Saatyaki S/o Seshendra Sharma



Saatyaki S/o Seshendra Sharma




2 mins

The dim darkness-the diffused light-dimness of one merging into the other-imparting more length to the long trees that are standing like stretched out shadows wearing stars in their hair-

silence is imparting more depth to the darkness

in this advaita where darkness is merged into silence, my mind wakes up, now not only sound but even a ray of light is a violent disturbance to the profoundness of peace-

in such moments deep truths unveil themselves-now I realize it is not sound but in silence melody lives-

I am born out of flowers and silences- while passing my hand brushed against a flower,

I asked 'are you bruised? ‘‘Me or you' smiling, the flower questioned back-

the heart of my pen broke and split blood; - I do not know which paper can bear this pen-

In the gigantic silences of forests, which touch the blue skies, the carpenter bird pecks at the trunks of great trees which echo, far rea

ching sounds-what can he do among the tiny crotons?

I ate days like fruits-now I eat drops of tears like grapes-

frightened by the sun took refuge under shades-

sitting on the pavement eating dreams from eyes like ice cream with spoons-

measuring my life with dark evenings- I distributed my wealth once with meters,

now I scatter with handfuls my future letting it fly in all directions-

I washed my heart in tears and dried it over poetry-

walked past wearing people on my body like shawls-

in the assemblies of flames; in countries abroad I raised my gypsy voice and sang mixing earth and sky-

this country is the graveyard of my genius-

however fast I walk the distance remains the same.

This land is thirsty for my blood,

it is snoring in the little shades of pigmy trees-

I picked my pen and dipped it in the sun to write a summer song for my nation-

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