A Lovely Castle
A Lovely Castle

When young, he was told the stories of the castles of old,
The walls, towers and lavish decorations,
He was indeed intrigued by the things he was told.
Their childhood of his was not uncommon,
Filled with laughter, school and friends.
One event left him scarred though,
In an accident, he was left without his parents.
He was alone, ignored for years,
He worked with blood, sweat and tears.
One day he met a girl,
Happiness was near.
He was inspired. He didn’t come from much,
Her family did,
He worked and got covered in mud,
To the point of bleeding from his fingertips.
From early morning he would rise,
Money, status on his mind.
A drive,
Until the darkness of night, he would lie.
They did spend time together,
Under the moon and its light,
Her parents figured it,
So her freedom they tethered.
After many years he struck wealth,
Even more so than the family that kept her,
He was a giant, a monopoly he created
His actions didn’t go unnoticed, even to strangers.
He was acknowledged and was able to marry her,
They were indeed in love,
The life they lived was a dream to both,
They found success in life and love
Travelled they did, they saw the world.
He was inspired by her,
Her eyes, her heart,
In his eyes, she glowed.
Her parents never said a word,
Through his hands and wit, he had ridiculed them in their own game,
From the lowest, he had emerged.
But they were happy, their daughter was wealthy, but also this tycoon gave her fame
Their w
ealth was immense,
And their love was intense.
When the royals around them were vanishing,
They were the ones that were rising.
They built an empire of steel and coal,
While on weekends they swam on shores.
The world was watching them,
They weren’t royals, but they resembled them.
All the money and fame couldn’t stop life,
Or rather a part of it,
One that isn’t experienced while living,
But the end, the finish line.
Life took her away from him,
Everything he achieved was for her,
It was her death that made his life dim,
He remembered the stories, and so an idea came to him.
He gathered the land and resources, and spent his remaining life building it,
A grand temple to their happiness and adventures.
He based it on the stories, his childhood and dreams.
It was a castle, he built it until his eyes were ready to sleep.
Old man John never got to see the structure,
He did believe a castle would be fitting,
She was his life, his muse and queen,
He didn’t see it through, so what a pity.
He died alone,
He died cold,
During winter,
But his work was set in stone
The construction did not stop,
It was finished three years after,
His furnishings and loot from his life were brought in,
Although no one knows who funded it
Thanks to the mystery funds
We can appreciate it,
For without it we would never have the monument
Along with the love the man left behind
The colossal still stands to this day,
It reminds us of his undying love, the fray.
The story of a man, his wife and castle,
Within the walls, his story resides, within his massive capsule.