rohan, so I am talking to you. . . "

" I can understand what you have gone through. We can still make this marriage happening and happy. Your communication with Rohan must be initiated at first. He will be ready to speak with you only if he thinks that you respect his family. This is not the time to decide who was wrong? Relations get spoiled with ego. Your in- laws are elder than you, so

lead to say sorry to them. We will work upon your anger management and rebuild your relationship with Rohan to make it the same as it was earlier. "

Savitha did the same as suggested. She also took few more sessions till she won Rohan's heart again and made him understand his role in her life and what exactly she needs in terms of support from him. Rohan who was matured enough to understand that his mother is not going to change so soon, took the decision of living separately near to his parents so that he can save his marriage, can develop a strong bond with Savitha first and help Savitha to understand his family. He became a strong bridge between his family and Savitha till they understand each other's expectations and fulfill them smoothly.

Everything is possible when one decides. It's always easy to join hands with each other than to break hearts and suffer lifetime.

* All the points mentioned in stories are based on real life experiences leaving me less scope to change much in the story line except character and city names, professions, to hide the identity.

* These are not my opinions so I request you to read these stories as a case study and not personal opinions. If you read them in a broader context, I am sure it will help you out some where in life to gain some knowledge about handling relationships.

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