This is a mysterious story full of thriller, tragedy, and suspense. This story is based on vampires ... This is a mysterious story full of thriller, tragedy, and suspense. This story i...
After running for a few hours, I ceased, looked around and found myself standing in the middle of a ... After running for a few hours, I ceased, looked around and found myself standing...
The time has come to end the fear, to end the adversary The time has come to end the fear, to end the adversary
As soon as my wolf pushed through, tingles flooded my wolf form. Claw was so surprised he jumped off... As soon as my wolf pushed through, tingles flooded my wolf form. Claw was so sur...
They didn't want me returning when I am grown to reclaim the throne They didn't want me returning when I am grown to reclaim the throne
Awash in the amber light of an August moon, she lay exposed, illuminating her feminine bounty. Awash in the amber light of an August moon, she lay exposed, illuminating her fe...