Stung by a Bee
Stung by a Bee

Dear Diary,
Buzz, buzz said the bee,
from my window beside the Guava tree.
Bees how hard they work,
like an office going clerk.
Being stung by a bee was what I desired,
getting a taste of their magical power was all I required.
Their magical power to brew up potions,
as affective as good sunscreen lotions.
The day was today when my wish was granted,
a bee's sting upon me was planted.
In the evening I was playing basketball in the backyard,
a perfect shot down the ring hit a bee off guard.
Angrily it attacked me
with its pointed sting,
upon my neck and my ear, it made me cringe.
I stepped back my head was spinning,
No thoughts about superpowers from bee sting's were coming.
Tears of anguish rolled down my face,
Iron key was rubbed to bring out the sting if it went deep in case.
The sting came out but the fear remained,
I was going to die was what I was afraid.
I could feel the poison roll over,
would a little bee be the reason for my game over?
Well, I am still alive as I writing this in you,
About my yearning to be stung by a bee? -- That I bid adieu!