Lakshmi Gopal

Drama Action


Lakshmi Gopal

Drama Action

Time will tell

Time will tell

1 min

2020 , what an year it has been,

Expecting a lot at the beginning of the year

Planning, contemplating a lot , where to go during summer !

Um, the news of a virus starts to trickle in,

Where is it? Wuhan , China

Now, now, we go about our daily jobs

Another breaking news, the virus is spreading and is going to reach us too. 

Um.. what do I do?

Lockdown is screamed about louder and louder

Have to sit at home all day - what do I do?

Plan, alter the lifestyle and plan again

New normal , people shout,

Uh! is this really going to be a new way of life

Time will tell , waiting in baited breadth! 

Time will tell, Good news, a vaccine perhaps 

Time will tell. 

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