Toya Nath Chapagain

Romance Others


Toya Nath Chapagain

Romance Others



1 min


Winter Season

All the joyful moments with fog and chilly bite,

Keeps amazing slopes on snowy white.

Tendering the hopes for pleasant solar rays,

Curving into the depth of winter days.

Oops! What a pain with brutal frostbite,

Dragging the living against the chilly fight.

Napping the nights very uncomfortably,

Promised to keep in mind unconditionally.

Chirping birds awaiting the warm springs,

Anticipate the day hopefully that it brings.

Nestlings are impatient to fly very high,

Cuckoo has stopped to sing due to chilly sigh.

Trees are anxious to get the nature green,

Changing the circumstance of cosmic screen.

Travellers are longing for their destined trip,

Awaiting for the worthy warmth of sunny peep.

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