Chel Du



Chel Du


A call worth waiting for!

A call worth waiting for!

7 mins

Are you feeling lonely? That was how Cathy felt during the quarantine period. She was surrounded by family but still felt lonely. On Tuesday night, May 10th, she felt even more lonely as May 11th was her birthday. She was receiving a fleet of text messages, people from different parts of the world sending her advance birthday wishes. However, she was craving for a human’s voice to wish for her over the phone. In the current, fast paced and technology based life that we live in, people hardly take a minute to call and talk to each other. Talking over the phone is becoming obsolete. Now Cathy was quite old fashioned. She loved talking to people not through texts and emails, but through voice calls. She enjoyed listening to people as they smiled through the pleasant conversations. 

Cathy wanted at least one person to call her and wish her during the break of her birthday. Yes, she likes to make a fuss on her birthday. Cmon, it is her special day. So let us allow her to make a big deal out of it. As time went by, she started feeling more lonely and sad. She said to herself, “ Okay, let me talk to some stranger. Maybe it will help me with my loneliness” So she searched for a safe chat site and logged in as a Guest. There were numerous other people on the chat site. It overwhelmed her and she did not know who to start talking to. As she scrolled down the list of people present in the room, one Id caught her attention. It said Mat43. Her favorite number was 43. So she thought she would initiate a conversation with the Id. As she pinged the id, the response from the other side felt comforting. Within a matter of fifteen minutes, Cathy felt so comfortable with the person on the other end. They chatted on different topics, including family, profession and day to day lives.

Now it was going to be midnight soon and she was still chatting with this complete stranger. Cathy thought for a second and she pinged, “ Wish me Happy Birthday!” Seeing this message the stranger immediately wished her and asked if he was disturbing by chatting with her at the dawn of her birthday. Cathay, did not want to let the sweet stranger know that her family was asleep and no one was there to wish her at the best moment, lied that her birthday was all done and was just coming to an end. She felt super happy with the wish and little did the stranger dude know that he had made her birthday a lively one with his wish. They chatted for nearly an hour and thirty minutes. Cathy had to leave and as she was about to say goodbye, the cute stranger dude asked her, “ When will you be online tomorrow? Can we continue talking?” 

That moment, Cathy’s heart got excited, a feeling that she had not experienced for a very long time. She immediately gave the dude a timing and slept with a smile. The stranger dude had no clue that he had made her smile that night and would always make her smile. Starting the next morning, Cathy and the stranger dude, alias Raja started chatting hours together both morning and night. Now what made it interesting was that, they both lived in two different continents and their days and nights were swapped. Did it really matter? No it did not. They looked forward to saying Good Morning and Good Night, twice during a 24 hour period. Everything around them seemed beautiful. They did not feel sleepy any more and could keep talking for hours together with each other. Their talks were about their day to day life, past life, future dreams, friends, family, current news and many others. They both were dreamers and loved to visit a virtual world filled with beauty and positivity. They were discovering new things within themselves which they have never felt with anyone else. They were

drawn to each other in a sweet way. 

Days flew by and they were still chatting at all the times they could. It was a kind of likeish, careish attraction between them. When they could not chat, they missed each other. They used Clouds and Leaves as their messengers when they could not directly talk to each other. It was a cuteish kind of feeling between Cathy and Raja. 

After 20 days of constant chat, Cathy was ready to have a voice call. Remember, she loves hearing people talk and not just through words. She typed to Raja, “Hey, shall we have a call ? “ and was nervously waiting to see a Yes. But she was shocked to see a No from Raja. Cathy could not understand. Raja keeps chatting with her, so why not a voice call, even if it maybe for a minute. The No hurt Cathy’s feelings. It puzzled her into thinking that maybe she was not talking to a person who she imagined as Raja. She was straightforward with Raja about it. Raja, being the genuine guy, told her, “ Hey, I am Raja and I am who I said I am. Now about the call, I would like to take some more time. I want our talk to be special. Trust me and please wait for some time” Raja’s request sounded sincere and Cathy felt nice just cause Raja used the word special with her. Cathy decided to wait. Certain things are worth waiting for, isnt it? 

After 45 days of more chats, fights between them, and make up’s after each fight, there was a deep yearn between them to hear each other’s voice. One Thursday night, Raja pinged Cathy and said .” Hey C, thank you for trusting me all this while. I was finding a way for us to safely move on to the voice call and make that our space, as what we have between us is unique and not everyone can understand it. I have done my research and found a safe app just for us to be present. Our own kingdom where I am your Raja and you are my Rani. We are special di, so I needed to find a special place for us. Are you ready to hear my voice ? “ Hearing this, Cathy’s heart skipped a beat. On the other end, Raja was now nervously waiting for a response. Cathy was so excited that she was now thinking what her first words should be. Her fingers were taking a while to type the word Yes to Raja, as she was savoring the moment. After a whole 3 minute pause, she typed

Yes. Raja’s body and lips shivered as he saw the Yes. They both were frenzied and emotions were intense. They were not going to wait another second more. Raja immediately typed the app’s name and Cathy hurriedly downloaded it, as she thought to herself of how protective Raja was of her. Within seconds, Raja called her through the app. Cathy held her phone in her hands just watching the call come through. This was the moment that she had been waiting for. Just as she was about to take the call, the phone slipped from her hands, fell down on the mosaic floor and crashed into two pieces. Cathy was in tears now. She rushed to the computer to let Raja know what happened. Raja was extremely disappointed. It was destiny that they could not hear each other, that night. People/ Readers, should we allow destiny to take over or help Cathy and Raja to work towards making the impossible, possible?

I think we should help them overcome destiny, as they seem to be falling in love with each other and I don't think they know that. But don't we?! Let us guide them. 

Cathy, don’t feel sad, pick up the phone pieces and get it fixed by the next week. Raja, embrace Cathy with your words and keep her smiling as you always make her do so. A beautiful day is already planned by God for you both to speak to each other and enjoy your voice call. Wait for that day as it is not too far off !!!

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