Emotionally Yours!

Emotionally Yours!

1 min

Every step we pick up in life is filled with Actions,

Rooted in us deeply playing Pros and Cons.

Our deepest thoughts,

Expressing Emotions.

Losing what you value at all,

Encourages you to crash things across the wall.

Emotions – ANGER.

Long Lost my dove,

Rolling down Tear

For the partner

Who ditched me in Love.

Emotions – Melancholy

Generation down the Line,

Elder’s words we overlook,

Their yelling we treat as ‘Fine’,

Are nothing but the

Emotions – Fear.


hat would happen?

Is not based on any attraction!

It is the ongoing thought,

Of every parent.

Emotions – Worry.

Parents and siblings you have,

Bonding a great you share,

For the family it is behove,

Emotions – Love.

Your friends are,

Are the highest of your concern?

Your Greatest Attraction,

Desire and Affection,

Emotions – Compassion.

Emotions is always at its peak,

It is an applied technique.

Existing construction in our body,

Always remaining a Spotty.

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