True Beauty
True Beauty

People consider you ugly
But believe me, you are the most beautiful soul in my sight.
They go on your figure
But believe me, I see your adorable beauty of truthfulness.
They notice your black color
But believe me, I find you beautiful with a pure heart.
They judge you on your ugly voice
But believe me, I find you beautiful with your glorious smile
They see your dark ugly eyes
But believe me, I find you beautiful with a positive spark in your eyes ve
ry beautiful.
They see your ugly attire
But believe me, I find your hard work beautiful through which you had that attire
They see your ugly economical status
But believe me, I find your sacrifices for your dear ones very beautiful
They notice your harsh ugly face
But believe me, I find your humanity very beautiful
They judge you to the highest level of ugliness
But believe me, I just compliment you for your eternal beauty....................... TO A BEAUTIFUL SOUL.