Deepu Ramesh

Drama Others


Deepu Ramesh

Drama Others

The XL Empress

The XL Empress

2 mins

Have you ever felt annoyed to see the mirror?

Just because you're guilty of the way your body look.

I'm not pretty much interested about my body.

I look at myself in the mirror,

I couldn't stop, but wonder!

How generously I have been growing up all these years,

by feeding my greedy tummy with what ever is tastily edible.

I look at my hands and gasp,

it's like carrying punching bags with me.

It benefited by punching people who body shames others.

I walk with pillars,

That are made of flesh, blood and bone.

Those pillars has kept me strong from people who laughed at my physique.

I don't have any idea when the hell did I fed balloons inside the gate way.

Probably, it couldn't travel through the food pipe,

It stayed at both the side of my mouth.

Now, people call it us cheeks.

They enjoy pulling and purr it as cute,

The worst thing about being fat is you regret your body,

While people adore you as a living teddy bear.

They th

ink I can be good in bed, to cuddle!

The actual source of problem comes from the food-grabber,

if I don't feed it, it will hide.


It reappears when I feed it with delicacies.

This belly has helped me,

To wear my father's shirt.

People have been bad at me,

But a non-living thing that has been brutal to me is the dressing room mirror.

It shows the raw me with curves,

The curves I developed due to the midnight craving for ice creams.

Because I couldn't curl up my mouth at that chill calorie adder.

When people show humanity to me in food with some extra love,

I got to wear extra large dresses.

As a result of the extra ordinary people in my life.

The worst night mare to me is to see my weight,

The reason why I hated number series in mathematics.

I'm not going to fit into the figure of 36-29-28,

But I had figured out something important,

"You need not care about inches,

To cross the bridges to be beautiful, princess!"

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