Gayatri Chitale
Horror Action Thriller Abstract
A Bridge Made...
Heroes & Brot...
She was walking in the middle of the forest. On her left-hand side, there was a thick bush. She was walking in the middle of the forest. On her left-hand side, there was a ...
The three sitting in the room of the warehouse stared at each other in wide eyes, all filled with co... The three sitting in the room of the warehouse stared at each other in wide eyes...
Professor Sudarshan Saxena was an expert on cave paintings. He was part of the expeditions that expl... Professor Sudarshan Saxena was an expert on cave paintings. He was part of the e...
Sonia’s true identity as the Princess of Rajmahal is revealed as she faces the curse that haunts her... Sonia’s true identity as the Princess of Rajmahal is revealed as she faces the c...
It's not everyday that a five year old tells you that he'll save you from a ghost. Shall I, or shall... It's not everyday that a five year old tells you that he'll save you from a ghos...
Medha and her husband Akash had recently shifted into this flat in ‘HighRise’. Medha and her husband Akash had recently shifted into this flat in ‘HighRise’.
Roxanne suddenly woke up. Sweating and shivering, she sat up on her bed. It was 2:15 AM, exactly the... Roxanne suddenly woke up. Sweating and shivering, she sat up on her bed. It was ...
He was pissing me off He was pissing me off
Robert, an 8-year-old schoolboy, and his family become stranded on a terrifying and enigmatic land c... Robert, an 8-year-old schoolboy, and his family become stranded on a terrifying ...
Was the soul of my father here, as well? Did my father love Sheila's mother as much or was there any... Was the soul of my father here, as well? Did my father love Sheila's mother as m...
At the Cosmic Café, two lost souls find solace in each other's stories. A journey of healing, connec... At the Cosmic Café, two lost souls find solace in each other's stories. A journe...
Surprisingly, she never visits. Surprisingly, she never visits.
How do you know you are alive; does a body know its dead...does the soul live on... How do you know you are alive; does a body know its dead...does the soul live on...
“I can’t find my mom.” Startled, I looked closer at the child. Pale, her long, dark hair hanging loo... “I can’t find my mom.” Startled, I looked closer at the child. Pale, her long, d...
The man starts walking slowly towards Alan, “No. I didn’t kidnap you. I am a good person. I saved yo... The man starts walking slowly towards Alan, “No. I didn’t kidnap you. I am a goo...
It was late winter afternoon when I entered the small hutment on the sides of a large pond with tran... It was late winter afternoon when I entered the small hutment on the sides of a ...
Father Joseph took out the Holy Cross from his Holy Robe Father Joseph took out the Holy Cross from his Holy Robe
Detective Roy Arora and AJ bond like never before, solving cases after cases until one unusual and f... Detective Roy Arora and AJ bond like never before, solving cases after cases unt...
The Queen of Abitsar stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes automatically were drawn to he... The Queen of Abitsar stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes automatica...
It took me about two weeks to convince father to let me do this. It took me about two weeks to convince father to let me do this.