A Talk With The Fear
A Talk With The Fear

The fear talks to me often and sometimes seizes my soul
Then it says hey! I am here to crumble the whole
It says 'I will suck the life out of you'
It says 'I will snatch your every hue'
It says 'I will imprison your sprits and I will tear you into bits'
The fear____it comes to me as a dark night
It puts me down and makes my head light
The fear____it says 'I will suck every tear out of you'
It says 'I will drink every drop of blood from you__
Ah! It says I will put you to failure'
It says 'I am the road and you are the driver'
OH! My heart, this fear is like a hound ,It trembles me with its sound
The fear____it continues and says 'I will do everything, for I want
to test your courage,
'And I Want to make you a savage'
The fear__ It say 'but still if you persist then I will become your shield'
It says 'I will transform myself into courage and I will lie within you'
It says ' I will stay there to give you strength and I will return your hue'
It says ' if you persist I will give you sprits to see the light and I will take away every dark night'
The fear says 'Dear just try not to afraid of me, I am here I will always be here,
But try to handle handle me cautiously with care'
It says ' Oh Dear_ when you get to know me I will become a magic spell and give you courage, and you then you will never be afraid.