Drama Inspirational



Drama Inspirational



1 min

Queens stitch up their heart back into place, 

Pick up themselves and walk back into the race, 

Queens don't break, they just rise like a Phoenix,

Write their own story and turn it into a masterpiece. 

Well, queens don't hate, queens don't cry,

They just love and brighten up the sky. 

They can turn stones into crystals, 

There ain't any mountain a queen can't conquer. 

Queens have a fairy wand to transform the world, 

And heart as pure as a cry of newborn child. 

She is a rainbow in her kingdom's cloud, 

And an angel dancing in the stormiest of nights. 

She is bold, beautiful and brave, 

Walking on the fire, stumbling in the moonlight, 


aving her way, determined to make it to twilight. 

She might not have a tiara, 

But she follows her dreams with her charisma, 

Unbreakable she is, with wings of her own she flies, 

Let me tell you, even the brightest stars are jealous of the sparkle in her eyes. 

She will always fight for what is right, 

She ain't need a castle to prove her might, 

She is love, she is light,

An angel who can haunt her enemies in the dreamiest of nights. 

You all got a queen in your heart, 

Fire in you which no one can tear apart, 

You are perfect in this imperfectly perfect world,

 So, Hold tight on your unicorn and patiently wait for the magic to unfurl. 

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