Kavya Gogula
Too close to touch,
Too close to kiss,
Too close to hug,
Too close to love,
Yet too far to admit it
His Love..
Grey Shirt
Too Close
It Wasn't Lov...
Tiny Life
Beautiful Day...
Another Autum...
If Love Is Re...
Within the walls, his story resides, within his massive capsule. Within the walls, his story resides, within his massive capsule.
I see you standing there in plane cardigan with a glass of wine I see you standing there in plane cardigan with a glass of wine
I want to tempt The hands of faith I want to tempt The hands of faith
I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach... I must speak to you by such means as are within my reach...
He puts both the halves together with the way he splits them when they are born separately, He puts both the halves together with the way he splits them when they are born ...
Till then, I 'll cherish every moment of our First Meeting and hope to spend my entire life with you... Till then, I 'll cherish every moment of our First Meeting and hope to spend my ...
The mirror you have - it never lies. Be it the night or day full of light, The mirror you have - it never lies. Be it the night or day full of light,
Theatre tickets and my grandparents went a long way. Theatre tickets and my grandparents went a long way.
Even if it sounds silly, love has a language all its own... Even if it sounds silly, love has a language all its own...
You will always be a special part of my life, and you will always hold a special place in my heart a... You will always be a special part of my life, and you will always hold a special...
The main thing to remember is that making love is at once the silliest and the most sacred act human... The main thing to remember is that making love is at once the silliest and the m...
I stared into the keyhole of a lifetime, to see what was beyond, In a colorful kaleidoscope and m... I stared into the keyhole of a lifetime, to see what was beyond, In a colorfu...
The poem describes love as a verb and as strong as death. The poem describes love as a verb and as strong as death.
The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or j... The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling...
What you want is a wonderful stroke of luck. What you want is a wonderful stroke of luck.
Am still a stupid kid at heart, I do go wrong sometimes... Am still a stupid kid at heart, I do go wrong sometimes...
You caress me with your long soft hair Covering my eyes with your eyelids clouding my mind You caress me with your long soft hair Covering my eyes with your eyelids clo...
Why stand at a place where you’re not meant to be? Why stand at a place where you’re not meant to be?
Has cast me upon its bosom; sorrow has conquered me. Has cast me upon its bosom; sorrow has conquered me.
In a hurry to get away, He had missed fuelling his own car In a hurry to get away, He had missed fuelling his own car